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Chapter 160 An Invitation from the School Belle

Chapter 160 An Invitation from the School Belle
"The red envelope is here!"

When Tang Xiaohu was being urged by the gods, suddenly a red envelope jumped on the screen, which was a relief for Tang Xiaohu.

Tang Xiaohu's finger turned into an afterimage, dancing quickly on the screen.It's been a long time since I grabbed a red envelope, and my heart is going crazy with hunger and thirst.

"Congratulations, you snatched a bottle of Yuye Qiongjiu from the Queen Mother's red envelope!"

Jade liquid wine?

Tang Xiaohu was overjoyed, as he had snatched a big red envelope.

From the name, it should be something to drink.Quickly open the treasure bag to see what good things it is.

Yuye Qiongjiang: The queen mother made a fine wine made of snow from the top of Kunlun and lotus petals from Yaochi. It has a mellow taste and a refreshing fragrance. It is a rare wine.

good stuff!
Tang Xiaohu's eyes lit up. Judging by the meaning, this jade liquid fine wine should belong to the category of fine wine in the fairy world.

Tang Xiaohu usually doesn't smoke or drink, so he doesn't need such things for the time being, so he put them away after thinking about them.

The red envelope is here again, grab it fast!

Tang Xiaohu had just returned to the Immortal Realm chat group when another big red envelope was sent out.

Tang Xiaohu was excited for a while, what day is today, and the gods have started to collectively distribute red envelopes again.

"It's a pity that you didn't grab the big red envelope from the third prince Nezha."

your sister!
Tang Xiaohu's face was sad, his hand speed was slow, and he didn't grab it.

After grabbing the red envelopes, the gods in the group began to pour water again. It turned out that Nezha couldn't help the crowd's urging, and finally distributed a big red envelope.

After handing out the big red envelope, Nezha set off for Tianwaitian.When Nezha reaches Tianwaitian, the tentacles of Chaos Immortal Net will be able to take root there, and the gods will be able to understand the current situation of Chaos Border.

After watering these, the gods urged Tang Xiaohu to create an image for them. No wonder, these gods have been monotonous for tens of thousands of years, and they are already familiar with the fairy world. live.

But Tang Xiaohu couldn't stand it anymore, he quickly found an excuse to practice in seclusion and quit the Immortal Realm chat group.

If you don't leave, these gods will eat you up. Although Tang Xiaohu is no longer afraid of revealing his identity, it's always bad to be too high-profile.

It was already late at night after quitting the Immortal Realm chat group, all the brothers in the dormitory were asleep, Tang Xiaohu quickly washed up and fell into a dream.


The school girl called you!

Tang Xiaohu was immersed in his sleep when a ringing sound woke Tang Xiaohu up.

Tang Xiaohu picked it up and saw that it was Colonel Li calling him, so he quickly answered it.

"Take me to breakfast?"

Tang Xiaohu was in Sparta in an instant. It seemed that this was the first time that the school belle had initiated an invitation to him on campus. Thinking about it, he was really a little excited.

"Could it be that the school belle is going to confess her love to me?"

Tang Xiaohu was impulsive in an instant, he quickly got up, washed, and tidied up, all done in 10 minutes, and a handsome sunny man was freshly released.

Then Tang Xiaohu rushed out of the dormitory under the envious eyes of all the animals in dormitory 606, and went directly to the female dormitory to pick up the school flowers.

Colonel Li decided to eat in the school cafeteria, but Tang Xiaohu had no objections at all.

Walking on the road, the envious eyes of the pack of wolves and the jealous eyes of countless dinosaur girls made Tang Xiaohu almost bubbling with pleasure.

The boy who eats with the school belle seems to be the only one!
"Tang Xiaohu, this year's Laba Festival, I will hold a coming-of-age ceremony, and now I sincerely invite you to watch the ceremony!"

As soon as she sat down, Li Xiaowei threw a bombshell, and she was a little shy after speaking.

Inviting a boy to one's home, let's not talk about the unprecedented first encounter, the meaning is self-evident.

"Oh, my ugly son-in-law is finally coming to see his mother-in-law."

Tang Xiaohu yelled exaggeratedly, which attracted surprise looks from the students eating around him.

This table is already eye-catching enough, but they are still talking about marriage, why don't you abuse us single dogs like this!

"Tang Xiaohu, you are going to die!"

Li Xiaowei obviously didn't expect Tang Xiaohu to have such a big mouth, and couldn't help but look annoyed, and waved her cute little fist angrily at Tang Xiaohu.

Immediately, he obviously thought of something, and couldn't help but look arrogant again.

"Tang Xiaohu, this girl told you a long time ago that it's not so easy to pass this girl's three levels of love. Now this girl can barely pass this level."

"But going this time is not as easy as you think!
The second level is my parents and grandpa, and the third level is our entire Tianjing Li family.

I won't say much about the difficulties and obstacles, are you ready? "

Li Xiaowei had a proud face, and wanted to see how Tang Xiaohu would deal with it.

"Don't worry, I am full of confidence in marrying you!"

Tang Xiaohu has not said a word, he has always owed Li Xiaowei a confession.This time, at her coming-of-age ceremony, he wants to give her a memory that will last a lifetime.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to your performance." Li Xiaowei smiled faintly, reminiscing about the sweetness of the two along the way.Although there is not so much romance, there is a full tacit understanding.

Every aftertaste makes people happy, maybe this is the great love.Although plain, but the most real.

The two finished their breakfast with excitement, during which Tang Xiaohu talked about interesting childhood stories, which fully satisfied Li Xiaowei's curiosity and amused Li Xiaowei, never thinking that Tang Xiaohu was such a Tang Xiaohu.

There is no limit to the sweet talk of the two, but they have abused enough single dogs around them.

It seems that the rumors are true, Li Xiaowei, the number one belle of East University, really fell to Tang Xiaohu, the number one girl in East University.

All of a sudden, there were countless wailing sounds on the campus of Dongda University, the school belle was about to get married, why not me!

After breakfast, Tang Xiaohu graciously sent Li Xiaowei to class, causing countless critical damage along the way.

There are single dogs every year, especially this year, and the school belle is embraced by others, who will understand the sadness!

All of a sudden, the entertainment section of the BBS on the campus of Dongdae University exploded again, full of news about Tang Xiaohu's fancy dog ​​abuse.

Tang Xiaohu's popularity in East University has also skyrocketed, and he has a faint tendency to approach Lin Qingyang or even crush him.

In Dongda, you don't need to know who the six sons of Dongjiang are, but you must know who Tang Xiaohu is.

Countless Dongda men are sighing, and at the same time, Diaosi men, why is there such a big gap in life.

There are also countless heroes who sighed: If you give birth to a tiger, how can you give birth to me!
But Tang Xiaohu didn't know about this, the halo of the pig's feet was too domineering, and would always hurt others intentionally or unintentionally.

There is no way, this is the sequelae of being too heaven-defying!

It's just that Tang Xiaohu didn't notice that among these envious eyes, there was a slightly cold one.

(End of this chapter)

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