Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 143 Opening - Part [-]

Chapter 143 Opening - Part [-] (first order required)
"Maoming, do you just watch your wife Tang Ying being bullied?"

The shrew sitting on the ground had tears in her eyes, her body was dirty, and she didn't look like a noble lady at all.

"Tang Ying?"

Tang Xiaohu suddenly felt nauseated as if he had lost his appetite. When did the Tang family produce such a shrew? It was a shame to the ancestors.

"Don't worry, baby, I will tell this store to close today!"

He Maoming looked confident and arrogant, picked up the phone and dialed out.

The behind-the-scenes boss of the Karl Center, known as Master Yu, has a business relationship with him.

Although he is begging for others, but the choice between a company and a store, I believe this Master Yu should know how to choose.

"It's just right, I'm going to the Karl Center too, just wait for me."

With Master Yu's personal promise, He Maoming directly gave his daughter-in-law an encouraging look.

That shrew named Tang Ying immediately became even more arrogant. Her husband was always good to her, and she was used to everything.

Since the couple made a fortune and became nouveau riche, they have become increasingly arrogant and domineering, thinking that everything can be settled with money.

Just at this time, it was close to twelve o'clock in the noon, and the opening guests in twos and threes began to arrive.

"Congratulations, Brother Xiaohu has a happy opening!"

"Brother Xiaohu, we thank you for all the flowers waiting for you, the fairy fruit shop!"

"Brother Xiaohu, is there any discount today?"

Bosses came over one after another, all holding a flower basket in their hands.

None of them brought any entourage, and they did it all by themselves, carrying the flower baskets by themselves.

In high society, this shows respect for the master.

Wow, Zong Zong of the Hehe Group!
Chen Ou, Mr. Chen of Super Pin Club!
Mr. Zheng Lao, Chairman of Dongjiang Chamber of Commerce!
Dong Jie of Style Electric!
What's up with this Nima?
Seeing the characters coming one after another, He Maoming was about to collapse.

What kind of big man is the owner of this fruit shop? He actually asked so many top business bosses to congratulate him.

You must know that your own Dongming Dairy Industry is like a township enterprise compared with these big groups.

But this is not over yet, another wave of big shots arrives.

"Little Tiger, last time at Huwei Building Materials Factory, I saw that you had a lot of ideas. I didn't expect to see you in a few days, and you have started a new business again!"

A man of about 40 years old stepped in, with an extraordinary bearing, and he looked like he had been in the upper class for a long time.

"Sun Mingyi, Director Sun of the Municipal Bureau!"

He Maoming gasped. Although Dongjiang is the capital city of the province, the daily management still belongs to the city, and the provincial departments are not directly involved.

This Sun Mingyi is the well-deserved leader of the police force in Dongjiang City. He never expected that he would also come to tailor for such a small fruit shop.

Can a fruit shop be opened in such a place, can it be a simple character?What a pig brain.

Thinking of this, He Maoming quickly kicked his daughter-in-law who was sitting on the ground. Tang Ying was not a complete idiot. Seeing so many big men driving here, she vaguely knew that she might have bumped into an iron plate.

At that moment, she wobbled and moved quietly towards the corner of the wall, with a flustered expression, she looked very downcast, and she didn't even look like a lady.

"Director Chai of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau!"

"The Acting Director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce!"

"Director Jiang from the Municipal Finance Bureau!"

Seeing one big person after another coming in, holding flower baskets, and congratulating the opening ceremony of this small fruit shop, He Maoming's spiritual world was about to go into confusion.

What kind of monster is that young man!
I saw that he was talking and laughing at the moment, and he didn't have the slightest stage fright in the face of so many big people.

When I was my age, I was still digging in the fields.For a moment, He Maoming felt a deep sense of inferiority.

"Mayor Jiang!"

Finally, He Maoming and Tang Ying were terrified when they saw the parents of Dongjiang City, the city Changjiang Tianlei, appearing in person to give a congratulatory speech to the opening ceremony of this small fruit shop.

This is the big man who controls the real life and death of Dongming Dairy. As long as Mayor Jiang says a word, Dongming Dairy will disappear in an instant.

"I'll never pretend to be any more!"

For the first time, He Maoming and Tang Ying felt the sourness of pretending to be reversed.

"Maoming, what do you want from me?"

When He Maoming and Tang Ying were falling into deep fear, a gentle voice sounded, giving them a glimmer of hope.

"It's Old Yu!"

As long as Mr. Yu is willing to make decisions for himself, these people will kneel no matter how awesome they are!
Yu Chun stared at the embarrassed two people in front of him with kindness on his face.

This He Maoming counted as having cooperated with him a few times, but after seeing some problems with his character, the cooperation gradually faded away.

There is a class gap between people!
When this gap is stretched to infinity, the other party will be more kind to you.

This is not because you are too weak, but because you have never been really valued by him.

To put it bluntly, in his eyes, you are an ant.

With an ant, what do you think I care about?
The current old Yu and He Maoming have such a relationship.

But when he came here just now, through the mouth of the mall security personnel, Yu Chun understood the truth of the whole matter.

Offending me, Yu Chun, may be fine, but offending Senior Xiaohu is absolutely unforgivable.

"Go, I will seek justice for you!"

Yu Chun couldn't help saying, a vise-like big hand wrapped around He Maoming's shoulder, and led him towards Tang Xiaohu.

Tang Ying, the embarrassed woman, swept away the fear on her face, immediately got up triumphantly, and followed closely behind the two of them.

With the backing of Mr. Yu, no matter what today, I have to show that brat's face and let him know that my aunt is not easy to mess with.

"Xiaohu, I brought you the man, you can figure it out."


He Maoming became paralyzed all of a sudden, didn't Mr. Yu come to seek justice for himself, why did he still show his affection to this young man.

The script is logically not like this!
Looking at the surprised gazes around him again, He Maoming's old face turned into a liver-colored color, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in.

I'm afraid that from today onwards, this Dongjiang will no longer have a place for himself.

To offend this terrible boy is to offend everyone here.

They can easily crush themselves to death with a casual finger.

"The dog bites me, do you think I must bite the dog?"

"Right, Old Man Yu!"

Tang Xiaohu looked at the embarrassed two indifferently, where was the brilliance at the beginning.

People, it is only after losing that they feel precious and cherish it.

For these two people, Tang Xiaohu didn't bother to bother.

Today's grand opening day, don't let these two bastards get in the way.

Wave your hand and tell these two people to get out of here!

Then He Maoming and Tang Ying got up in a panic and ran away in a panic.

"Mr. Tang, it's still your benevolence!"

Mr. Yu sighed, this senior Tang Xiaohu is really no one else.

"He Maoming!"

The people present looked at the two who left in embarrassment, thoughtfully.

Offending Senior Xiaohu, and leaving in such a safe and sound way, Senior Xiaohu doesn't care, it doesn't mean they won't care about Senior Xiaohu.

If these two people know each other, it's better to quit Dongjiang quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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