Xianjie Alipay

Chapter 198 The Moment Belonging to the Old Tang Family

Chapter 198 The Moment Belonging to the Old Tang Family
"Everyone, hurry up and sit down and drink tea!"

Tang's father and Tang's mother were full of excitement, and they greeted the head of Qin and the villagers loudly. They were already used to paying New Year's greetings to others.

I didn't expect that one day, I would also have such glory and scenery.

"His little tiger mother, don't be so busy, hurry up and entertain the leaders from the village!"

Several aunts and aunts from the neighbors gathered around and took over the task of serving tea and making water from Tang Ma, talking and laughing to get to work.

Everyone knows that Tangjiawan's prosperity is due to Xiaohu's contribution, so they are all grateful.

The simple folks are so simple and straightforward, if you treat them well, they can push you infinitely high.

"Okay, okay, I see."

Mayor Qin's secretary answered a phone call, immediately with a solemn face, and whispered something in Mayor Qin's ear.

"Is that so, then let's go and receive it." After listening to the words of the secret technique, the head of Li Township immediately turned to stare at everyone: "Folks, Secretary Lei of our Heshui County is also concerned about the big project of poverty alleviation and development in Tangjiawan. Today, we also came to Tangjiawan, let's meet Secretary Lei, okay?"

"Secretary Lei is here!"

"Hey, what a big day today, even Secretary Lei was alarmed!"

The folks in Tangjiawan were a little excited. They didn't expect the little Tangjiawan to receive so much attention.

"Go, let's pick up Secretary Lei together!"

"Secretary Lei is a good official, he is the one who helped Tangjiawan."

The folks in Tangjiawan were very excited. It was a great honor for the parent official of Heshui County to come to Tangjiawan.

Under the leadership of Mayor Qin, more and more men, women and children from Tangjiawan gathered together, and a mighty group of people walked towards the entrance of the village to welcome the arrival of Secretary Lei.

"Major Qin, this project still needs to be promoted, and we should strive to complete it as soon as possible, so that the folks in Tangjiawan can become rich and well-off as soon as possible." As soon as Lei Zheng met, he urged the mayor of Qin to implement the progress of the project as soon as possible.

Then, Lei Zheng turned his attention to the folks in Tangjiawan.

"You all don't know, right now, Xiaohu is serving as a consultant to the government of Dongjiang City. He is at the same level as me. Tangjiawan has produced a capable person!"

"What, Xiaohu has become a big leader now?"

Tang Yishan was a little surprised, he knew that Tang Xiaohu was capable, but he didn't expect to be so capable.

"So that's how it is!" Tang Jianguo showed a clear look in his heart, no wonder the leaders came one by one today, it turned out that Tangjiawan has produced capable people.

I came here by myself because Uncle Tang was grateful and insisted on pulling some of myself over for a walk.

Now the brothers and sisters of Yang Jianguo felt rejoicing, fortunately, their father brought them here, otherwise they would have missed too many things.

Although my father has been a farmer all his life, no one can match his unique insight, otherwise he would not have cultivated himself.

"What, Xiaohu has become a high-ranking official in the city?"

The villagers around talked a lot, and they were all a little surprised. What Secretary Lei said was absolutely credible, but isn't Xiaohu still in school? Why did he suddenly become an official?

"It's just a temporary job!"

Tang Xiaohu was a little confused, and the news spread too fast. It took only a few days for the county to get the news.

By the way, this so-called government consultant is just a cover-up of his identity, so how can he take it seriously.

"It's not a temporary job. All the provinces have issued red-headed documents. You, a government consultant, have great power!" Lei Zheng admired. This Tang Xiaohu is indeed a strange person. In just a few months, he is already like a comet. The rise is amazingly fast.

Although unexpected, it makes sense when you think about it.

"By the way, I heard that you also founded Huwei Group, and when it becomes prosperous in the future, you must come to Heshui County to invest. The investment environment in our county is still very good!"

Lei Zheng was optimistic about Tang Xiaohu's future, so he couldn't help raising the investment ahead of time, but he didn't know that this unintentional behavior had caused a huge impact on the folks in Tangjiawan.

"According to Secretary Lei, Xiaohu is now the big boss!"

"It's more than that, not only the big boss, but also a government consultant, at least at the level of the National People's Congress!"

Everyone was discussing, looking at Tang's father and Tang's mother with envy, there was smoke from the ancestral grave of Tang Dagui's family, this is, finally a shocking Tang Xiaohu appeared.

The old Tang family, a family of poor peasants for three generations, has completely turned around this time.

"Then what, the big guys are all coming to my house for dinner today." Tang Ma's excited hands didn't know where to put them, and she greeted all the big leaders graciously.

She felt that Xiaohu was the greatest pride in her life.

"No, I still have a few projects to inspect over there, so take advantage of the years before and take a walk!"

Lei Zheng tactfully expressed his refusal. As a party member, it is the most basic quality not to touch the masses.

Cadres are like this, the busier they are on holidays.Taking advantage of today's sweeping festival day, I will visit Minsheng more often.

"Alright, Secretary Lei, let me go with you."

The mayor of Qin also bid farewell in a timely manner. This time of year is the busiest, and it is impossible to stay in one place for too long.

"Okay, today I invite the folks to dinner!"

Watching Secretary Lei and Mayor Qin leave, Tang Xiaohu waved his arms and invited everyone.

Let Secretary Lei and the mayor of Qin hold such a handful, I can't even keep a low profile.

"Come on, let's go to Xiaohu's house for dinner today."

"Let's go, let's also go to the local tyrant's house to fight the autumn wind!"

The villagers walked to Tang Xiaohu's house surrounded by Tang's parents and mother, joking in good faith.

In the end, there were too many people, so they simply set up water mats on the street.All the women and children in the village went to battle together, took some food from each family, and made a sumptuous village banquet

"His dad, I'm not dreaming!"

Tang Ma saved up messy clothes, and the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

How many years!

I have never experienced such a grand occasion, nor such a glory.

In today's Tangjiawan, the old Tang family is the absolute protagonist!
"Little Tiger Mother, don't say anything, Little Tiger Little Sister, these two children are good-looking."

Tang's father was also full of sighs. He had experienced Uncle Tang's mental journey.

This feeling is really good!
After the meal, everyone worked together to clean up the mess, and sat together to chat about the housework until midnight, and then they gradually dispersed, and the old Tang's family also fell into a sweet dreamland.

That night, even though she was in a foreign country, Li Xiaowei slept very soundly.

This beautiful village, like those simple folks, gave her a very good impression.

Tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year, what kind of wonderful experience will we have?

With such a good hope, Li Xiaowei slowly fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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