The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 106 Join the Spirit Pagoda!

Chapter 106 Join the Spirit Pagoda!
All good things come to an end!

Mao Xiaoyao and the others went to the Spirit Pagoda.

At this time, he remembered that Gu Yue should awaken some memories, after all, she also had a purpose to enter the Spirit Pagoda.

Didi, on the soul guide car, Gu Yue and the black cat were chatting and laughing, it didn't affect anything at all.
However, the cat demon has been in a daze, not knowing how to ask Gu Yue...

Hey, boss, have you recovered your memory?

That boss, let other soul beasts join?

Hey boss, do you need a younger brother?
What the hell, how do you say?
"What are you doing looking at me? Aren't you afraid that the little black cat will be jealous?" Gu Yue gave Mao Xiaoyao a white look. This person has been absent-minded since he got on the soul guide train. Doesn't he often go to the Spirit Pagoda? ?

What are you nervous about?

The cat demon said: "You are so cute and beautiful, why are you not allowed to see it? You say yes! Black cat!"

The black cat nodded, this seems to make sense.

Gu Yue rolled her eyes at the little cat, she was cute and beautiful, what do you say?

She said: "Why don't you go to Tangmen, logically, Tangmen should be very suitable for you, because their hidden weapons and soul tools are very famous, you..."

She didn't understand that if she went to the Tang Sect, the little cat would be able to learn those things, which were very useful to him as a blacksmith, and ordinary people should not refuse.

Unexpectedly, Mao Xiaoyao would refuse.

Could it be that you really like to hang out with yourself?
But, how to wave?
What is a wave?
"Rejection, of course I have my reasons." Mao Xiaoyao smiled.

In fact, he was very angry. Those people from the Tang Sect rejected him once, but now, they refused to go even if they were beaten to death.

Secondly, he entered the Spirit Pagoda with the black cat, and also wanted to investigate some things, "The purpose of going to the Spirit Pagoda is naturally the same as yours." The cat demon raised his brows, and then began to test, to see if Gu Yue remembered what.

Mao Xiaoyao remembered that Na'er was the secondary body. At this time, she was controlling the soul beasts in Shrek Academy, and Gu Yue was just a clone of the main body. When the two merged, she would be the real Silver Dragon King.

Silver Dragon King, Silver Dragon King, when times are difficult, Mao Xiaoyao is imagining that she will come out to save the soul beasts and save her poor clansman...

It's a pity, now, he doesn't seem to want to see the real Silver Dragon King at all.

"What's my purpose?" Gu Yue looked at other places, obviously a little nervous, she didn't know why Mao Xiaoyao would ask such a question suddenly.

"Gu Yue, entering the Spirit Pagoda organization, our purpose is the same." The cat demon looked at Gu Yue again with sincere eyes, and just looked into her eyes without hiding anything.

Meow meow meow?The black cat was jealous, but there was nothing she could do. She knew Gu Yue's identity and why the cat demon did that.

Gu Yue was avoiding something, she didn't dare to meet the little cat's eyes, and felt very confused.

Didi, the Spirit Pagoda has arrived.

"It's here." Gu Yue got out of the car immediately and resolved the embarrassing situation.

The little cat made a fuss and found nothing. Could it be that the power of control is all in the main body?
So what is Gu Yue?
"Get out of the car." Mao Xiaoyao smiled helplessly. It seems that all the answers to all these puzzles will be revealed only after actually going to Shrek Academy and meeting that Na'er.

Maybe now, Gu Yue is also very confused about her identity and how she treats Tang Wulin...

The black cat also came down.

The three of them entered the Spirit Pagoda.

Tost came and came out to greet him immediately.

As the person in charge of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, he was probably the only one who came to receive Mao Xiaoyao and the others in such a lowly manner.

"You guys are finally here." Tost was very happy. Gu Yue was a genius they discovered a long time ago, and they always wanted her to join.

The same goes for the cat demon and the black cat, they are both geniuses.

Especially the black cat, who has merged with a million-year-old soul and is still alive?

There's nothing wrong with black cats...

Could it be that the fusion was successful...

Or no fusion?
Tost looked at the black cat strangely!

"Uncle, joining your Spirit Pagoda, can you absorb spiritual energy casually?" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly asked.

Gu Yue and the black cat were watching.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about absorbing spiritual energy. The Spirit Pagoda will definitely not treat you badly." Tost smiled. This kind of thing is simply not worth mentioning. Join the Spirit Pagoda For people, the soul ring is basically the limit, absorbing it until you can't absorb it.

"What level is your soul now, let me see." Tost said.

"Ah, it's uncomfortable now." Mao Xiaoyao smiled, he didn't know what level his soul was at now, after all, the soul kitten wasn't by his side.

(Where is it?)
"..." Tost looked confused, what is the explanation.

Gu Yue smiled, then looked at Mao Xiaoyao and the black cat, and couldn't help lowering her head slowly, as if she was not very happy, they also joined the Spirit Pagoda organization.

"Let's go, don't worry, stay in the Spirit Pagoda, I'll cover you." With a black cat in his left hand and Gu Yue in his right hand, he walked in slowly, and the cat demon was almost at the peak of his demon life. It would be great if the picture was frozen.

Gu Yue's face was reddish, the black cat was Mao Xiaoyao's girlfriend, so it didn't matter what they did.

But, myself...

With Tost leading the way, Mao Xiaoyao and the others went through all the procedures very easily.

Directly join a place called Quenling Studio as an intern.

There are a lot of people in the studio, and their ages are basically about the same as Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

"Elder!" The students of the Spirit Pagoda were all wearing white experimental clothes, studying and studying very seriously.

Tost nodded,
"Teacher Hao, please."

Tost took the cat demon and they came to a Frankenstein in white clothes, black-rimmed glasses, and messy hair.

No matter how you look at it, they all look like the kind of research madmen, Frankensteins and other PhDs who specialize in research.

Teacher Hao nodded and squinted at Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

Mao Xiaoyao and the others suddenly became a little panicked. Why does this look look like they are watching a mouse being dissected?
Tost smiled and said: "I have already arranged the accommodation. Now, you follow Mr. Hao to learn some basic knowledge and understand the situation of our Spirit Pagoda."

Glancing at the black cat, Tost smiled and left. He was not in charge of the teaching part.

A million-year soul?Was the integration successful?Why can't he sense any breath?
The key, the information shows...

Tost wanted to ask all about what was going on, but he endured it. With so much time, he was not afraid and didn't know.

The black cat also took a look at Tost who was leaving. She felt that this human being was very scary. Every time she looked at her, she always felt uncomfortable.

Mao Xiaoyao looked at Mr. Hao and suddenly had a strange feeling.

Teacher Hao also had a strange feeling when he looked at Mao Xiaoyao.

Whether the hunter saw the prey, or the prey saw the hunter, is unknown.

"Let me introduce myself!" Teacher Hao said calmly, "My name is Hao Ren, and I am your teacher, and also the administrator of Quenling Studio."

Hao Ren, he is over 50 years old, but his age makes people look like he is in his 70s, level 81, Contra, very powerful, and the soul ring is definitely nothing to say, as a member of the Spirit Pagoda organization, These things are certainly not weak.

nice guy?Hao Ren?Mao Xiaoyao really wanted to complain about this name. If the person lived up to his name, he would not have said anything, but... this obviously looks like a bad guy.

Who the hell got it for him?

It doesn't fit the image at all.

Mao Xiaoyao introduced: "Mao Xiaoyao, ten years old, seventeenth-level soul master, martial soul, dark night cat demon, can forge, and can be cute."

Mischievous introduction, other students are smiling, this new student is so cute.

Gu Yue was speechless, so she also introduced, followed by the black cat.

The students were shocked, seeing the martial soul of Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat, what!Two identical spirits?Well, it seems to be different, one is more like a domestic cat.

as well as an element to make ?

It seems that newcomers are not easy to mess with.

 The official Spirit Pagoda life will start tomorrow!
  Research artificial souls, investigate murderers, investigate million-year-old souls, and learn the secrets of the Spirit Pagoda...

  And in the past 1 years, have they voted for recommendations?Protect the soul beast!And what rewards and feeds are there.

  Thank you for the rewards from a few friends yesterday!

  Presumptuous boss 17 consecutive swiping 100 book coins bull coins boom boom
  ! ! !Miss exclamation point, this is the cutest, but unfortunately, she doesn't give me a small photo.

  That ray of sunshine in youth, boss 999 book coins, how about adding an extra 0 next time?

  And the daily rewards of zz buddies, thank you everyone.

  (The name is right!)
(End of this chapter)

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