Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 154 The shock of 2 in a row and 3 in a row - Part [-]

Chapter 154 One after another shock - Part [-] (seeking first order)
"The chairman will be here soon!"

The janitor's face was bruised, but his body was fine, and he was looking sad at the moment.

You said that you provoked someone, so watch the door carefully, why did you get beaten for no reason.

"Who are the people in there?"

Tang Xiaohu continued to ask, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

But he had to be steady and stop things from getting worse. The fate of the second uncle was in his own hands at this moment.

"It's reporters from some TV stations who rushed in under the leadership of a group of hooligans!"

"it is as expected!"

Tang Xiaohu's face darkened. He expected it well. It should be the enemy of Yida Real Estate who got the news and led the media to break the news.

A business war is like a battlefield, and it must be a life-and-death war, but using hooligans as a means is a bit too much.

"Old Liang, let's go and have a look?"

Tang Xiaohu remained calm, the more he couldn't be messed up at this time, the second uncle would be doomed if he made a wrong move.

"Okay, let's take a look!"

Liang Zhensheng was also very angry. He always heard that there were some dark scenes and some scum in the construction industry, but he really didn't understand if he didn't see more with his own eyes.

These people dared to fight even the poor old man who was the gatekeeper, it was really lawless.

When the two walked around the corner, they saw several interview cars parked there, a group of men and women holding microphones, knocking here and there, talking non-stop, and a group of people walking around with cameras on their shoulders Go, keep shooting at the podium.

Behind them, there was a bald man in a black vest, leading four or five young people from society.

The angles of those cameras are also intentionally or unintentionally avoiding these social youths, not taking them into the picture.


Tang Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief. When he was a freshman, he loved photography crazily. Although he didn't have the money to buy camera equipment, he had a deep understanding of this industry.

It's the afternoon now, and it's not the time for the news network broadcast. These people can't be connected to the live broadcast, so they are recording and broadcasting.

As long as the press release has not been sent out, you have a chance.

"Who are you and who let you in?"

The bald man was the first to discover the existence of Tang Xiaohu and Old Professor Liang, and immediately called his younger brothers to surround him.

"I should ask you this. This is a project of Yida City. Who let you in without permission?"

Tang Xiaohu couldn't help a sneer, these people wanted to bite back.

It's a pity that these little hooligans are no different from ants in their own eyes.

"So you are from Yida City, beat him up!"

The bald man couldn't help but think of the order from his superiors when he came here. This matter must be completed today, otherwise...

The bald man shivered tremblingly, and looked at Tang Xiaohu and Liang Zhensheng in front of him.

A young man and an old man took it quickly and still had time to collect the materials.

The little hooligan under the bald man got the order and rushed up immediately.

As for those journalists, they didn't pay attention to the affairs here at all.

Using people's money to do things for others, they are desperately collecting as much material as possible.

"I'm from the Provincial Institute of Architecture..."

Liang Zhensheng yelled at the group of hooligans loudly, but it didn't work at all.

Suddenly, Liang Zhensheng's words stopped abruptly, and he was surprised to find that the young man beside him had already rushed out.

Three punches and two kicks!

Those little hooligans have all been brought down.

Kick out!
The big bald man was kicked away and crashed into a pile of construction waste.

Liang Zhensheng's face was full of shock, this Tang Xiaohu was really just an ordinary entrepreneur, how could he feel that he was an all-around talent!
"Crack! Kick!"

There was a sound of the camera speeding up the door. No one took pictures of the group of hooligans rushing towards Tang Xiaohu, but the scene of Tang Xiaohu torturing the hooligans was all captured.

"Employees of Yida City violently obstruct law enforcement!"

"Yida City is deeply trapped in the quality gate, and the quality and ability of employees are low!"

"How deep is the chaos in the construction industry, let's look at the shady scenes in the Yida City project!"

I believe that all kinds of false reports will land on major TV stations, newspapers, and news clients tomorrow.

"no Zuo no Die!"

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaohu was furious. These reporters had obviously been bought by the opponents of Yida City, and they were trying to discredit Yida Real Estate at this moment.

"What are you doing? Stop!"

Tang Xiaohu was about to give these reporters a small punishment, and the appraisal and law enforcement team from the Urban Construction Bureau and the Provincial Construction Institute had arrived.

At the head was a middle-aged man in his 40s, well-dressed, and looked like a vigorous man.

Seeing the chaos in front of him, he stopped talking immediately.

"Teacher Liang, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man stepped forward immediately, asking about Mr. Liang's safety.

Teacher Liang has basically stopped asking about world affairs, and is obsessed with learning. How could he suddenly care so much about this Yida City.

"Hong Qi, this is Tang Xiaohu, chairman of Huwei Group."

Old Professor Liang didn't pay attention to Li Hongqi's concern, but changed the subject and introduced Tang Xiaohu to this middle-aged man.

"Li Hongqi!"

Tang Xiaohu's heart moved. This middle-aged man should be the director of the Urban Construction Bureau. His company is closely related to the Urban Construction Bureau. It seems that Director Li will have a good relationship in the future.

"Tang Xiaohu?"

Li Hongqi stared at the young man in front of him, and was also taken aback for a moment. His teacher was famous for his uprightness, and he had always been honest with others, especially businessmen.

This Tang Xiaohu was able to win the teacher's favor, there must be something special about him.

"Professor Liang Zhensheng!"

The group of reporters ran around on weekdays and had the keenest sense of smell. It was only at this moment that they suddenly discovered that the old man who was about to be attacked by the hooligans who led the team just now was actually Professor Liang Zhensheng, a leading figure in Huaguo's construction industry.

Then the young man who was with him must not be simple.

Those who can fall into the eyes of Mr. Liang are not the best in a million.

The cold sweat of a group of reporters came down quietly, and they suddenly felt as if they had stabbed a huge basket. Among them, a few smart ones had already begun to slowly put down the camera equipment in their hands.

I'm afraid I made a mistake in this muddy water trip today!
"Several of you, move up the inspection equipment, and then inspect it in detail and meticulously. Be sure to be precise and not miss anything!"

Li Hongqi directly gave orders to his professional appraisal team.

He also does not believe that the building strength of this podium will meet the standard. As an urban construction expert with nearly 30 years of experience, Li Hongqi has no doubts about the first appraisal result.

For buildings whose building strength does not meet the standard, the only way to go is demolition and reconstruction. If they are repaired in situ, the cost of funds and man-hours will be several times that of demolition and reconstruction, and the direction and internal structure of the entire building will be changed.

Such a plan that deviates from the original intention is unacceptable to any enterprise.

Besides, Li Hongqi didn't believe that the problem could be rectified in just one day.

This kind of black technology has not yet appeared on the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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