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Chapter 175: Passing 5 Levels and Killing 6 Generals

Chapter 175 Passing five levels and killing six generals

While Tang Xiaohu was walking slowly, he suddenly felt a few "Qi" falling behind him.

Looks like the fish finally got the bait!
Tang Xiaohu kept walking, still walking slowly, but he began to think carefully in his mind.

Among the capital, it is estimated that there are only four super families who dare to provoke the state machine of the Thirteenth Bureau.

The elders of the Li family should have looked down on him. Before, Tang Xiaohu was still thinking about when they would come to "greeting" him, but once the news about the Longjing boy was released, the Li family would definitely choose to wait and see.

After all, if Tang Xiaohu is really the boy in the legend, it would be too reckless to choose to stand on the opposite side at this time.

As for the Wen family, there is no doubt that they will make a move tonight!

If the Wen family really worked hard for 20 years, they would never allow anyone to make a comeback on the eve of victory.

At this time, Tang Xiaohu suddenly realized, no wonder that Wen Zheyuan ignored him all the time.

I guess in the eyes of the other party, I am just a clown, not even an opponent.

As for the Yan family and the Ma family, the ancient martial arts world has been passed down for so many years, and it is definitely not a monolithic one. It is estimated that these two families are now happily sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

After thinking through the key points, Tang Xiaohu couldn't help feeling relaxed.Now, it's time to brutalize the opponent's face.

"Damn it, pancake man!"

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, Tang Xiaohu almost burst out laughing.

I saw a burly man with a mask in black and a big square pancake painted on his body, holding a slender soft sword in his hand.

The big man in black is holding a soft sword, how weird this style of painting looks!

"So it is!"

Only then did Tang Xiaohu show a clear expression. The guys behind should be spies responsible for tracking and delivering information. They probably came to scout their own route to prevent mistakes in interception.

The burly man in black made a pose, stretched out the soft sword in his right hand, and stabbed at Tang Xiaohu like lightning.


Tang Xiaohu looked disgusted, he didn't even bother to use the magical skill of embroidering legs, and the Du'er golden needle shot one after another, instantly sealing the three acupoints of Qihai, Shenmen, and Sleeping of the burly man in black.


The burly man in black maintained a very funny forward posture and stiffened, and then there was a loud noise, and he rushed straight to the street.

"A rubbish in the Venerable Realm is embarrassed to come out."

Tang Xiaohu used his ears well, and the voices of the group behind him immediately penetrated into his ears.

It's ridiculous that the group of people didn't know it, and the discussion was in full swing.

"Hurry up, tell the Patriarch that Black Five is defeated, let Black Three and Black Four come!"

"One more thing, one move down, Black Friday is downed by one move!"

"One more thing, it's too dark, and the clothes are also black on Black Friday, so I didn't see clearly why I was knocked down!"


Hearing the mess in his ears, Tang Xiaohu burst out laughing, what kind of stuff is this, the stalking is so unprofessional.

If the super family is at this level, there is nothing terrible.

After walking for a while, sure enough, there were two people blocking the way, but the clothes almost made Tang Xiaohu's face hurt.


These two guys can be regarded as having learned from experience and lessons. They wore two sets of white training clothes in the middle of the night, and even the hoods that covered their faces were all white, as conspicuous as they could be.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go together."

Tang Xiaohu didn't bother to pay attention, these two guys were only in the middle of the Venerable Realm, and they took away with a set of magical skills.

In less than 2 minutes, the two hit the street again!
After it was over, Tang Xiaohu hurriedly used his ears to listen to how the group of stalkers reported.

He found this much more interesting than fighting.

"Patriarch, it's not good, Black Three and Black Four are also dead!"

"One more thing, this time I made a move, it seems that I'm at the end of my rope!"

"One more thing, the white clothes are very bright. This time it took 2 minutes. I hope to defeat him, but don't come below the grandmaster!"


Tang Xiaohu instantly felt that he was going to be out of breath, laughing!
But he had to endure it, so as not to be seen as a flaw.

The intelligence department of the Wen family is too funny.

Could it be that all the ancient martial arts worlds are so strange?

Afterwards, those who blocked the way were indeed upgraded to the level of grand masters, but under Tang Xiaohu's hands, wherever there was an enemy, they all fell.

It has to be said that this place of the capital is extraordinary.A super family actually has so many martial arts masters.

Counting it down, Tang Xiaohu had already killed five martial arts masters at this moment.You must know that in Dongjiang Province, Tang Xiaohu has not seen the existence of a martial arts master.

The gap is really quite big!

"It seems that I underestimated you!"

Finally, Wen Zheyuan couldn't bear it anymore, and led several people to block Tang Xiaohu in a dark alley.

This place is very remote, and the people have been emptied long ago. The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the murder is at this time.

Wen Zheyuan hated him very much. He had never looked down upon Tang Xiaohu.

In his eyes, he is an eagle and a real dragon!And Tang Xiaohu is just an ant.

But today, this ant actually wanted to turn himself into a real dragon.So did he ask the real real dragon if he agreed?
Ants are just ants, how can they compete with Haoyue for glory!
"Uncle Pang, you go!"

Wen Zheyuan took a step back, and said something to an old man who was behind him.

This poor dick had some adventures to get to where he is today, but only today.

Uncle Pang is the biggest secret in the family, because he is a strong man in the realm of martial arts!This time, in order to be safe, my father specially invited Uncle Pang who had been hiding for many years to come out.

As long as he wins the title of this legendary boy, he will be able to establish a relationship with the Cultivation Sect. This is what the Tianjing Wen family really values.

In the ancient classics of the clan, there is indeed a description of the Cultivation of Immortals.But with the exhaustion of the earth's aura, all these sects of cultivating immortals disappeared.

Unexpectedly, because of a vision and a prophecy, they would appear one after another this time.

This is a golden opportunity, and the Tianjing Wen family must seize it, even at the risk of exposing the family's strength.


The indifference on Tang Xiaohu's face is just a strong man in the realm of martial arts, do you think he can't see it?

Then let's see who is better!

There was a loud noise, and a thunderbolt fell directly, and Pang Lao, who was an immortal, turned into black charcoal in an instant.


Caught off guard, Mr. Pang let out a miserable laugh, revealing the only white teeth in his whole body.

"Huaquan embroidered legs!"

Tang Xiaohu rubbed his body, and sent this old Pang into the high wall on one side with one kick, without any awareness of respecting the old and loving the young at all.

If you strike first, you will be strong, and if you strike later, you will suffer. This old Pang is a martial saint, and Tang Xiaohu has no certainty of victory.

We can only make a surprise attack and seize the opportunity!

"Tang Xiaohu, you are despicable!"

Wen Zheyuan roared angrily, and at the same time secretly shocked Tang Xiaohu's methods.

One sentence can be exchanged for real thunder, this kind of method is simply unimaginable!
Moreover, this Tang Xiaohu actually made a sneak attack, and he didn't follow the rules of the rivers and lakes at all.

In fact, why didn't Wen Zheyuan think about it, he led the team to attack Tang Xiaohu today, how could he have the face to accuse Tang Xiaohu of being despicable!

PS: Red Packet Fungus has completely rushed to the ground. I implore all friends who watch pirated versions to occasionally come to the Qidian Chinese website to support a few chapters of Red Packet Fungus. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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