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Chapter 197 Honoring the Neighbors - Part [-]

Chapter 197 Honoring the Neighbors - Part [-]

"Brother Xiaohu, you're back!"

A crisp voice sounded, and a pretty figure rushed straight into Tang Xiaohu's arms with deep attachment.

"Little sister, have you made progress in your studies recently?"

Tang Xiaohu fondled Tang Xiaomei's hair with a look of love.

"This is sister-in-law, hello!"

Tang Xiaomei left Tang Xiaohu's embrace with a hint of embarrassment, and stretched out her tender little hand to Li Xiaowei.

Although she and Tang Xiaohu are close, they only have a deep affection.Tang Xiaomei was really happy to see that her brother Xiaohu could find such a beautiful girlfriend.

"This is Miss Tang!"

Li Xiaowei widened her big beautiful eyes in surprise, with an incredible expression on her face.

The young and lively girl in front of me seems to have brought together all the Zhong Lingminxiu in this village to her to create such a lovely girl.

First look!
Li Xiaowei fell in love with Tang Xiaohu, a lovely younger sister. This was a chance encounter in the vast crowd. Although it was accidental, it was inevitable!

Similarly, Tang Xiaomei also fell in love with her little sister-in-law, who is beautiful and generous, and the most important thing is that her light words can always cut into her heart.

Soon, the pair of sisters-in-law became good friends who talked about everything, but Tang Xiaohu was left alone.

"That's it!"

Listening to Tang Xiaomei talking about Tang Xiaohu's embarrassing childhood, Li Xiaowei's eyes became brighter.

Unexpectedly, the Tang Xiaohu in his childhood turned out to be such a Tang Xiaohu!
In the kitchen, Tang's father and Tang mother were busy with a happy face.

Life doesn't need to be complicated, it just needs to be simple and ordinary to be happy!

In the days that followed, Tang Xiaohu took Li Xiaowei to wander around and visit the neighborhood.

This is a tradition in Tangjiawan, where the brought back daughter-in-law is shown to the neighbors.As a result, wherever Li Xiaowei went, there were always bursts of amazement.

Li Xiaowei's ladylike elegant temperament and approachable gentle character deeply conquered the hearts of men, women and children in Tangjiawan.

Wherever she went, Li Xiaowei received far more hospitality than Tang Xiaohu, which made Li Xiaowei smile coquettishly.

Soon, the day came to the day before the New Year's Eve, which was the sweeping day, and it was a big day in the whole Heshui County.

On this day, all the old and young people in Tangjiawan will go out together to pay New Year's greetings to the respected elders in the village.

This elder may not necessarily be old, the emphasis is on embodying high morals and prestige.

The current mainstream in Tangjiawan is Tang Yishan, the leading cadre and village head, Uncle Tang whose children have made great achievements, and several respected old men.

As for Tang Xiaohu's family, there were accidents in the past, although the neighbors were usually supportive, but few people set foot on the lintel of Tang Xiaohu's house this day.

This is not discrimination, but the ancient rules of Tangjiawan, which are solemn and cannot be desecrated.

So early in the morning, Tang's father and Tang's mother got up to clean up, and went to pay New Year's greetings to several respected grandfathers in the village one by one.

"Brother Tang, why are you here?"

Father Tang led his family just as they were about to go out to pay New Year's greetings when they saw Uncle Tang bringing a few people over.

Father Tang and Uncle Tang belong to the same generation, but Uncle Tang is more than ten years older, and the children in the family are competitive. The status of the two in the village is simply incomparable.

"Brother Dafu, I'll bring a few younger generations to wish you New Year greetings!"

With a smile on his face, Uncle Tang pointed proudly behind him.

"Jianguo, Jianshe, Liangyu, why are you here!"

Father Tang was taken aback, his legs and feet were a little awkward.Uncle Tang was followed by his three promising children.

The eldest son, Tang Jianguo, is said to be the office director of the county party committee.

The second son, Tang Jianshe, works as an accountant in charge at the County Finance Bureau.

The youngest daughter, Tang Liangyu, is the backbone teacher of Heshui No. [-] Middle School, the best high school in the county.

These three people are considered to be the best among the children who went out of Tangjiawan, and they are also the root cause of Uncle Tang's high morals. Why are they still here today to wish themselves a new year.

"This is a shortened life!" Father Tang worried in his heart.

"Uncle Dafu, you have raised a good son, congratulations!"

Tang Jianguo stepped forward first and sent his sincere blessings.

As a veteran of the county party committee office, he knew Tang Xiaohu's energy best.

A real dragon has emerged from this small Tangjia Bay!

"Xiaohu, you are the pride of our Tangjiawan!"

Tang Jianshe was not stingy with his praise, and kept praising Tang Xiaohu.

Secretary Lei of the county party committee has personally issued a red-headed document. Tangjiawan's poverty alleviation and development is a key project in the county, and the county's finances must fully support it.

On the issue of appropriation of projects, the county finance must do it first, do it quickly, and do special things within the scope of the rules!
Only Tang Jianshe, who has been immersed in officialdom for many years, understands that these three characters have multiple weights in the officialdom of Heshui County.

"Aunt Tang, when he was in No. [-] Middle School, Xiaohu studied very hard. The hard work is obvious to all. Now it is finally rewarding!"

As the backbone teacher of County No. [-] Middle School, Tang Liangyu has the most say.

Back then, Tang Xiaohu learned to work hard, learn to forget himself, and almost had a dizzy head.

If such a person is not successful, who can be successful!God is fair and will only pity those who are willing to work hard.

"Major Qin came to our village for inspection!"

Everyone was talking and laughing, when three people came from a distance, one of them was Tang Yishan, the village head of Tangjiawan.

The other two turned out to be Qin Fen, the mayor of Yumi Township, and his secretary.

Qin Fen, as his name suggests, is also a practical official. The development of Yumi Township is half of his credit.

"Major Qin, you are here!"

As county officials, Tang Jianguo and the mayor Qin greeted each other cordially.

Although he works in the county, in terms of administrative level, he is half a level lower than the other village chief Qin.

Seeing what the village head Qin meant, he came to the grassroots under the sweeping sun.

"This is Tang Dafu. I'm late. The poverty alleviation and development of Tangjiawan has always been a big problem in Yumi Township. Fortunately, you have raised a good son!"

When the mayor of Qin got out of the car, he ran straight to Father Tang without looking for anyone, held his hands affectionately, and talked about homework.

"Hey... hey... hey!"

Father Tang's face trembled with excitement, it was the first time in his life that he shook hands with such a big official.

This is a kind of dignity, a kind of pride to be recognized!
first time!
Tang's father had the urge to cry. He looked at the envious eyes of the neighbors around him, and looked at these admiring eyes around him.

Everything I have obtained today was earned by my son.

No matter how hard it was before, Father Tang never shed a single tear, but now his eyes are involuntarily moist.

What do people need to live?
Isn't that what it means to be recognized and respected!

Today, because of his son Tang Xiaohu, he has obtained all of this.

Father Tang felt that a certain softness in his heart was constantly being touched. This was the joy of having a young son in our family.

If you have a son like this, what do you want in this life!
(End of this chapter)

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