The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 101 The Forged Cat Demon!

Chapter 101 The Forged Cat Demon!
Ye Xinglan left, very angry, very angry, and gave Mao Xiaoyao a hard look, with complicated eyes, she had never been insulted like this before, and she had never seen such a brazen person.

Tang Wulin and the others all came over and praised Mao Xiaoyao's behavior just now. Anyway, if you can't fight, then don't fight. There is no loss if you admit defeat anyway.

"Hey!" Mao Xiaoyao sighed. At this moment, he looked at Tang Wulin next to him and wanted to curse.

The next day's game was finally over.

Today, it was supposed to be Tang Wulin who wanted Ye Xinglan to abuse him. Then, tomorrow Tang Wulin gave up the blacksmith competition, and Mu Xi won the first place!champion!
But now Tang Wulin is here for the blacksmith competition. He is going to participate in the final four-in-two competition. Mao Xiaoyao is not in a good mood. It seems that Tang Wulin has to be defeated head-on.

The next day, the quarter-finals begin!
The opponent was relatively weak, only a second-level blacksmith, and Mu Xi easily won. She was waiting for Mao Xiaoyao or Tang Wulin in the final. At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin were also competing.

Blue pregnant copper, immersion silver, carbon spirit steel, dock steel, four kinds of metals, it is necessary to complete the thousands of forging products of any of these four metals in the shortest time.

This competition is very scary. Not everyone can complete Qianduan. It requires a fourth-level blacksmith qualification. Of course, the competition opened a back door, so Wugang...

An indirect test of the blacksmith's eyesight!
However, Mu Xi's opponent couldn't finish the first one, and Mu Xi also finished one. Mao Xiaoyao told her that it was easier to choose Wugang.

Now, the attention of the competition is all given to Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin. These two people have always been rivals, and today there must be a winner.

The audience in the stands is also looking forward to who is the final winner!

At this time, next to the forging platform, the cat demon looked at Tang Wulin, his blue eyes showed a trace of solemnity, the dragon aura on Tang Wulin's body rose obviously, the golden dragon ascended to the sky, the soul power fluctuated frequently, and the purple light body protector, looked at Tang Wulin. With the arrival of Laiwuchangkong, Tang Wulin has already learned the Tangmen's skills.

This is the rhythm of joining the Tang Sect!

After all, it was his family property!
"Junior Brother, I want to beat you seriously. I don't want to lose to you." Tang Wulin looked serious. He really didn't want to lose to Mao Xiaoyao. cat goblin.

Because, there is an important person on the sidelines supporting him, and he doesn't want to let that person down.

Today, for the soul master's competition, Donghai Academy will be at the end of the competition, so Gu Yue and the others also have time to watch the contest between the two brothers.

At this time, all the bosses are in place, and they all want to see the contest between the two geniuses.

"I don't want to lose to you either. After I lost to you last time, I swear that I will never lose to you again, and I will never put myself in a passive position again." Mao Xiaoyao said with a cold face, you are the protagonist, you can Having everything, the road, even if it is destroyed, you can still grow slowly, that is the so-called halo of luck.

However, Mao Xiaoyao didn't believe it, and actually came to Douluo Dalu, he just wanted to break this rule!
Start forging today!
For everything in the future, he will defeat Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin was silent. At that time, he was not fighting by himself at all. In the state of the Golden Dragon King's seal, his strength was huge at that time, and the essence spread all over his body. If he didn't consume it, his whole body would explode.

If he was in a normal state, Tang Wulin himself didn't have the confidence to win against Mao Xiaoyao.

Faced with this little cat who knows everything well and has a feeling of knowing things like a god, Tang Wulin is really scared sometimes. This person is terrifying.

"Get ready, the game will start immediately." The referee began to repeat the rules of the game...

In the stands, in the auditorium, Gu Yue looked at Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin. This duel...maybe it will solve some things. That battle...she saw the battle between the two brothers with her own eyes. ...

Hope they can reconcile!
"Black cat, why do you think the little demon hates Tang Wulin so much? They are so nice and can be friends." Gu Yue was sitting next to the black cat, and all the black cat's eyes were on the little demon cat. On her body, other things can't affect her.

However, hearing Gu Yue's question, the black cat couldn't help but look back at her. Seeing the terrifying aura on her body, the king's aura, she suddenly understood why the little cat always called Gu Yue a scum.

Xu Xiaoyan, Xie Xie, the crowd looked at melon-eating people, regarding the relationship between Tang Wulin and Mao Xiaoyao, they said they just got used to it...

Said to be friends and brothers, the cat demon hates Tang Wulin every day, curses, punches and kicks!

But what!At some point, the two showed their strong cooperation ability first.

"The little demon said that if you are not from the same road, you can't enter the same door. Even if you enter, you can only live one person. Maybe that is the old enemy!" The black cat didn't know where she learned the truth. I know why I say that.

Humans, soul beasts, if they can live in peace, then humans will not be humans, and soul beasts will not be soul beasts.

There will never be equality in this world.

Freedom, maybe there will be none!
"Old enemy?" Fu Fu looked at the black cat, and Gu Yue immediately looked at the two people on the forging platform who started the competition. They were very similar, very matter who...she didn't want to lose, but deep down... ... She hoped that Tang Wulin could win even more, and she didn't want Mao Xiaoyao to lose.

Hehe, human beings, the black cat ignored these people, I hope they won't be on the opposite side in the future!She didn't want to do it herself!
At this moment, on the playing field.

Tang Wulin's forehead was covered with sweat, and he seemed to be very tired. The Qianduan heavy silver hammers jingled, a perfect melody sounded, the hammers were stacked, and some strange scenes appeared one after another. Regardless of whether he won or lost, his attention The degree is high.

Every time the hammer fell, the surrounding soul power surged, as if following Tang Wulin's command, the golden lin on his arm also appeared, and suddenly the golden light shone, and the golden dragon was so powerful that he didn't worry anymore. The thousand forging of the four metals cannot be completed.

The first one, Chen Yin, is done.

Tang Wulin's first Thousand Refinement work was completed. He chose Chen Yin, which he was more familiar with and could be completed easily, and completed Thousand Refinement.

Wugang, finally!That's easy!
Selflessly forging, he didn't notice Mao Xiaoyao's forging platform at this time. When he finished the first piece, Mao Xiaoyao's forging platform seemed to be...

"Second!" What?Tang Wulin looked shocked. Mao Xiaoyao started his thousand forgings from the most difficult carbon spirit steel. At this time, Mao Xiaoyao also started thousand forgings of the second metal, blue pregnant copper, which is also the second most difficult metal... …

I chose Chen Yin, which I am most familiar with, and started forging, but Mao Xiaoyao actually chose the most difficult metal to start forging, and the time was even comparable to him...

Moreover, that forging method...

Tang Wulin took a long breath. Don't mess up, don't mess up, don't mess up your mood, don't mess up yourself, calm down, calm down, he can't be influenced, he has to follow his own path...

On the rostrum, Duan Xuan smiled, Mao Xiaoyao, no matter what, he must be allowed to join the Sky Sea Alliance, no matter what his status is, he must join first.

Duan Xuan has never seen such a genius who created his own forging technique. He has never seen a blacksmith who can create his own forging technique at such a young age...

However, the cat demon at this time didn't care about those cheers and those eyes at all!
The cat demon has entered a state, yin and yang, balance, a force of balance, so to speak... But, how to balance?
Refining and forging have the same goal by different routes, but why are they so unstable?
Mao Xiaoyao is very strange. The art of refining requires the spiritual fire of heaven and earth. He took out the fallen sparks from the alchemy furnace and began to temper the metal, and then used the forging technique to start the method of thousands of tempers...

Obviously everything is so clear, but why, the two methods have been in conflict...

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao was restless, as if possessed by a demon, and could not get over this hurdle.

"Come on, little demon!" In the auditorium, there was a loyal fan, the black cat kid, who was hoarse, and was always cheering for the cat little demon^[-]^~.

In an instant, Mao Xiaoyao thought of many things, Kunlun Demon Realm, Star Dou Great Forest, humans, soul beasts, demon clan, mother, everyone...

as well as!

"Black cat!"

At this moment, at this moment.

In the stands, the black cat kept yelling, hoping that the little cat could hear his voice: "Don't worry!"

urgent?Are you in a hurry?

Where is the rush?
Mao Xiaoyao began to concentrate, and couldn't help smiling wryly, yes, she has always been in a hurry, she was too anxious, always too anxious.

time!Mao Xiaoyao cares too much about time, whether it is the time for forging or the time for soul beasts...

Impatient, how can it be balanced?

If you want balance, your heart must be quiet!

"Haha!" The cat demon suddenly laughed.

This big laugh naturally makes people look confused. What's going on?
Is it crazy?

"Heaven and earth, yin and yang, reincarnation."

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, balance is nothing more than this, it is futile to balance everything, the soul power is flowing at the fingertips, forming strange runes that are beating, and the monster power in the meridians is criss-crossing the whole body, internal and external, combined, this is balance.

The art of refining equipment lies in the tempering of spells with different fires.

The art of forging lies in the forging of thousands of hammers.

Right hand, left hand!
Balanced, balanced, Mao Xiaoyao smiled, this is the feeling, the fusion feeling he has been waiting for for a long time.

bring it on!Tang Wulin!

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(End of this chapter)

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