Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 155 The shock of 2 in a row and 3 in a row - Part [-]

Chapter 155 One after another shock - Part [-]
"Professor Liang, Director Li, come and take a look!"

In less than 5 minutes, a head stuck out upstairs, with a hint of shock in his voice.

This is Xiao Liu, the quality inspector of the Provincial Construction Institute, and he was also responsible for yesterday's inspection work.

"Xiao Liu, what happened?"

Hearing the call from his subordinates, Director Li supported Professor Liang and went upstairs. When he got upstairs, he couldn't help frowning.

"Why hasn't the detection work started yet?"

I saw a group of professional detection tools piled up on the ground inside the podium, but there was no sign of starting work.

"No, the detection work should be over!"

Old Professor Liang is worthy of being a master-level figure, with piercing eyes, he can see a tiny imperceptible black spot on the wall at a glance, which is the trace left by a professional drill.

"how is this possible!"

Director Li was shocked. Yesterday he personally led a team to make a surprise inspection of the major projects under construction, and he couldn't be more clear about the hidden dangers exposed.

The quality problem of this podium building is definitely not a small problem. Fortunately, no hidden dangers have been found in other projects under construction in the entire Yida City, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"Continue to implement tamper detection in other places!"

Chief Li didn't believe the facts in front of him, so he wanted to verify it face to face.


Xiao Liu led a group of inspectors to choose another load-bearing structure, the motor roared, and the inspection work began again.

"what 's wrong?"

Li Hongqi feels that his 30 years of experience in the industry are no longer useful, and what happened today is beyond his understanding.

Just outside the podium, they didn't hear the roar of the professional drilling rig at all, so he wondered whether the inspection work had already started.

But at this moment, the sound of the drilling machine was deafening!

What does this mean?This shows that the noise-proof level of this building has exceeded the highest level!
We must know that in modern society, noise pollution is definitely a big source of pollution, such as car horns, square dancing aunts, etc., have had a huge impact on the living environment of the city.

Therefore, the noise protection level of the building was listed as an important inspection item, and after seeing another black spot on the wall, Li Hongqi's professionalism came up.

He walked forward quickly, operating a professional drilling machine and started working.

As a bureau-level cadre who came up step by step from the grassroots, Li Hongqi's forte is excellent skills, and all kinds of professional equipment are absolutely at his fingertips.

The north corner of the building is R1 load-bearing structure, and the building strength is A+!
The southern part of the building has an F0 supporting structure, and the building strength is A+!
Director Li Hongqi tested several points that were tested yesterday, but was shocked to find out.

The podium building, which was concluded as D- yesterday, underwent a shocking reversal overnight, and the building strength directly changed from the lowest D- to the best A+ grade.

"take a photo of!"

A group of trembling reporters at the back keenly grasped this material point, raised their cameras one after another and started shooting frantically.

This material is much more exciting than the previous tofu dregs project.

Tofu dregs projects happen every year, but Transcendent A Grade high-quality projects are rare.

In the history of Huaguo architecture, it seems that there has never been an A+-level building.

This is just a height that attracts major companies to chase after it.

According to authoritative data, the current building strength that Huaguo's construction industry can achieve is A-level.

Li Hongqi could naturally think of what this group of reporters could think of, but he thought of more.

Director Li's heart is very hot at the moment. If he can master this technology to change the strength of buildings, then the tens of thousands of old buildings in Dongjiang will be blessed.

As the director of urban construction in Dongjiang City, Li Hongqi is always concerned about the plight of the people at the bottom.

The time span of old city renovation is long and the renovation is difficult. Many dilapidated and old buildings can no longer afford to wait. If this technology can be used for people's livelihood, it will definitely be a big project that benefits the country and the people!

Make sure to find this person and have a good talk with him.

"Director Li, I'll make corrections right away!"

While Li Hongqi was thinking about it, another pair of people walked in from the door.

At first, one person had a straight complexion, and his lips were tightly pursed into a line. It looked like a person with a firm will.

As soon as this person came in, he immediately expressed his opinion to Director Li.

"What are you going to rectify, Wang Yida, you should thank this little brother!"

Old Professor Liang spoke out, with a lot of meaning and a pun.

"Tang Xiaohu, why are you here?"

A surprised voice sounded, Tang Xiaohu took a closer look, Wang Congcong was being watched closely by two black-clothed bodyguards, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Professor Liang, who is this?"

Wang Yida was a little shocked in his heart, what kind of day is it today, why even such a famous figure as Old Professor Liang is here.

Could it be that his Yida City project has become so big?
"Even Mr. Liang knows about it, it seems that there is no room for redemption!"

And what kind of character is this handsome young man with extraordinary manners!
Thinking of this, Wang Yida's heart sank quickly, and he looked at Wang Congcong even more unkindly. When will this prodigal son truly mature.

"Hehe, although I don't know the specific process, I do know that the quality of this podium can be reversed overnight, all thanks to Chairman Tang Xiaohu!"

With a smile on his face, Old Professor Liang told a truth that left everyone dumbfounded.

For this Tang Xiaohu, he is becoming more and more optimistic. The fire dragon brick is actually an A+ grade product, otherwise he would not be so eager to study the technology of making fire dragon bricks.

The craftsmanship of A+ grade products can definitely make Huaguo's construction industry achieve a qualitative leap.

It has always been Liang Lao's dream to see the country's strength take off in all aspects.

And now, this Tang Xiaohu actually has the technology to reverse the level of buildings. This Tang Xiaohu is really shocking.

"Quick, shoot him!"

Reporters are always the most sensitive group. With just a few words from old Professor Liang, they discovered a big breaking point in the news, and they all pointed their cameras at Tang Xiaohu.

According to Mr. Liang, this young man should also be in the construction industry and control a company.

The reversal of this building is also his credit, which should be a brand new technology.

It is important to know that the emergence of every new technology is accompanied by a major reshuffle in the construction industry.

A big earthquake in the industry, if you think about it, it is a big news that attracts people, and you must seize it!

Thinking of this, a group of reporters frantically filmed Tang Xiaohu.

Starting today, under their promotion, this young man will begin to step onto the forefront of the industry.

"It's actually him!"

Director Li didn't pay much attention to this young man, thinking he was a new student of Professor Liang.

After all, too young!

Unexpectedly, he was the person I was looking for!
(End of this chapter)

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