Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 159 Crazy Plays with Chapters

Chapter 159 Crazy Rhythm

Tang Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, how could this suddenly come to him.

Ever since Hong Hai'er leaked the image she created for him last time, he has become famous in the fairy world, so he can't keep a low profile now.

But that's fine, keeping a low profile is not an option, after all, I still have to rely on these gods to gain benefits.

"Big Brother from the Immortal Realm, come one!"

"I beg the boss of the fairy world to give me an image design!"

"Kneel and beg the boss to cast that magic spell!"

Now the gods in the group were no longer silent, and they all asked Tang Xiaohu to give it a quick shot.

There is no way, they have stayed in this fairy world for tens of thousands of years, and they are already tired of seeing it. They can't wait to see some novel things, and Tang Xiaohu can just satisfy their desire.


Tang Xiaohu couldn't help laughing and cursing in his stomach, these gods, didn't they pretend to be dumb just now, why are they now active.

It seems that curiosity will really dilute fear!
"Oh, boss of the fairy world, I really want to see a different version of myself, can you fulfill my wish?"

The Queen Mother hadn't seen Honghaier recently, so she naturally didn't know about his recent changes, but seeing that the immortals were no longer afraid of her and started to be happy, she couldn't help being deeply curious.

"That's fine, but we have agreed, Queen Mother, no matter what I do, you must not be angry."

Tang Xiaohu suddenly had a crazy and daring idea, but he had to make sure first whether his actions would make the Queen Mother unhappy.

"Big brother in the fairy world, you can do it with confidence, no matter what you do, I won't blame you!"

The more Tang Xiaohu said this, the more it aroused the curiosity of the Queen Mother. The Jade Emperor once told himself that a mysterious celestial boss appeared in this chat group, and he was very extraordinary in some aspects.

It looks really interesting today!
"Then everyone, wait a moment, this boss will come as soon as he goes!"

Tang Xiaohu had a crazy idea, he wanted to use his uniqueness on earth to establish his own belief in this fairy chat group.

These gods are usually the objects of worship for mortals like me.

But now, Tang Xiaohu wants them to admire and worship him. The ID of Immortal Boss is the best tool to bluff people. Coupled with his unique technology, it is not a little kiss to conquer these gods.

Anyway, Taishang Laojun has promised to keep it a secret for himself. Just imagine that one day, these gods will know that what they worship is just a small mortal, that kind of refreshing.

Just thinking about it made Tang Xiaohu extremely excited.

This ratio must be installed, and it must be installed bigger!
"Here comes the high-definition animation!"

Tang Xiaohu turned on his computer, clicked on the professional drawing software, and put the moving picture of the Queen Mother on the phone!

The demeanor is too solemn, no, change it!
The face is too stiff, no way, change it!
Makeup is too old-fashioned, no way, change it!
Clothes are too expensive, no way, change them!
Less than 5 minute!
With Tang Xiaohu's professional drawing ability, a fiery animation is freshly released.

Seeing the brand-new image of the queen mother he created, Tang Xiaohu almost burst out laughing.

Suppressing a smile, Tang Xiaohu sent this moving picture to the Immortal Realm chat group.

"Pfft, is this the Queen Mother?"

The old pig was the first one who couldn't help it anymore, and the pig's mouth couldn't close the laughing directly.

"Your Majesty, Queen Mother... you are so graceful!"

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, also erupted in a rare way. Obviously, the new image of the queen mother has completely subverted his cognition.

"The image of the empress...is...very...beautiful!"

Zi'er, the youngest of the Seven Fairies, held back for a long time and finally couldn't help it anymore, covered her mouth and laughed lightly as soon as she finished speaking.

This smile directly aroused the smiles of the other gods.

Tota King Li Jing: Hahahaha...hehehehe.Followed by a hard-working expression.

Dragon King of the North Sea: Hehehe...hahahahahaha.Followed by a series of emoticons laughing and hurting the stomach.

Subduing Dragon Arhat: Ah...Mi...Ha...Tuo...Haha...Buddha, followed by a series of out of breath emojis.

City King of Hell: Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh, I'm laughing to death.

Armor-piercing Monster: (laughing) Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi followed by a series of joyful expressions.

Red boy...



Not only the immortals, but even the Jade Emperor chuckled for a while, and finally burst out laughing.

It turned out that Tang Xiaohu had a spoof idea, and he had an idea to directly transform the Queen Mother into a copy of Sister Furong, who is popular on the Internet.

The queen mother in the picture is wearing two black braids, two blobs of blush on her face, wearing an exaggerated cheongsam, twisting her buttocks and doing Wanfu gestures.

Especially Tang Xiaohu made the Queen Mother's face extremely ugly, but he could tell it was the Queen Mother at a glance.

Although the whole picture looks obscene, it is not gaudy. When you look closely, a queen mother with a funny attribute comes rushing towards you.

This is the queen mother that everyone has never seen before. You must know that the queen mother is usually graceful and luxurious, and pays special attention to her own image.

Such a queen mother, it's no wonder everyone burst into laughter, this fairy world boss is really talented, where did he come up with so many fantastic ideas.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing everyone's heartfelt laughter, the Queen Mother couldn't help laughing too.

This fairy world boss is really interesting and powerful.

When he did this, the sense of distance between the immortals and himself disappeared, and he instantly felt a lot closer in his heart.

No, the gods in the group are no longer afraid of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, and they are happy in the water group again.

A few bold ones even took the opportunity to tease the Queen Mother a few words, which she readily accepted.


This is the biggest feeling of the queen mother. For tens of thousands of years, I have been holding the airs of the queen mother and can't let go, and my heart is very tired!
Chatting with so many gods in the group today, I instantly felt relaxed, as if I had returned to the time before I became the Queen Mother of the West, cheerful, relaxed, and so joyful.


The queen mother made another evaluation of Tang Xiaohu in her heart, and for some reason, she suddenly had a feeling in her heart.

This big boss in the fairy world did it on purpose. His purpose was to resolve his embarrassment.

When did such a magical fairy appear in the fairy world!
Next, at the request of the immortals, Tang Xiaohu started a major image transformation for everyone.

For example, Zhu Bajie, the envoy of the altar, has not hooked up with anyone except Gao Laozhuang, so he probably desires it in his heart.

So Tang Xiaohu directly sent Zhu Bajie an "ancient version" wedding photo, all kinds of beauties with blue sea, blue sky and fragrant cars made Zhu Bajie so beautiful that he couldn't help but took out the small mirror and started to take pictures.

Another example is the Barefoot Immortal, Tang Xiaohu directly painted nine dragons on his body, becoming a man with nine dragons tattooed on his body.

Then step on the skateboard shoes and dance the tango steps, the whole meeting will be big brother!
But the immortals had never seen it before, and they suddenly applauded!
Just as the immortals were clamoring to continue, Tang Xiaohu retreated bravely and immediately closed his pen.

Tang Xiaohu still understands the truth of exhausting the pond to catch fish!

If he wiped out all his skills in one fell swoop, how could he be so powerful in the Three Realms in the future.

These things must be done slowly!
(End of this chapter)

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