The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 107 Tempering Spirit Studio!

Chapter 107 Tempering Spirit Studio!
"Okay, you guys are busy. Let me introduce the situation of our studio to the new students." Hao Ren smiled. The new students are so cute. It seems that no new students have come to his studio for a long time.

The other students nodded and casually returned to their jobs.

If you pay attention, you will find some specimens in the studio, soul beasts, specimens of souls.

Angry, the little cat is suppressing his anger, those are soul beasts, and now they have become poor specimens.

Gu Yue saw the strange expression on the cat demon's face.

Can't help but pat him!

The cat demon immediately calmed down and took a look at Gu Yue.

Hao Ren introduced: "Let me start with the origin of the soul..."

"Spirit, in the past, the soul of the soul beast was integrated into the soul ring, and at the same time, its own soul will still exist. Compared with the sacrifice of a 10-year soul beast, in addition to not being able to fully dedicate its power, it can also keep its own soul. , can help the host to fight, it is another form of existence of the soul beast."

"Now, we have artificial souls." Hao Ren pointed to the students who were working. The containers in front of them contained artificial souls.

In the market of Douluo Continent, there are only 1-year-old souls at most, and the resources of [-]-year-old souls have always been in the hands of the Spirit Pagoda, and the key is that they are also in the hands of the Spirit Pagoda. .

Mao Xiaoyao and the others saw those instruments. In the instruments, the souls were being injected into the fusion of spiritual energy bit by bit.

Suddenly, bang!

There was an explosion, and the fusion failed.

The student looked disappointed, and the failed soul was thrown into a jar like a trash by him.

Incomplete and failed souls basically have a destination, that is, they are sent to Ascension to Lingtai. If they fail, these souls are useless and become nutrients in Ascension to Lingtai.

Mao Xiaoyao held back his murderous anger, it turned out that the incomplete souls in Ascension to Lingtai came from that way.

Hao Ren smiled and said, "It's okay, you will have to go through this kind of situation when you experiment in the future."

Failure is not terrible. After all, it is impossible to continue to succeed, and experiments will inevitably fail.

The black cat also looked disgusted, she didn't like to do this... Those souls are so pitiful, so pitiful.

Gu Yue also looked uncomfortable.

"Defective souls are just what you saw just now, some failed souls."

"Defective souls are man-made souls, the product of failed artificial soul experiments. Of course, this is inevitable."

Just like the failed product just now, this is very common, which is why the success rate is very low in places where souls are expensive...

"Unyielding souls are generally very powerful, but they cannot be absorbed because of their pride or arrogance. Once a soul master wants to forcibly absorb them, life-threatening situations will definitely occur."

Abbreviation: Tsundere, a soul with a temper.

"Inheriting the soul, similar to the soul of the spiritual origin, does not provide a soul ring but enhances the special ability of the soul master."

"A companion soul requires the soul master and the soul beast to sign a contract in good faith to become a companion soul, and they will never leave and never leave, and live and die together."

Huo Yuhao, there were a bunch of souls like this back then, after all, the protagonist halo.

"Native soul, not only must be the original soul of the soul master, but also needs to have sufficient growth potential, and will always improve with the promotion of the soul master. Such a soul is called the original soul. Now, there are virtual soul beasts to kill on the Ascension to Lingtai Absorb one-tenth of the energy of the cultivation base, so it is not the soul of the original life, but it can also grow."

This is also one of the secrets of the Spirit Pagoda!This is also the reason why the Spirit Transferring Pagoda is known as the number one organization on the Douluo Continent. After all, he is a soul master. If he wants to become stronger, he has to come to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda to upgrade the soul and soul ring.

"And the most terrifying god, that is the soul that ascended to the God Realm will turn into a god. Legend has it that only the great founder of our Spirit Pagoda, Lingbing Douluo Huo Yuhao, has a terrifying god..."

Perhaps a new student was very excited. Teacher Hao said a lot of things. If it were other students, the research would be full of enthusiasm. , each of them was not very peaceful.

"Today, you will first learn about souls." Hao Ren pointed to a computer-like device and said, "You can check all the classifications of souls and the steps and structures of man-made souls. When you understand, the teacher will teach you How to make artificial souls." Only by understanding the basics can we slowly learn other knowledge, Hao Ren wanted Mao Xiaoyao and the others to learn step by step.

Mao Xiaoyao and the others nodded, and then under the guidance of other students, they learned how to use the instrument.

In front of the instrument, Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help clenching his fists as he watched the introductions from the spirits. His indescribable anger was only endless anger, murderous aura under violent suppression.

"Little demon!" The little black cat next to him held the hand of Mao Xiaoyao, his pretty face was slightly solemn, he needed to calm down at this time, they were in the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, in the human world, this is not the Star Forest.

Discovered, exposed, they all die!

"Calm down." Gu Yue also reminded, although she also hated this feeling very much, after all, the soul is also a kind of life, but it was treated so cruelly, like a poor soul beast, she was very angry.

Mao Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled: "It's okay, it's okay, just get used to it, study and study, such a good opportunity, we can't waste it."

That's right, it can't be wasted, the little cat is angry, he originally wanted to use this opportunity to investigate some things.

However, when he looked at these artificial souls, there was only endless anger in his heart. The Spirit Transferring Pagoda, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, is really a good organization, 1 years old.

Gu Yue frowned, she sensed something was wrong with the cat demon, for a moment...

The black cat is more like that... She can't turn on the equipment, she can't do anything... She is not like the cat demon and Gu Yue, who understands everything.

Study, study, in order to understand the soul faster, but also to better understand the characteristics of those enemies in the future who have souls.

In this way, in a few days, Mao Xiaoyao and the others slowly integrated into the Tempering Spirit Laboratory, and began to learn some new things, and began to study artificial souls by virtue of it.

If we say that ten thousand years ago, Huo Yuhao's soul was sacrificed from the soul of a soul beast.

Then, after 1 years, will the man-made souls use the souls of soul beasts again?

In the quenching studio, Mao Xiaoyao and the others were listening to a class, while Hao Ren was giving a lecture, explaining the structure of artificial souls.

Hao Ren said: "The soul is the source of the soul of the soul beast. It can be said that the age of the soul beast is indefinite, and the soul ring can also be hundreds or thousands of years, tens of thousands of years. This is uncertain."

This cat demon also knows that, for example, during Tang San's period in Douluo Dalu, every soul master's hands would be covered with the blood of soul beasts.

As if, the soul beast itself was a mistake!
The soul beast itself should be hunted down!

"However, artificial souls are different. The age of the soul ring of artificial souls may be fixed. If they do not ascend to the spirit..." Hao Ren began to explain the key knowledge, the operating conditions of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, and how these students can be added here. It must have been selected. In terms of temperament, Hao Ren doesn't have to worry too much.

After listening to the explanation, Mao Xiaoyao and Gu Yue's expressions instantly became ugly.

Especially Mao Xiaoyao, Spirit Transferring Pagoda, and Ascension to Lingtai. It turns out that this is the principle. No wonder it is difficult to see souls over 10 years old in the world...

For example, if you raise a pig, if you want the pig to grow up quickly, you must buy feed from the manufacturer. If you use feed from other manufacturers or other things, then the pig will not grow up...

Then the soul is also a truth!
For you, ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, and the so-called ten thousand years.

Then buy it back, if you want to improve the strength of the soul and the soul ring, then you have to go back to the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, pay the money, and go to the Ascension to Lingtai to upgrade the soul ring.

Moreover, there is no end, who would not want to evolve into a million-year soul?

Therefore, this is the core problem of the Spirit Pagoda.

The cat demon laughed, Huo Yuhao, Huo Yuhao, the one born from an artificial soul, the soul master on the mainland, is completely controlled by your Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

You, the founder, will probably be pissed off, right?Or, do you have that thought too?
Mao Xiaoyao even suspected that the Spirit Pagoda organization was hoarding and killing soul beasts, so that the soul masters could not get soul rings and souls, so they had to choose their artificial souls

And the price is not expensive!
When choosing artificial souls, you have to invest a lot of money in Ascension to Lingtai... Otherwise, the souls will be weak, and the souls will be weak, and the strength will naturally be weak.

Moreover, at the time of ascension, the spirit pagoda will thoroughly monitor your own soul and soul, and all your secrets will be seen by the pagoda, and information will be left behind. The hands and feet of the spiritual pagoda are unknown...

Spirit Transferring Pagoda...

(Some content in this chapter comes from Baidu!)
 Thanks to zZ domineering side leakage 999 book coins reward! zzzz you won't fall asleep, will you?

  Thank you Lord of the Abyss for the reward of 999 book coins, Lord of the Abyss?Tsk tsk, what to do, I am panicked!
  And the exclamation point! ! !Miss sister's daily rewards!Miss exclamation point, I didn't give me a photo today.

  And, proud... the starry sky, the virus, and the tip from Miss Bingxuan in Japanese...

  (Is the name right?)
  Tucao: Your names are too weird, can't you be like me, a poor old cat?

(End of this chapter)

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