The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 111 The Cat Demon's Suspicion!

Chapter 111 The Cat Demon's Suspicion!
At this time, in the room of the little cat.

The space is not big, only about tens of square meters, one bedroom and one living room, single person... But, there is always a little wild cat sneaking over in the middle of the night, which makes it very crowded...

The convenience of the space soul guide is like this. Others have to carry a lot of bags when packing, which is very tiring, but Mao Xiaoyao and the others went to pack... Packing dozens of tables of delicious food is nothing.

"Fish, fish!" The black cat looked eager to eat, waited for a long time, knocked on the plate and knocked on the bowl when hungry, with a mischievous face, very naughty, three years of living in the human world, let her fully integrate into the human world , and got used to his current human identity.

He didn't want to go up at every turn and kill a human being.

Several of them had to be killed!

Gu Yue glared, and said, "Be polite, don't knock on the bowl, now that guests are coming, you, the hostess, can't be so rude."

"Er..." The black cat was scared, the Silver Dragon King, she was really scared, sometimes she didn't have to listen to what the little cat said, but the Silver Dragon King...

Big man, big man!Can't afford it!
"Hehe!" Murong Yun'er smiled slightly, then kept grabbing her hand, looking around, a little at a loss, it seemed that she... It was the first time she came to eat at Mao Xiaoyao's, and they usually They all ate in the dining hall.

very nervous!
The disparity in status makes it difficult for them to eat and chat as friends.

"Sister Yuner, don't follow any rules when you come here. There are no three deacons here, and there are no rules of the Spirit Pagoda. There are only three friends of yours." Gu Yue smiled, looked at Murong Yuner, and suddenly realized that She is very pitiful, these children who have been raised by the Spirit Pagoda since childhood... have basically no childhood in childhood, it can be said that they have always studied in the Spirit Pagoda.

Survival of the fittest, unqualified children are no longer in the Spirit Pagoda, and the elites are left behind.

"En!" Murong Yun'er nodded, and then looked at Mao Xiaoyao.

The disparity in status made her never dare to get too close to Mao Xiaoyao and the others...

"Eat!" After the cat demon finished tidying up, all the dishes were successfully arranged. A table of sumptuous delicacies appeared, full of color and fragrance. The little soul beast that eats food.

Immediately, start.

"Sister Yun'er, eat more." I picked up a piece of meat for Murong Yun'er and put it in her bowl. The little cat smiled and said, "Gu Yue is right, there are no deacons from the Spirit Pagoda here. , only your three friends." We have been friends for so long at the Tempering Studio, but the widening status gap prevents them from getting along as friends.

For these children in the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, how should I put it, Mao Xiaoyao thinks, maybe...

"Well, let's eat!" Gu Yue also nodded.

Small black cats are also rare sub-fish!
The cat demon and the black cat hate humans, there is no doubt about it, humans should be killed when they should, and they should not be killed, and sometimes they will be killed casually.

Because those people are wrong!
To be honest, you can keep it, of course it is impossible to kill a human being when you see it, that is not hating human beings, but, the two of them are crazy!
Murong Yun'er breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you!"

Immediately, he also took the bowl and chopsticks, picked up the piece of meat that Mao Xiaoyao gave him, and happily ate it.

Mao Xiaoyao nodded, "That's right."

Right or wrong!

Wrong, only this world.

Because he is too weak, he will be controlled by others.

They were raised by the Spirit Pagoda since they were young, so their fates are all in the Spirit Pagoda.

Regardless of life or death, they don't have any right to decide for themselves, the little cat fell silent suddenly, just like the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest...

Have a meal!

Talking and laughing, this is called eating.

Eating without talking and sleeping without talking, that's what human beings do. Cat demons have always drank heavily, ate large pieces of meat, and talked loudly...

Great vibe!

Eating, eating, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Yun'er, let me ask you something, why didn't the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda release the 10-year soul and the million-year soul?"

For three years, Mao Xiaoyao has been observing everything in the Spirit Pagoda, and did not dare to investigate openly, but could only investigate secretly... I always feel that Tost has reservations about himself, what is that reservation?
However, the monitoring system of the Spirit Pagoda made the little cat's scalp tingle with annoyance, and in the past three years, he couldn't find out why.

ask people?

No one can believe Mao Xiaoyao now. In three years, he has killed countless guys who have been watching him.

On the surface, those people provoked me, but in fact those people have been watching me all the time, so very good, arrogant and domineering and justifiably killing me, so who dares to say anything?
Who to ask?

Naturally, it was Murong Yun'er. For three years, Mao Xiaoyao and the others had the best relationship with Murong Yun'er. To some extent, they can use this relationship to understand.

Murong Yun'er shook her head, "Xiao Yao, didn't Teacher Hao Ren tell you that the 10-year soul has been in the research and development stage?" Murong Yun'er was very strange. She didn't know why. It's a question that researchers understand.

Mao Xiaoyao and the others glanced at each other, then shook their heads, as if no one told them.

"One hundred thousand souls are basically unstable 10-year-old souls. Even if Contra merges, their lives will be in danger. In the entire Douluo Continent, no one has successfully fused." Murong Yun'er said.

She told him so honestly because of Mao Xiaoyao's current status. If it was someone else, Murong Yun'er would not say it even if he was killed. She even suspected that the person who asked such a question had some unknown purpose.

Because, always be loyal to the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, this is the sentence they heard the most since they were young.

This is also their lifelong belief, and they will not allow anyone to destroy these things!

"You...why would you ask that?" Murong Yun'er glanced at Mao Xiaoyao in doubt. Didn't Teacher Hao Ren say anything?

Where is Elder Tost?

Should he tell the cat demon?



The fish-eating black cat wanted to say something, but was stopped by the little cat's eyes.

Gu Yue also saw something strange!
"No, recently I've also been thinking about how to break through the problem of researching and developing 10-year souls, so I want to ask you to see if you know anything." With a look of disappointment and frustration, Mao Xiaoyao sighed heavily, and said: "Oh, Then the so-called million-year-old soul...then there shouldn’t be any! Our East Sea Spirit Pagoda doesn’t have one, right?”

Murong Yun'er nodded, and said: "This is natural. We have not broken through the technical difficulties of 10-year-old souls, and it is even more impossible for million-year-old souls."

One hundred thousand souls, the Spirit Pagoda has actually been researched, just fusion will explode, fusion will explode, fusion will explode, who the hell dares to fuse?
Therefore, it has not been released to the outside world.

Currently, all the Spirit Pagodas on the Douluo Continent are trying their best to break through this problem...

The black cat really wanted to talk, and so did Gu Yue, but the little cat wouldn't let them talk, which made them very angry.

A million-year soul?The black cat thought about it, didn't he have it?

Why do you say no?

Seeing that Mao Xiaoyao was sad, Murong Yun'er said again: "Of course, Xiaoyao, your talent is very good. Maybe in the future, you will definitely be able to develop and manufacture it."

Mao Xiaoyao is the number one genius in their East Sea Spirit Pagoda, and Murong Yun'er believes that he has that strength.

"That's it!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled.

Immediately, eat, eat, after the meal, Murong Yun'er went back to the studio and devoted herself to work and research.

In the room, there are only cat demons, Gu Yue, and black cats!
"Little demon, why didn't you let us tell us that the black cat has a million-year-old soul?" Gu Yue looked strange, not knowing what the cat demon wanted to hide. Tost, Hao Ren, Lika, seemed all know……

The black cat nodded vigorously, and said, "That's right, why don't you let me say it?"

The little cat made a boo gesture!
Immediately, he took out a small soul guide jammer and pressed the button to interfere with all eavesdropping and monitoring instruments.

"What?" Gu Yue looked serious, seeing that the thing in Mao Xiaoyao's hand was very familiar, didn't he give it to him, and asked him to take it back to the room?There seems to be an identical one in my own room.

What's the use, the cat demon didn't say anything!

"Is there someone?" The black cat was even possessed by a martial spirit, with a look of wanting to do something!Could it be that there is any enemy?
"Walls have ears, let's be safe." Mao Xiaoyao explained.

As for his identity, he must have been investigated by the Spirit Pagoda, and this cat demon also knows that in his current position, he is getting closer to the core secret, so he should be more careful.

Gu Yue and the black cat nodded.

Mao Xiaoyao's face was not very good-looking: "I finally understand why Murong Yun'er doesn't know the existence of million-year-old souls."

Gu Yue and the black cat are confused?
"Because, the million-year soul may not exist, and the 10-year soul is also in the research and development stage."

Gu Yue looked puzzled. If it doesn't exist, then what is the black cat's million-year-old soul?
The black cat is even more puzzled, one hundred thousand souls... Hasn't she seen many of them before?
Don't you have a million souls yourself?

How did it exist?
Could it be that the two-winged white tiger is a fake?

 Are you all fake?

(End of this chapter)

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