The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 108 The Secret of the Spirit Pagoda?

Chapter 108 The Secret of the Spirit Pagoda?

Today, the dominance of the Spirit Pagoda is completely higher than that of the Wuhun Palace in Tang San's time. It is simply a cancer on the Douluo Continent.

However, this cancer has to be there, and without the cancer, the soul master doesn't know what to do!
The soul beasts are gone. Could it be that they are going to kill people and use human souls as souls?

Of course, these things about how the Spirit Pagoda is overbearing have nothing to do with the little cat. Now, he needs to study, study hard, study hard, and act like I just like the Spirit Pagoda.

And the enthusiasm for research, and the arrangement of cute and well-behaved good students from the organization...

The lecture is over.

Mao Xiaoyao and the others are doing experiments to digest the knowledge Hao Ren explained. In a few days, they have learned a lot. The more they understand, the more they feel that the Spirit Transferring Pagoda is terrible...

Similarly, some unsafe foods, such as barbecue, the person who grills basically won't eat, after all, he knows the source of these barbecues...

Seeing that Mao Xiaoyao and the others were so serious, Hao Ren left immediately and came to a room.

"Well, these three new kids."

In the dark room, Tost was the only one, drinking a small wine elegantly, and looking at the screen very leisurely. On the screen was the picture of Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

Hao Ren walked in and said with a smile on his face, "Where did you find that man named Mao Xiaoyao? He is a good seedling, very talented." He sat down with a glass of wine, Looking at the cat demon who was doing the experiment, he showed a weird smile.

"When you see his martial soul, you will know his powerful talent." Tost smiled darkly, different from the sunny smile in the past, he seemed to be very interested in the cat demon, otherwise, he would not He will casually take out a million-year-old soul to tempt him.

"The girl with the soul of ten thousand years is also a genius. Her soul power is very strong. The great founder of our Spirit Pagoda, Lingbing Dou Luo Huo Yuhao, probably didn't have such strong mental power as her when she was a child." Hao Ren looked crazy. , said: "Is this student actually fused with a million-year-old soul and succeeded?" The aura on the black cat, as well as the soul shown in the information, were clearly their million-year-old double-winged white tiger in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda.

Others don't know, but Hao Ren knows.

However, a million-year-old soul turned into a ten-thousand-year soul?
This is very strange!
"Haha, did you also find out?" Tost smiled. The soul of the black cat is indeed a white tiger with two wings, but for some reason, it has become a spirit of ten thousand years, but the white tiger with two wings is the white tiger with two wings.

A million-year soul is a million-year soul!
As a member of the Spirit Pagoda, Tost could sense that breath bit by bit, even if he was pretending, he could still know it.

"I want to teach her how to use the power of the soul and the power of the spirit. In the future, her achievements will definitely be limitless." Disciple, he needs a disciple who can inherit all the knowledge he has learned all his life. Hao Ren just wants to accept the black cat as a own apprentice.

"So, what about Gu Yue?" Tost smiled, looking at Gu Yue who was doing experiments on the screen.

Hao Ren smiled and said, "I can only say that with these three people, our East China Sea Spirit Pagoda will rise completely!" His eyes were full of enthusiasm!

"Haha!" Tost also smiled. From the moment he saw Mao Xiaoyao awakening his martial soul, he wanted Mao Xiaoyao to join the Spirit Pagoda.

Desperate Evil Cat, that powerful evil spirit.

That's why Tost used a million souls to test Mao Xiaoyao and let him merge...

If not dead!
Then, let's see if we can let him join the Spirit Pagoda... But I didn't expect that the test, the test, would produce a black cat, a peerless genius...

Everything is fixed!

"Then... the core technology..." Hao Ren thought silently. The other students have lived in the Spirit Pagoda since they were babies, and they are absolutely loyal to the Spirit Pagoda.

But what about Mao Xiaoyao and the others?
Not long ago...

"That Gu Yue is watching!" Tost looked at the cat demon on the screen, and said with a smile: "As for the cat demon and the black don't have to worry about this, I'll figure out a way, hehe, as long as control Little cat, the black cat will be stable."

"The little cat's purpose is too strong, and he seems to have a strong and indelible hatred in his heart. Maybe we can take advantage of this and let him truly integrate into our East China Sea Spirit Pagoda." Tost smiled sinisterly, the cat The gentle uncle that Xiao Yao was thinking of seems to be different now, and does not exist.

"Hehe!" Hao Ren smiled, put down his glass, and walked out.

The room was very quiet. Tost quietly looked at the little cat on the screen, and said with a smile, "Little cat! Hope, you won't let me down!" Then, he shook his glass and drank it down in one gulp.

On the Douluo Continent, there are so many Spirit Transferring Pagodas, so there are naturally strong and weak points. The East Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda belongs to that top-notch Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

However, there are several Spirit Transferring Pagodas that are stronger than them.

Then if you want to become stronger, you must win over geniuses, absorb various resources, and let them join...

At this time, in Quen Ling's studio.

Mao Xiaoyao began to experiment, artificial soul.

The so-called artificial soul, as the name suggests, is a man-made soul, which requires manual operation, so he, a demon clan, naturally has a demon-created soul.

Read a lot of soul beast soul materials,
The habit of the soul, that is, it depends on the materials. Every soul cannot be exactly the same, because when each soul is created, the artistic conception is different for everyone.

The aura of heaven and earth?

What aura of heaven and earth is there!
Mao Xiaoyao is carefully merging the soul power into a container, injecting an unknown soul power into it, and the soul beast soul gene that he wants to create, slowly merging bit by bit...

Three Powers Mixed...

However, there was no direct success, and it seemed to be repelling something!
"It seems difficult!" Mao Xiaoyao looked calm, he didn't want to create a useless soul, otherwise, that soul would be very pitiful.

Calm, concentrate, merge!

At this time, all the students were attracted by the selfless little cat, and they were also feeling the artistic conception of integration, which benefited them a lot.


Fusion is successful!

A cute ten-year-old soul appeared, oh, oh, oh, a cute little white tiger, that look...

Mao Xiaoyao wryly smiled, can't say, can't say...

I am too obsessed with myself!
Turn around and take a look!
"Damn it, what are you guys doing all this time looking at me?" The little cat was startled, and almost dropped the little white tiger spirit in his hand. Let it rest, be angry, be angry.

"Xiaoyao, how did you do it? You succeeded in creating a soul for the first time." The students were all looking at Mao Xiaoyao. They were really curious. The first time they fused souls, they all failed...

Then, I don't know how many times I failed before I succeeded!However, seeing the cat demon just now, it seems very simple.

Mao Xiaoyao scratched his head, "This is like farting, the feeling is coming, Gululu, it will be done in one go."

What kind of metaphor is this?
"Haha!" Such a brazen metaphor naturally aroused the joy of the students, and after a few days of getting along, everyone naturally knew each other.

How to say these children.

Mao Xiaoyao thinks that she is really too kind, too easy to deceive, so cute, so stupid, so stupid and naive, every day she knows about experiments and practice, and doesn't do other things, it's very boring.

If they were on Earth Huaxia, these people would basically be that kind of scary bookworms!
"Cat demon, can you be more civilized?"

Gu Yue also cast a glance at the cat demon, what kind of messed up metaphor is this?

At this time, the black cat was in a daze in front of the container... When making the soul, she was very nervous and very afraid of failure... If it failed, it would be a life...

She has the same idea as Mao Xiaoyao!
A girl, about 13 years old, well-developed, with a long single ponytail, named Murong Yuner, cute and beautiful.

"Xiao Yao, can you teach us the feeling of making souls? When we made them, it was too easy to fail, and we couldn't find that feeling." Murong Yun'er's eyes were big and beautiful. At this moment, She was looking at the cat demon, and she was very curious about this cat demon who was younger than herself.

"Please!" The other students also said.

In order to reduce failures, and to pity the soul, the cat demon thought for a while and smiled, and said: "Okay, I will teach the black cat now, and you all follow!" Looking at Mao Xiaoyao, he asked for help.

Murong Yun'er and the others looked happy, and then they were all watching the method taught by Mao Xiaoyao to the black cat, holding a small notebook and listening carefully, studying...

Only Gu Yue stayed where she was...

I don't know what to think!
 I don’t know if those book friends who complained about the million-year soul are still there. It’s a pity that they are not there. I am going to explain the origin of the million-year soul. You must not have imagined it, haha!
  Because, that's done with referral tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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