Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 153: Clearing the Clouds and Seeing the Moon

Chapter 153: Clearing the Clouds and Seeing the Moon
After hesitating for a while, Tang Xiaohu finally decided to visit Mr. Liang himself.

After all, time waits for no one. If Wang Yida can't handle it anymore, the matter will be exposed by the media or Yida Real Estate's competitors.

At that time, the storm has already formed, even if Tang Xiaohu renovates and completes the podium, it will not make much sense.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaohu didn't delay any longer. He quickly climbed out of the construction site wall, took a taxi and headed straight for the Provincial Construction Institute.

The old professor Liang Zhensheng left his home address last time, and invited Tang Xiaohu to visit him many times, but Tang Xiaohu always retreated.

This time when he came downstairs to Professor Liang, Tang Xiaohu couldn't help sighing. As a figure in the Huaguo architecture industry, Professor Liang did not pursue material comforts. He lived in a family building built by the Provincial Institute of Architecture in the last century. building.

Those who concentrate on learning will always be the most respectable group of people.

"Tang Xiaohu!"

Tang Xiaohu knocked on the door and entered the room, Old Professor Liang couldn't help but look surprised.

This Tang Xiaohu, I invited him several times but never came, so why did he suddenly come to the door.

"Tell me, what difficulties did you encounter?"

What kind of person old Professor Liang is, he can see Tang Xiaohu clearly, he is a down-to-earth young man who is willing to work hard.

If this is an ordinary entrepreneur, if he invites him to the door, he will come here in a hurry.

Although Old Professor Liang doesn't speak, he can tremble three times in the construction industry when he speaks, just because of being invited by Professor Liang, it will definitely give him a green light all the way in the construction industry in the future.

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, Liang Zhensheng, who is very accurate in seeing people, can tell at a glance that Tang Xiaohu is in trouble.

It's so difficult that he came to ask himself, it seems that this matter is not a small matter, which means that this young man is determined to open his fire dragon brick technology to himself.

"I really can't hide anything from Mr. Liang."

Tang Xiaohu smiled shyly. Old Professor Liang is a person who has lived for many years. How could he hide his little thoughts from him.

He didn't hide anything at the moment, and explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly. Of course, Tang Xiaohu mentioned how he improved the strength of the podium building in the middle.

This is his core secret. In Liang Lao's view, it is a unique technology, and of course he does not want to spread it to the outside world.

"So you're not begging me for yourself?"

Old Professor Liang was a little moved, this Tang Xiaohu, I really did not misjudge him.

Even if you come to visit, you are not here for yourself. What is lacking in this society is this kind of entrepreneur who values ​​friendship and dedication.

What's more, this Tang Xiaohu is still so young, he must have a bright future in the future.

"Old Liang, I would like to tell you the material of the Dragon Brick!"

Hearing Old Professor Liang's words, Tang Xiaohu couldn't help feeling anxious, fearing that Old Professor Liang wouldn't care about it because it wasn't his own business, so he decided to take some Runtu from the fairy world for Professor Liang to study.

The success of Fire Dragon Brick is due to many factors, and the Runtu alone is nothing unusual, so Tang Xiaohu is more at ease.

The Fire Dragon Brick has a huge relationship, Tang Xiaohu must be cautious if he wants to open up its technology.

"Tang Xiaohu, I think you have misunderstood, if what you said is true, then it's okay for me to help you.

Judging from the craftsmanship of your dragon brick, you must have better technology that you haven't come up with, but a patented technology is the lifeblood of a company, and I, Lao Liang, will definitely not take advantage of others.

Although I want your Dragon Brick technology to study and benefit the society, I also understand your difficulties.

Well, I'll help you with this. "

After Old Professor Liang finished speaking, he picked up the phone next to him and called Li Hongqi, the director of the Urban Construction Bureau.

Old Professor Liang is an upright person, and it is absolutely impossible to take advantage of his danger to seize Tang Xiaohu's technology.On the contrary, he firmly believes that he will not misjudge people, as long as he treats each other with sincerity, Tang Xiaohu will be willing to share with him one day, so as to promote the overall progress of the construction industry.

In Mr. Liang's heart, there has always been only the country and the nation, not the individual.

And this Li Hongqi was a protégé of Old Professor Liang in his early years. He stepped into the official career these years, relying on his talents and learning, he sat all the way to the position of director of the Urban Construction Bureau.

Old Professor Liang made this call to Li Hongqi just to reassess the architectural strength of the podium, and had no other ideas.

Mr. Liang can help within the rules, but he will never violate his professional ethics. If the construction strength of the podium project of Yida City is still not up to standard, then Professor Liang will let Li Hongqi deal with it impartially, and will never bend the law for personal gain. .

And this is exactly what Tang Xiaohu needs!

"Let's go, let's take a look!"

Having already witnessed the miracle of the Fire Dragon Brick, Old Professor Liang is also very curious about this time. He wants to see what this Tang Xiaohu can do to reverse all this.

Therefore, after making the phone call, the old professor Liang Zhensheng stood up and wanted to go and have a look in person.

"Old Liang, don't worry, one day, I will definitely share this technology with the world!"

Tang Xiaohu also has his own considerations. There is no doubt that he urgently needs to develop now, so this fire dragon brick technology can not be let go easily as his profit guarantee.

But one day, when I stand at a certain height and no longer fear those who may pose a threat to me, I can give back to this country and even the planet.

God rewards those who work hard, and there are more rules!

Alipay in the fairy world will not come to me for no reason. This is my own opportunity and the opportunity of all mankind.

"Let me replace the fairy world and make some contributions to mankind within my ability." Tang Xiaohu decided silently.

"Okay, I believe you!"

Liang Zhensheng said, he seldom misjudged people, Tang Xiaohu was a young man, he could definitely trust him.

"what 's wrong?"

When Tang Xiaohu and old professor Liang Zhensheng arrived at the Yida City project site, they immediately felt something was wrong.

The gate of the project site was opened, and it looked as if it had been destroyed by violence. The janitor Tang Xiaohu saw earlier fell to the ground and groaned in pain.


Tang Xiaohu was full of doubts. Mr. Liang had just called before. It was impossible for the relevant identification and law enforcement teams from the Urban Construction Bureau and the Provincial Construction Institute to come so soon.

Besides, they represent the face of the government, so it is impossible to attack such a janitor.

"not good!"

Tang Xiaohu's expression changed instantly. The one who came to attack the construction site at this time could only be the enemy of Yida Real Estate.

Looks like the news has leaked!
"Did you call your chairman?"

Tang Xiaohu took out the Du'er gold needle that he carried with him, and took a few needles to regulate Qi and unblock the collaterals, and the old man who watched the door was alive and kicking immediately.

Old Professor Liang, who was watching this with one hand, was amazed, and became more interested in Tang Xiaohu.

It seems that this young man really has a lot of secrets!
(End of this chapter)

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