The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 103 The sought-after cat demon

Chapter 103 The sought-after cat demon
(Welcome to join the cat demon's journey to another world, chat number: 835741016, want to be banned by the group leader? Come in! Satisfy you!)
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The next day, Mao Xiaoyao, who had exhausted his soul power and demon power, performed a good show. It seemed that he forged the competition very often... He, the movie star, turned it into a wonderful and gorgeous performance, and finally lost to Mu Xi gorgeously.

Lose beautifully, win beautifully.

This is arranged!
"Ah, senior sister, you are really amazing, I really envy you." At the awards ceremony, the champion, runner-up and third runner-up of the youth group were taken over by Mu Xi, Mao Xiaoyao, and Tang Wulin... They literally came to pick up the trophy.

The opponent is really good...

"Don't make trouble, go to the whole federation, pay attention to your image." Mu Xi reminded, this is a live broadcast from the whole federation, you can probably see them over your shoulder.

What?live streaming?The cat demon has a broken face, so isn't he...

Sun and Moon Federation, Ming Capital City.

"Brother Liuhuang, look at this..." A cute girl pointed to the screen with a surprised expression, as if she saw something extraordinary.

The boy named Brother Liuhuang smiled, looked at the screen, and said, "Mao Xiaoyao, hehe, it turned out that I really went to Donghai Academy, which is interesting." At this time, another girl also came in, and the two girls looked like They are exactly the same, they are cute twin sisters, they look at the cat demon, they seem very angry, but also very happy at the same time.

The scene returns to the awards ceremony.

Tang Wulin smiled, "That's great!" The awards ceremony was over and they were very busy. They had to go back to the competition, the team competition, and the top [-] tournament.

The awards ceremony is over, slip away, slip away.

In the team competition, Mao Xiaoyao was absent, because his soul power and demon power were exhausted, and he was unable to participate in the battle. The balance of fusion and balance was too high, he didn't pay attention, and he didn't control his own power well.

The black cat was also banned by the cat demon from participating in the competition... The million-year-old soul cannot be revealed yet... Even if it is disguised as a ten-thousand-year soul, but under the live broadcast, there are so many bosses watching, and the cat demon also Afraid of what might happen.

Therefore, the team competition, Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, did not change at all, it was the lineup, the lineup of the perfect protagonist.

"Alas!" The cat demon sighed, and by accident, he wanted to cause a little damage, but he got himself involved... If he didn't participate in the competition, wouldn't Tang Wulin Are you dead?
Mao Xiaoyao seemed to remember that this guy seemed to be injured, and then Wuchangkong exploded... Then, Gu Yue took care of Tang Wulin...

Ah, the cat demon has collapsed, and he promised to stop everything... How did it become a road to match the feelings of the hero and heroine?
However, this damned balance is too much, and now the spirit power of the demon core cannot be fully recovered, if the black cat is allowed to destroy something... the cat demon is also afraid that the careless and unreliable little black cat will be exposed.

"When did you sigh, why, did you become weak? You can't play, are you depressed?" Mu Xi sneered, she had nothing to do, so she naturally came to watch Mao Xiaoyao's match...

Here comes...

With an unfriendly atmosphere, the black cat glared and said: "You are not allowed to talk about the little demon like that, otherwise, I will kill you." The black cat grabbed the arm of the little demon cat fiercely, scratching very hard in anger.

Mu Xi was naturally unconvinced and grabbed hold of it too!

Come and go!
"Stop, you two, be quiet, I'm bothered now!" Mao Xiaoyao's face collapsed, what should he do now, the plot is progressing too fast and smoothly, and he himself has no clue now...

Don't make noise, it's annoying!
"Huh ╯^╰!" The two girls immediately gave up, each holding a hand, just like grabbing a doll.

At this time, a person came to the rest area of ​​Donghai Academy.

Duan Xuan is here, the president of the Tianhai Blacksmiths Association is here, the boss that Mao Xiaoyao has been looking forward to all this time.

"Mao Xiaoyao, someone is looking for you." Cen Yue came with Duan Xuan. Seeing that Tang Wulin was not there, Cen Yue was very happy, and finally let go of a big stone in his heart. It was a member of their East China Sea Blacksmith Association.

Can't be poached!
"Ahem!" Cen Yue glanced at Mu Xi, and couldn't help being speechless =_=, miss, can we be a little more reserved?Your father is also in Tianhai City, be careful to run away and beat you up.

"Someone!" The cat demon gave the two girls a blank look, bullying himself that he hasn't grown up now, is he?Bullying yourself, you can't take practical action now, can you?
Mu Xi's face flushed slightly... She recognized who Duan Xuan was, and couldn't help showing respect.

The black cat was also dumbfounded.

"Tsk tsk, not bad, not bad, girls like it so much at a young age, so when you grow up, it must be amazing."

Duan Xuan smiled: "Cat demon?"

Mu Xi blushed. The black cat is Mao Xiaoyao's girlfriend, but she is not convinced, why?
Before you get married, everything has a chance!
Of course, there is also the opportunity to get married!
Besides, when did the Sun Moon Federation have such rules?What is monogamy?The Sun Moon Federation seems to have no regulations.

"It can't be helped, that's how cute it is." Mao Xiaoyao looked helpless_`, very annoying.

The two girls gave him a blank look.

Duan Xuan smiled.

"Ahem, what do you want me to do? I'm a cat demon." The visitor was unusual, especially in that aura, with a slight smile revealing a kind of scheming calmness. This person is probably some kind of extraordinary person. The little demon is very curious, who is this person?

"I am the president of the Tianhai City Blacksmith Association, Duan Xuan. I am here today with one purpose, and that is to let you join our Tianhai Blacksmith Association."

Duan Xuan didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly said a bunch of conditions, such as all resources will be free during the spiritual training in the future...

Anyway, it's a luxury package!All resources are the best for Mao Xiaoyao.

Before Mao Xiaoyao could react, Mu Xi who was next to him became anxious. Mao Xiaoyao could not stay in Tianhai City. He belonged to the East China Sea Blacksmith Association.

her people!
However, Mao Xiaoyao's answer made her very sad.

"Doukai, Jijia, I need to learn all the knowledge of soul tools. I hope that there are no restrictions on my learning." Mao Xiaoyao also put forward his own conditions. He is very, very happy now, Mu Chen If he can't get what he can't learn there, then he has to go to other places to get it. Time, time, he doesn't have that much.

There are no soul beasts either!
Cen Yue was shocked. He didn't expect that the purpose of the cat demon all along was just this. President Mu Chen just said that the cat demon has a very serious purpose...

Did not expect this purpose.

Duan Xuan smiled, "It's natural, as long as you agree to join our Tianhai City Blacksmith Association, all resources will be open to you!" Enough madness, then it must be enough for that capital madman, Duan Xuan laughed, Mao Xiao The demon has that talent, so he can naturally say such things.

"Then... I promise you." The cat demon said.

The black cat doesn't understand, what the little cat says is what it is, anyway, she will stay with the little cat.

"Little demon, you!" Mu Xi was angry, she thought that the cat demon would refuse decisively, but...

Mu Xi looked angry, glared at Mao Xiaoyao, and left directly. Could it be that his father couldn't give those things?
Is the East China Sea Blacksmith Association not good?
Why would the little cat do that?

The cat demon ignored Mu Xi. Now, Mu Chen must be outside, right?

Hehe, if you don’t give it to me, I’ll ask your teacher to get it. Mao Xiaoyao smiled. There is no one in this world who doesn’t like geniuses. This is why he and I chose to be high-profile, because I hope to join this kind of big organization to study.

A comprehensive understanding of human knowledge will prevent you from being so passive and waiting to die when you deal with humans in the future.

Mao Xiaoyao looked at the black cat complicatedly, they really don't have much time...

On the other side of the Star Dou Forest, the big cats contacted them through the soul guide communicator. Recently, human activities have become more and more frequent... Around the Star Dou Forest, some new factories have also been built.

Some people took over the old factories.

In the misty swamp, people from the Spirit Pagoda came to visit from time to time.

"Haha!" Duan Xuan was very happy, Mao Xiaoyao finally agreed to his request.

"I will finish my studies at Donghai College. As for studying, teacher? It depends on your arrangement." Mao Xiaoyao smiled slyly, meaning that you have to come to Donghai City to teach me, I can't stay here .

"No problem!" Duan Xuan laughed, Mao Xiaoyao also laughed, the old and the young all laughed, everyone was thinking of their own wishful thinking.

Don't understand, don't understand, don't know, the black cat had a question mark on her face, and she and Xu Xiaoyan went to another place to find something to eat...

Right now, outside.

Mu Xi was crying, she really didn't understand why, why did Mao Xiaoyao want to do that and leave.

Plop, hit a person, forehead hurts.

"Father!" Mu Xi burst into tears, hugging her father, crying bitterly.

Mu Chen smiled, with a distressed expression on his face, stroked his daughter's hair, and said, "Silly child, if you want to cry, just cry!" Whose youth is not confused?Maybe after experiencing some things, you will really grow up!

Mu Xi kept crying, feeling wronged, she was really sad...

 Whose youth is not confused?
  I know that many people don't like Mu Xi, but she is just a poor person.

  There is nothing wrong with liking someone.

(End of this chapter)

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