The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 102 The Proud Cat Demon!

Chapter 102 The Proud Cat Demon!

"I lost!" Tang Wulin was panting with sweat all over his face, and his whole body was drenched. In such a short period of time, the three pieces of thousand-refined metal were already his limit, and now the fourth piece of metal seemed a little weak...

Chen Yin, Tang Wulin was very familiar with this metal, and it seemed very easy to forge it... However, blue pregnant copper and carbon spirit steel, these two metals, he was a bit unfamiliar with.

Although it can be fully forged, but in such a short period of time, it is really difficult...

But at this time, Mao Xiaoyao has already completed, with one hand forging, and the other for forging...

Like a reincarnation of yin and yang, who controls the power of balance in the world, balances all things, forges, and refines. Under the perfect combination, they appear on this Douluo Continent!
With such a heavy memory metal sledgehammer, Mao Xiaoyao's arm was almost crippled, and the soul power and demon power in his body were all gone. Sure enough, the realm did not go up, the quality of the demon core could not be improved, and the stored demon power and soul power were not enough.

He was exhausted and out of breath, but Mao Xiaoyao won. He was the first to complete the thousand forging of three pieces of metal within the stipulated time. Wugang didn't need to count, the degree of completion of each piece of metal was top-grade.

This is no longer something an ordinary human can do!

After all, the cat demon is not a human being.

"The game is over!" The referee announced, and then took the finished products of Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin and showed them to the examiner to see how the quality was.

In the auditorium, the audience burst into cheers. The match just now was really wonderful. They felt that they bought the right tickets this time and it was worth it. This shit was even more exciting than the adult group.

"Little demon!" The black cat cheered, she knew that the cat demon would win, she would definitely win, after all, her cat demon was so good.

Gu Yue also looked at Mao Xiaoyao with a complicated face, not knowing what she was thinking, and seeing Tang Wulin's disappointed face, she felt uncomfortable.

Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan also had mixed feelings. No matter which one wins, the other will be sad, and they will not be as happy as they imagined.

under the stands.

"Good boy, you are really good. It's no wonder that he is the person that this lady likes, um, not bad, not bad."

Mu Xi looked happy, but since Tang Wulin was here, she couldn't be too happy.

I can only be secretly happy, happy in my heart.

On the rostrum, Duan Xuan and several big blacksmiths were looking at the finished product of Qianduan, nodding and praising it from time to time, and the result came out soon.

On the forging platform, Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin were waiting for the referee to announce the result... However, everyone knew the result.

Cat Fairy wins!
"I lost, Junior Brother." Tang Wulin looked depressed and sad, his forging strength was crushed, he worked so hard for so long, and finally lost to Mao Xiaoyao... a little bit unwilling.

Happy, that's because the cat demon won.

Sad, it's because I lost.

Having failed those who believed in him, he looked at the auditorium complicatedly, looking for something.

"Of course, I said that you can only be third, I am second, and Mu Xi is first." Mao Xiaoyao smiled very pretendingly.

Mu Xi's opponent, Qian Duan, couldn't even finish. It is estimated that the one recommended to the final was very weak. According to the work, Tang Wulin didn't have to run third.

"Eh..." Tang Wulin smiled wryly. Sure enough, when the referee came out to announce, he lost...

The cat demon won.

"Meow!" The black cat jumped down from the stands with an excited expression on its face, hugged the little cat and kissed him non-stop.

Tang Wulin next to him didn't know what to do and was a little at a loss. The center of the atmosphere was not him, he was just a loser.

At this time, Gu Yue also came, came to his side, and said with a smile: "It's okay, you are already very good, but the little cat is better, come on, work hard, and win back next time." This smile , Heal everything like an angel!
This made the little cat almost want to make Tang Wulin cry!
Made, won by himself, and actually enhanced the relationship between the hero and heroine?
No, no.

Put down the cute little black cat.

Going forward, Mao Xiaoyao broke and said: "Haha, slip away, slip away, go back to participate in the soul master competition..." Then, he pulled Gu Yue and ran away... Er... It seems that he pulled the wrong person, originally he wanted to pull Tang Wu Lin is coming.

The black cat was so angry that it stomped its feet and couldn't help but follow.

"Let's go, Captain." Xu Xiaoyan reminded, they are very busy and have no time to waste, today is a team competition.

Xie Xie also patted Tang Wulin's shoulder to express his comfort. As a man, he should not be left in a slump, but should be brave and diligent.

"Well, let's go!" Tang Wulin clenched his fists and looked at the direction in which the little cat was leaving. He also left. Next time, he will work harder and try to defeat the little cat.

Mao Xiaoyao and the others have all left... Mu Xi was miserable, and was called over for questioning again... All kinds of questions were about Mao Xiaoyao...

"It hurts, why are you holding my hand?" Gu Yue threw away Mao Xiaoyao's hand and looked at him angrily. What's wrong with this man?

Could it be that your brain is broken again?

"I just told you not to get so close to Tang Wulin, Tang Wulin is very dangerous, you have to be careful." Mao Xiaoyao didn't want Gu Yue to like Tang Wulin, even if he snatched it, he didn't want it, Gu Yue Will like Tang Wulin.

But, how to grab...

Gu Yue chuckled, "Here you are again, you always speak strangely." Gu Yue smiled, then looked away.

Mao Xiaoyao suddenly grabbed her shoulder and said, "Promise me, you will never fall in love with Tang Wulin, for the sake of those you care about, and those who care about you, you must never fall in love with him."

Tang San's family are all spirit beast nemesis, the spirit ring on Tang San himself... among those powerful spirit beasts, which one is not Xiao Wu's friend?

Huo Yuhao, who likes Tang San's daughter, is dedicated to protecting the spirit beast, but what about in the end?The Emperor Auspicious Beast, the three-eyed golden beast is dead!

After 1 years, the soul beasts hide pitifully in the misty swamp, shivering, and the number is less than a thousand... This is in clear contrast to the number of human beings who don't know how many billions...

So now, Tang Wulin!

The cat demon can't imagine what would happen if Gu Yue fell in love with Tang Wulin...

He didn't see that ending.

I don't want to see...

"Let go of me, what nonsense are you talking about? You think everyone is like you." Gu Yue pushed Mao Xiaoyao away fiercely, and suddenly found that Tang Wulin and the others were coming. Beside Xu Xiaoyan.

At the same time, he gave Tang Wulin a strange look, and couldn't help but think back to what the little cat said just now, do you like it?It feels weird, but she doesn't know what's going on...

"Junior brother, why are you walking so fast, we still have a little time for the 3v3 team competition of our youth group today."

Tang Wulin calmed down, and if he failed, let it go. Only by working hard can he make up for some regrets.

Helpless_`, the cat demon shrugged, secretly glanced at Gu Yue, and couldn't help but sigh... What should I do?

Regarding the Golden Dragon King and Tang Wulin's identity, Mao Xiaoyao knew that Gu Yue must have suspected something, but the fate of the hero and heroine!
No matter how we destroy it, we can still walk together. The cat demon is very tired, and the soul beasts are even more tired. Poor king, wake up!

That is Tang San's son!

Hurry up and make him cry!

Soon, they arrived at the soul master competition venue. Naturally, the venue was crowded with people. Now it was time for the youth group and the adult group to compete.

Junior team at night!

 Ah, dear salted fish, quickly cast a recommendation vote and smash me to death!


(End of this chapter)

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