The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 109 Three Years of Changes!

Chapter 109 Changes in Three Years!

Didi, three years later!

Three years, whether it is long or short, is the time for the author to write a few sentences.

The sudden disappearance of Class Zero, the secret special training of Mao Xiaoyao and the others, everything passed so quickly.

What does the 13-year-old cat demon look like now?Will he be handsome?Will it be cuter?

Can you take practical action?
"Black cat, Gu Yue, wait for me." A handsome and handsome young man with golden hair, under the sunlight, his biubiu shone brightly. He had a handsome and monstrous face, and his skin was fair and tender. The kind that girls can envy.

When, when, when, when!
The 13-year-old Mao Xiaoyao appeared handsomely. I don’t know if it’s the food problem of the Spirit Pagoda. He doesn’t look like a 13-year-old kid now. He is slender and about 1.7 meters tall. He is a handsome little guy.

So, what do precocious girls look like at the age of 13?How about development?

Gu Yue is naturally beautiful, Xiaohe's sharp horns are exposed, and her body is slightly raised so early, so there is no problem with her body development. After all, she is the Silver Dragon King, with good genes, so her body naturally has nothing to say...

stable!really big!

But what about the little black cat?

"Hurry up, hurry up." The black cat smiled cutely. For her, these three years are not long, and she seems to have grown up a lot, well, it seems to have grown up a lot, and she is 1.6 meters tall. Left and right, it has also become a little more beautiful, a little more mature than before.

As for other aspects...

Let's change a little bit!

However, it seems that there is no change!

After all, flat chest is justice!

Lolita is king!

Now, however, with long black hair, fluttering and charming, long hair reaching waist, a beautiful woman can marry!
In three years, everyone has changed.

Just now, just now!
Mao Xiaoyao and the others have just returned from training with Tang Wulin and the others. They have been training for three years, and everyone's strength has been improving.

During the rest of the time, Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, and Xu Xiaoyan practiced in the Tang Sect.

(What about our change introduction?)
Mao Xiaoyao, Black Cat, Gu Yue, their status in the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda is naturally climbing up.

In the past three years, Mao Xiaoyao has climbed up step by step, using any means, and the human beings who stand in the way can only die. His innate ability, a peerless genius, has also laid the foundation for him to climb up.

Mao Xiaoyao even invented a brand-new method of fusing artificial souls. In terms of artificial souls, the success rate is as high as 60.00%.

Of course, man-made souls must be [-]% for Mao Xiaoyao. He has never made a mistake in creating souls.

This also established his future position in the Spirit Pagoda!
Hao Ren also took Black Cat as his disciple and taught her some methods of using mental power.

Nothing happened in the Star Fighting Soul Beast Great Forest and the Misty Swamp. The cat demon has not been back in the past three years, because they have been under surveillance for the past three years.

Tost, it seems that Mao Xiaoyao and the others are not completely relieved. They have been monitoring Mao Xiaoyao and what they usually do when they go out.

As a result, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't dare to go back to the Star Dou Great Forest, nor does he dare to do anything strange. In the past three years, he hasn't deliberately learned about the 10-year-old soul and the million-year-old soul...

secret!Mao Xiaoyao feels that he has not come into contact with the real secret, and Tost seems to have no real trust in himself, so it will take time...

Forbearance is three years!

"Ah, I was scolded by Teacher Mangtian just now, and Teacher Duan Xuan also scolded me." After hiding it for three years, just now, Mao Xiaoyao told his two teachers, in fact, he has always been Studying in the Spirit Pagoda...

As a result, they were naturally scolded. What did they say, why did they add the Bird Spirit Pagoda and the like...

What, what, the Spirit Pagoda is not good...

In fact, Mao Xiaoyao understands those principles, and they are also afraid that they will be brainwashed and controlled by the Spirit Transferring Pagoda!
But, will the little cat be brainwashed?

No, the cat demon can only fool around!
The more you understand something, the more you will discover its secrets. Mao Xiaoyao understands the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, and also knows the Spirit Transferring Pagoda's ambition to control the entire Douluo Continent!
"It deserves it!" Gu Yue smiled sweetly. During the three years of getting along, she also discovered some secrets of the little cat, but she was not sure about it.

"Let's go!" The black cat took Mao Xiaoyao's hand, and rubbed his arm against his chest...

Mao Xiaoyao is a little broken. He used to have that kind of thought, but not that kind of strength. Now, he has both ideas and strength.

"Hey, Sister Yun'er, why are you here?" As soon as he entered the Spirit Pagoda, the little cat found Murong Yun'er.

Today's Murong Yun'er is getting more and more beautiful, the little cat demon who is gradually mature, also knows how to appreciate beautiful things, it's really great.

When will black cats be that big?
It is not required to be the same age as Murong Yuner!

It's okay to be about the same age as Gu Yue!

I really don't know, the black cat eats more than Tang Wulin, but what about nutrition?
"Is the outside world fun?" Murong Yun'er looked at Mao Xiaoyao and the others, smiling enviously, the outside world...she actually wanted to go out.

However, she never went out!
"You're stupid. I've said it all. There's nothing wrong with taking you out, but you don't dare every time."

Mao Xiaoyao looked helpless, Murong Yun'er and the others were actually adopted children of the Spirit Pagoda. Speaking of which, their backgrounds were very pitiful, and they were cultivated since childhood to be absolutely loyal to the East Sea Spirit Pagoda.

Growing up so big, he never took a step outside the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda!

In addition to research, every day is work...

Sometimes the cat demon is very sympathetic, but, think about it, the compassion of one's own people can't change anything, the rules of this world are like this, the weak prey on the strong.

After all, no one would pity the soul beast!
"In the future! The elder said, after that, we can go out to the outside world, hehe, don't worry, we will have a chance in the future." Murong Yun'er smiled. The time of adulthood is really not very far away for her. About two years...well, that seems to be it!

When is her own birthday?

As if thinking of something, Murong Yun'er looked sad!
Mao Xiaoyao sighed, East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, after all, Tost is the boss.

Tost seems to be very friendly to himself, but to other people... Mao Xiaoyao has seen Tost scolding people, and he is simply an unscrupulous boss.

Now, the cat demon and the black cat naturally pretended to be brainwashed successfully, and were absolutely loyal to the Spirit Pagoda. Now, they come into contact with more and more things every day.

At the same time, I became more and more aware of some things.

As for Murong Yun'er and the others, they have been brainwashed since childhood, so they probably cannot be saved...

Gu Yue and the black cat smiled, and then walked in. Many things they bought today were delicious.

"Sister Yun'er, how about eating together?" Gu Yue smiled.

The black cat nodded and said, "Except for my fish, you can eat everything else." She prefers to eat fish... The food in the Spirit Pagoda is naturally not as good as some restaurants outside. That's certainly something that is often done.

Murong Yun'er was stunned for a moment, pointed to herself, and said, "Can I really do it?" She was a little hesitant, because their positions were different. In the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, the little cat, Gu Yue, and the black cat , are similar to the existence of the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter.

I am just an ordinary employee...

There is no right to the most basic freedom of entry and exit!

"Come on!" Gu Yue smiled, and then pulled Murong Yun'er's arm.

"Eat fish, eat fish." The black cat was excited, and followed closely behind!
Murong Yun'er glanced at Mao Xiaoyao complicatedly. Mao Xiaoyao smiled and nodded, and she was immediately taken away by Gu Yue and the black cat.

"Human beings." Mao Xiaoyao sighed, and then came to the front desk, looking coldly at a female park staff who was working in the studio.

"Deacon Xiaoyao..." The female staff member panicked, she didn't know what happened to Mao Xiaoyao, the eyes of Mao Xiaoyao were terrifying...

Mao Xiaoyao has changed the traditional method of man-made souls and increased the success rate of man-made souls. His status in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda is definitely not what it used to be. It can be said that only Tost can control him.

Deacon is just a status, a status that can make him respected in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda.

This is also the cultivation and ability that Mao Xiaoyao got due after showing her talent.

Climb, climb up step by step.

"It's okay, I'll just take a look at you. Why, didn't you put on makeup before going to work? Why are you so ugly? Why are you putting on makeup when you go to work?" The cat demon saw a small red mirror and some cosmetics for women. Sister, tsk tsk, as the front desk girl... Naturally, appearance comes first.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The female staff member nodded and admitted her mistake, and looked at Mao Xiaoyao in fear...

In the past three years, Mao Xiaoyao's reputation in the Spirit Pagoda...

It can be said that it is very bad, beating, cursing, full of arrogance and domineering!
Quite justified, human beings, guilty!

"Just now, you were scolding Murong Yun'er, right?"

Tapping the front desk with his fingers, Mao Xiaoyao looked at the female staff member coldly, and his murderous aura spread instantly.

The terrifying murderous aura made the female staff member collapse on the ground, and she said with a look of fear, "I..."

Just now, she bullied Murong Yun'er, because, this month... her artificial soul failed too much, and her other tasks also failed to meet the standards.

"In the future, if you bully her, I will cut off your hands and feet, and cut your face with a knife."

Mao Xiaoyao has a murderous look on her face. He hates this woman very much. Her rotten soul emits a stench. After trading for her current status, this kind of human being may be liked by Mao Xiaoyao very much.

Because, it can be used!
However, now the cat demon is very annoying!
"Deacon Xiaoyao, I don't dare anymore, spare my life, spare my life." The female studio cried loudly, knelt down heavily to Mao Xiaoyao, kowtowed to admit her mistake, and everyone around was attracted, those studio staff, I saw that it was the Little Demon Queen.

Then they all dispersed and slipped away. In the Spirit Pagoda, the least annoying person is the little cat...

Whoever messes with who is unlucky!

The little cat snorted coldly, and then left.

Power is poison, but, sometimes, power is so good that you can do whatever you want. For example, although Mao Xiaoyao is weak, he has high power!

 Thanks, youth, that moment of time! A reward of 10000 book coins, becoming the second rudder master of the cat demon!Oh second.Two, oh, great! ⊙⊙! , mighty, majestic and domineering!Add more updates for the boss, the boss is bullshitting, and let the cat and demon fast-forward three years! ! !
  And thanks to the sleeping boss zZ for his non-stop 999 book coin rewards, the boss is really scary, and you have to give a reward even when you sleep!

  Three years, after all, I don't want to write too many words, I joined the Spirit Pagoda, and focused on explaining the million-year-old soul and the hundred-thousand-year soul.

  And the relationship between the Spirit Pagoda and the little cat!

  Evil soul masters, Holy Spirit Cult, and the existence of the abyss, the cat and demon will come into contact with them in the future!But, which organization is the enemy who killed Mao Xiaoyao's mother?


  (Is my voice hard to hear?)
(End of this chapter)

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