The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 110 The Secret of the East Sea Spirit Pagoda!

Chapter 110 The Secret of the East Sea Spirit Pagoda!

The little cat is gone.

However, the female staff member was still afraid to get up, her body kept shaking, her eyes were full of fear, she kept kneeling, kowtowed, kowtowed...

Why is the cat demon so scary?
Could it be that he eats people?

No, he only eats fish!

Once, there was an employee who was very careless and caused a poor soul to die inexplicably when he opened the container box. As a result, he was discovered by the little cat, and the ending was naturally beaten up by the little cat...

Immediately, he was expelled from the Spirit Pagoda!

The next day, the man died.

Later, for some unknown reason, the story spread, and even the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda knew that that person was dead...

"Go back to your job, it's working time now." A man sternly scolded with an unhappy voice, "What a disgrace!"

It was Lika's voice, which sounded very nice, but when she cursed, it just wasn't so nice.

Behind him, Tost was also there. He gave the female staff a cold look, and then left.

"Yes, yes." The female staff got up quickly, instead of kneeling all the time, but she was afraid, offending the cat demon...Will she die... Fear spread, her hands kept shaking, opened the soul guide When the instrument is working, there is no spirit...

"Oh!" Lika sighed, and followed immediately.

"Elder, you said that the cat demon's behavior...would be too..." Lika looked worried. Sometimes the cat demon is too vicious for certain things. No matter who you are, you usually chat with each other happily. Whether it's a classmate or not, if you mess with him, it won't end well.

"It's okay! As a deacon, he has that power." With a face of indifference, but a little happy, Tost walked and said: "Tell me, how is your investigation going! About the information about the little cat and the black cat, three years Time, what have you found."

For three years, Lika has been monitoring Mao Xiaoyao, Hei Mao, and Gu Yue. She knows who she meets and what she does when she goes out.

Only in the Spirit Pagoda, when the door of Mao Xiaoyao's room was monitored, they could not be monitored.

Lika sighed: "The Sun Moon Federation, the only clue is in the Sun Moon Federation. Someone once saw Mao Xiaoyao playing with Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue in Mingdu."

"However, the black cat... is blank, without any information or clues." After three years of surveillance, Lika found nothing, only a violent cat demon.

Soon, they came to an office. The office was small and simple. There were a pile of books about soul beasts on the bookshelves, and there were several lifelike specimens of soul beasts on the desk.

This makes Mao Xiaoyao want to blow up this place every time he comes here.

"Well, stop the surveillance and investigation, lest Mao Xiaoyao suspect anything. Three years of observation is enough for me. Now, we need his trust, his talent, and everything about him will change the entire East China Sea Spirit Pagoda." When Tost said this, his eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if he had been waiting for a long time...

"Hmph, one day, those people in the Zongta will surrender to us!" Tost sat down slowly, and looked at the information of Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat seriously. From time to time, he began to collect little by little.

Gathered something!
"Yes, Elder!" Lika nodded lightly, with a smile on her face. She was also very excited. They at the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda could finally feel proud.

"If there is nothing else, you can go out!" Tost lowered his head, looking at the black cat's mental data and the scientific research results of the little cat, he couldn't help but smile.

With the price of a million-year soul in exchange for two peerless geniuses, this deal must be profitable.

However, Tost is a little worried now, if the little cat knows that the soul of a million years is actually...

It's a headache, Tost is a little scared, it will cause dissatisfaction with the little cat, after all...

At this time, Lika didn't go out, but stayed where she was, as if something happened, her brows were tightly frowned.

"What's the matter?" Tost looked at Lika suspiciously, and found that she hesitated to speak.

Lika thought for a while, struggled with her thoughts, and said, "Elder, I know some things, and I shouldn't ask about them, but the million-year-old soul is the price that our East China Sea Spirit Pagoda has paid for countless years. After killing a large number of soul beasts, it took untold hardships to successfully fuse three million-year souls, but now, I gave the black cat one..."

"As for the 10-year-old soul, haven't we been announcing it to the public all the time? We've been researching and developing those experimental 10-year-old souls. Why did you take them out twice? The main tower seems to have begun to suspect us ..."

For the first time, when Mao Xiaoyao came to the Spirit Pagoda, Lika, who was in charge of monitoring, had already started to fully monitor Mao Xiaoyao when Mao Xiaoyao appeared in Donghai City. She also understood some things!
At that time, Elder Tost directly took out the 10-year-old soul that was in the experimental stage, quickly pretended to be a [-]-year-old soul zone, let the little cat choose, and took out a terrifying, and very unstable million year soul.

Lika, I'm very puzzled, these things are the lifeblood of their East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, secrets, why bother to let the little cat know?

Facing Lika's doubts, Tost smiled and said, "Then do you think my current investment has paid off a bit?" Did the little cat and the black cat give him anything in return?

Rika was silent, she didn't know this.

"I have been paying attention to Mao Xiaoyao since he awakened his martial soul. He has a terrifying martial soul. That martial soul is the most powerful soul beast I have ever seen. Its attribute is very similar to that of an evil soul master, but it is not Very similar."

Tost smiled, "From then on, I wanted the little cat to try the million-year-old soul. You also know that if the fusion fails, the soul will die, and the little cat..." That At that time, Tost chose a million-year-old soul for the cat demon just to let him try...

Finally, the black cat tried it, and it succeeded!

"At that time, I wanted him to join our East Sea Spirit Pagoda, but there was no chance."

Lika nodded, the million-year soul and the 10-year soul are unstable, and those who merge will die!
However, this black cat...

"When you said that Mao Xiaoyao was coming to the Spirit Pagoda, I started to plan...plan to see if Mao Xiaoyao's powerful martial soul can fuse with a million-year-old soul and an experimental 10-year-old spirit. Ten-thousand-year soul." Tost smiled lightly, it was a very bad investment with high risks, and at the same time he was also betting that the magical spirit of the cat demon would bring him miracles.

It's a pity that the little cat demon has no choice, the one million-year-old soul, and Tost has been depressed for a long time.

"However, 10-year souls, million-year souls, once these secrets are revealed, I'm afraid..." Lika frowned, looking a little worried. If these secrets were revealed, the consequences would be very serious.

"Those people will never remember!" Tost smiled, how to deal with it, read the memory, make people forget, etc.!

Lika's pupils widened slightly, she was surprised, and then returned to normal.

"Then, that college teacher from before..." Lika thought of that time...

"Well, you don't have to worry about it!" Tost said with a smile on his face: "That teacher knows what consequences the appearance of a million souls will bring to the black cat and the cat demon. For his own students, he will definitely confidential."

"The black cat never used a million-year soul ring in the Tianhai Alliance Grand Competition back then. That unstable million-year soul seems to have been hidden and turned into an ordinary ten-thousand-year soul."

How to do it is very puzzling. Tost once observed the black cat secretly for a while, and he found that everything seems to be inseparable from the magical cat demon.

"Hmm!" Lika nodded again, it was indeed like this.


The unstable souls of Million Souls, in their Spirit Transferring Pagoda, even some peerless geniuses, the strong try to merge... It's a pity that they all exploded and died in the end...

Even Contra could not be spared!

So, why is the black cat successful?

Elder Tost, why did you choose to believe in the black cat?

"Lika, I know you're confused, but have you forgotten my martial soul? Although I'm an auxiliary soul master, I can sense even soul masters with strong spiritual power."

"Wuhun?" Lika seemed to think of something.

Tost smiled frantically, with a faint hint of madness: "The spiritual power of the little cat and the black cat is stronger than my 84-level Contra."

Spiritual power, speaking at a deeper level, is the power of the soul. For a person with a strong soul, if he practices some soul skills, killing people with his eyes is simply a very simple matter.

Soul-like soul masters, scary!
"This...maybe, elder, you are Contra..." "O" Lika couldn't believe it, Elder Tost is a strong Contra, but the power of the soul is not as strong as that of the little cat and demon. Black cat is powerful?

It's confusing!

Tost recalled, saying: "Back then, when I was young, frivolous and high-spirited, I tried to fuse the unstable 10-year-old soul... I almost died in the end, but now it is difficult to improve my cultivation, which makes the status of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda in the Sun Moon Federation. Day by day down..."

"Now, we have Mao Xiaoyao and them. It is only a matter of time before they rise." Tost turned on the instrument screen and watched the video of Mao Xiaoyao's fusion of souls. Maybe... the future [-] souls... will be permanently stable, maybe not There will be a fuser explosion event.

Of course, the cat demon has the ability to make the unstable million-year-old soul stay quietly in the black cat's body, so isn't 10 years a piece of cake?
"Anything is possible! Lika, the cat demon, the black cat, and Gu Yue are the keys to the rise of our East China Sea Spirit Pagoda. From now on, stop monitoring them and change monitoring to protection. Don't let them do anything. suspicion."

"Well, don't worry, leave this task to me!" Lika nodded slightly. From today onwards, she no longer has any thoughts of doubting the cat demon, and will wholeheartedly train the assistant cat demon.

For the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda!

If Elder Tost, who is a strong Contra, failed to fuse the unstable 10-year-old soul back then, and almost died...

So this black cat...

What is the beginning?
So scary?
Fusion success?

However, as for those who made Mao Xiaoyao unhappy, Lika thought about it, and Mao Xiaoyao didn't seem to like that female staff member just now!

Then disappear!
 Thank you Miss Exclamation Mark! ! !Daily rewards, but today, she still didn't give me the photos.

  And a lot of 100 book coins from the little brother Bingxuan in Japanese!

  And ai, yaya, 588 book currency rewards.

  and thanks? ? ? , Moliu, Zhaozhou's... so what, Ao... Starry Sky, a reward of 100 book coins.

  (The name may be wrong, but it's almost there!)
(End of this chapter)

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