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Chapter 176 Lightning Field

Chapter 176 Lightning Field
"Tang Xiaohu, don't be too complacent."

Wen Zheyuan stared at Tang Xiaohu resentfully, his usual gentleness was gone, and his face was ferocious.

Today's interception made Tang Xiaohu show his extraordinary skills. I'm afraid that after tomorrow, the Longjing boy's reputation will completely overwhelm the legendary boy.

Li Xiaowei also likes this poor boy!
Wen Zheyuan had never felt that the situation was so unfavorable to him for a moment.

"Die, Tang Xiaohu."

Wen Zheyuan sneered, raised his hand and made a gesture, so what about the realm of martial arts.

He once did an experiment, even a martial saint in the realm couldn't stand it.

"Damn it, Barrett is back to attack, this Wen Zheyuan is really worth the money."

In the distance, several children from a super family such as Ma Yingwu and Yan Hongchao were secretly watching the progress of the matter, but Wen Zheyuan unexpectedly resorted to a big killer.

It has been rumored for a long time that the Wen family has found a way to use hot weapons to deal with ancient warriors, and it seems that the words are true.

You must know that after reaching the realm of the master, a strong shield of true energy will be formed under the skin of the whole body. Not to mention ordinary swords, even ordinary pistol bullets can hardly cause any damage to the ancient martial arts master.

The Realm Martial Saint can directly resist the bombardment of guns, and it is impossible for others to be stupid enough to stand there and fight you.

That's why the country's control over the Guwu family is so weak, because hot weapons can't restrain them at all.

"Infuriating bullet!"

Tang Xiaohu's complexion changed, and he felt several energies locked on him. These energies were only in the realm of a master, but they gave him a feeling that they could pose a fatal threat.

"not good!"

Tang Xiaohu used his binoculars skillfully, and he was able to look a thousand meters away immediately, and directly trace the origin of one of the qi mechanisms.

"A master-level sniper?"

Tang Xiaohu's heart was shocked again, and he couldn't help but lament the power of human beings, who can perfectly combine modern technology and ancient martial arts.

The combination of these two forces has been able to pose a considerable threat to the martial saint of the realm.

Tang Xiaohu's eyes were like lightning, and he deconstructed the Barrett Heavy Sniper layer by layer.He clearly saw that the Barrett heavy sniper was surrounded by a faint qi, and the zhenqi of the bullet head was even stronger.

"Infuriating bullet!"

This is the secret that can cause damage to the martial saints of the realm.

With the true qi that breaks the illusion, coupled with the absolute speed, even if he is blessed with vitality, his physical body is likely to be torn apart.


During Tang Xiaohu's investigation, those bullets from Barrett's heavy sniper had been fired at extremely high speed, heading towards him.

The scope of the martial arts master is nothing in case.

Life and death are in seconds!

"Lightning Spirit Seed!"

Tang Xiaohu's consciousness was shaken, and the greatest potential in his life exploded, because he knew that this was the biggest crisis since he started cultivating.

Crisis from Hot Weapons!

The thunder and lightning spirits floated out from the depths of the heart, before they could fly, they immediately spread around Tang Xiaohu, forming an absolute thunder and lightning field.

Before coming to the capital, Tang Xiaohu had rehearsed various possible crises and looked for the most favorable solution.

After all, it is the first time to come to the capital, and in the face of so many unknowns, it is necessary to plan ahead as much as possible to nip all dangers in the bud.

Furutake vs. Furutake!
High-tech showdown with hot weapons!
This is the solution Tang Xiaohu came up with.

The long-range attack method of the lightning spirit species can form a lightning ball similar to the appearance of the Terminator.And lightning is naturally the most powerful magnetic field!
These are unimaginable to the gods in the sky, but Tang Xiaohu thought of it, so he asked Yu Chun to get some hot weapons and conducted careful experiments, and the result was a great success!
Thunder field!

This is the name Tang Xiaohu gave to the martial arts or techniques he created.

Use the powerful magnetic field attached to the lightning itself to distort the surrounding space, thereby changing the trajectory of the thermal weapon.

Of course, this requires not only the Thunder and Lightning Spirit Seed, but also the good cooperation of the use of vitality.However, under Tang Xiaohu's painstaking research, the two incompatible Qi Xingju and Thunder Spirit Seeds were magically combined together.

Combining the medical skills of the fairy world with Lei Jue to create a brand-new application method of magic, Tang Xiaohu can be regarded as the No. 1 in the past and present!

And Tang Xiaohu unknowingly embarked on a brand new path, a path of creation.

Others have obtained the powerful fairy art formulas from their predecessors, and practiced step by step to become immortals.But Tang Xiaohu mastered everything and created something of his own.

If it is said that it is the strong who inherit the legacy of the ancestors, then Tang Xiaohu is the master of a generation who can establish a sect and leave a legacy.

The gap is self-evident!

But at this moment, what Tang Xiaohu urgently needs to solve is the immediate crisis.After all, it was Tang Xiaohu's first time encountering the real energy bullet of this hot weapon, so he was not sure of victory.


Tang Xiaohu's eyes lit up, he used Qi Xingju to the extreme, and the world he saw instantly expanded countless times, the real qi bullets that were fired at high speed, and the powerful magnetic field lines formed by the lightning field.

In the absolute perspective constructed by Tang Xiaohu, everything becomes slow and extremely clear.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With several explosions in succession, the zhenqi bullet directly crashed into Tang Xiaohu's lightning field.After advancing a few inches, it was reversed by the magnetic field of the lightning field with a miraculous effect of four or two, and scattered in all directions.

"There is still room for improvement!"

Tang Xiaohu's face relaxed, and his tense body slowly stood upright. Now he can't control the direction of the lightning electromagnetic field after it reverses.If it can be controlled in the future, those ancient martial arts masters will definitely be killed on the spot.

But now, they also have no chance to fire a second shot!

A few gold crossing needles shot out like lightning, and traced back to the direction where the zhenqi bullets came from, instantly and accurately hit the Lingqiao points of those martial arts masters, and sent them directly to Xiaoxitian to worship Buddha and seek scriptures.

This is a distance of nearly a kilometer!

Tang Xiaohu's Golden Needle of Crossing Evil arrived in an instant, which shows how powerful this fairy technique is.

"Tang Xiaohu, you are so powerful!"

Wen Zheyuan looked surprised. If Pang Lao's defeat was due to Tang Xiaohu's surprise attack, then the failure of these martial arts masters was not so simple.

Relying on the combination of ancient martial arts and hot weapons, the Wen family has been able to rank first among the four super families.Although every super family has hidden power, they are equally afraid of this threat.

This is also an important reason why the Wen family has been prosperous for a long time.

But now the means shown by this Tang Xiaohu are unpredictable, far beyond his own cognition.

Suddenly, Wen Zheyuan had a bad feeling.

The painstaking efforts of the family for more than 20 years are likely to be destroyed by the appearance of this Tang Xiaohu.

PS: I implore all book friends to come to Qidian Chinese website to support a steamed bun. The red envelopes are bloody, but there is still a guarantee of completion and quality. Are you still not tempted?Don't come to take pity on the red envelope fungus.

(End of this chapter)

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