The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 112 The little cat's puzzlement!

Chapter 112 The little cat's puzzlement!

"Don't you understand?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Gu Yue and the black cat, and frowned. He seemed to understand something.

Gu Yue and Heimao shook their heads vigorously, they really didn't understand what was going on.

However, in the area where souls are sold in the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, in the past three years, they have indeed not seen the shadow of 10-year souls and million-year souls.

How to explain it?The cat demon thought for a while, then suddenly took the two fish in front of the black cat and asked her, "Do you want to eat a big fish or a small fish?"

He pointed to the big and small grilled fish!

Gu Yue was even more puzzled, what does this matter of the soul have to do with grilled fish?
The grilled fish is very delicious, and the black cat naturally wants to eat both fish, but the little cat asked her to choose the size, so of course she chooses, and can't help but say: "Big fish, big fish, I want big fish, small fish." Fish for you to eat."

The cat demon smiled and left the big fish to the black cat.

"This is the reason!" Mao Xiaoyao said suddenly.

Gu Yue? ? ?

Black cat biting fish? ? ?
Seeing that the two girls didn't understand, Mao Xiaoyao immediately explained: "This is the same as giving the black cat big fish. People often choose big fish for big fish and small fish. For those who give them big fish People, they will have more respect and trust.”

Mao Xiaoyao suddenly understood something. When he returned to the Star Dou Great Forest last time, he had dumped a few people who had been following him.

At that time, Mao Xiaoyao was very strange, who on earth chose to follow him?

Now, he seems to have an answer!

The black cat was eating grilled fish, she didn't care about anything, anyway, no matter what she thought, she couldn't figure it out.

But Gu Yue remained silent, as if thinking of something, she suddenly said: "You mean... the one hundred thousand souls, the million-year souls you saw... In fact, someone deliberately put them in front of you and asked you to choose of?"

"The purpose is to seduce you?"

Gu Yue thought of a terrible question, if that's the case, who is going to seduce the little cat and the black cat, and what to do...

What is the purpose?

This is very suspicious!
The black cat is even more puzzled, she loves fish so much, why not tempt her with fish?

What to do with the temptation of the soul...

"The Spirit Pagoda is not as simple as we thought. This organization knows how to control people's hearts. It's scary." Mao Xiaoyao analyzed with a serious face.


In fact, he really doesn't want to think about that aspect. If an acquaintance becomes an enemy, how should he start?
It seems to be very troublesome!

"It turns out that you have brains too. I thought you had been brainwashed by the Spirit Pagoda after seeing your desperate research before!" Gu Yue smiled sweetly, as if she didn't need to worry so much in her heart. It seems that the cat demon has always been Understand where they are and what they are doing!
But why did Mao Xiaoyao also join the Spirit Pagoda?What is the purpose?Is it the same as yourself?
But, myself...

Gu Yue fell into deep thought!
Mao Xiaoyao looked helpless_`, if he hadn't read the script, he would know what a fart, he must have been cheated by someone, and he would count the money for them.

However, Mao Xiaoyao didn't know about the rest of it, and he didn't even finish reading it...he was brought into this world by the damn Tiger King.

very angry!

One day, he has to go back and tell the Tiger King revenge!

"Then... what should we do now?" The black cat looked at the cat demon gently, looking a little worried. Since they were being targeted by surveillance, they would go back to the Star Dou Forest if they couldn't. Anyway, their home was there, and they would go back when they were tired. Home.

Go back and see everyone.

"What do you want to do?" Gu Yue frowned, and looked at Mao Xiaoyao. No matter what Mao Xiaoyao and the others choose, she naturally cannot leave. After all, she also has her own mission in the Spirit Pagoda!
One, a mission she "self" knows about.

"Cute, cute, pretending to be stupid." The cat demon nodded the black cat's forehead, and smiled: "We are the deacons of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, geniuses, so naturally we have to continue to work hard for the Spirit Pagoda, as long as we have brains No problem, just wash them as they please."

Bystanders clear, the authorities are fascinated.

The cat demon did not enter the game, so where did the fans come from?
Now, he is the one who is blindly directing when others are playing chess.

The black cat has a question mark on its face, how can you sell it cute?
How many gold coins per catty?
(not many, five recommendation tickets)
"Pfft..." Gu Yue chuckled, this was very naughty, and they immediately started discussing some things.

At night, there are no people in the Spirit Pagoda. People who buy souls basically come to buy them during the day.

At night, people usually go to Ascension to Lingtai.

Regarding the question during the day, the cat demon finally began to inspect the soul area to see if there were any clues.

"Little Demon Deacon!" Some staff members said respectfully.

In the East Sea Spirit Pagoda, no one dared not disrespect the little cat, and, today, that female employee... seemed to be cold, and the others were even more afraid.

"Yeah!" Mao Xiaoyao nodded slightly and gave them a casual look. Deacon Xiaoyao... He really wanted to complain about this title, as if he had exposed something, and he was short of offering a grilled fish.

"Deacon Xiaoyao, do you need some kind of soul?" An employee smiled, wanting to curry favor with Mao Xiaoyao and build a relationship...


"None of your business!" Mao Xiaoyao glanced at him very unhappy, and scolded: "I won't ask for it myself? Do you want to take care of it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The employee immediately admitted his mistake and kept apologizing.

The other employees didn't dare to approach, for fear of being scolded by the little cat.

With a cold snort, Mao Xiaoyao strolled around the soul area for sale. With his current status, does he want any souls?
If not, make it yourself!

casual glance...

A million-year soul has no...

A 10-year soul has no...


Then look for it!
Looking, looking, not a single hair.

He thinks too much!

"Little demon, what are you doing?" Tost came, and during his daily patrol at night, he happened to meet Mao Xiaoyao, and saw him wandering around in the soul area, so he couldn't help asking with a puzzled expression.

"Looking, soul, I want to find a suitable soul." Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile.

After discovering some problems today, the way he looks at this uncle has obviously changed a lot.

There is an extra vigilance, but the little cat hides very deeply. After all, the title of King of Huyou is not just for nothing.

"Oh, that's it." Tost said lightly, and didn't care about anything. Since he chose to trust, then don't be so suspicious. In three years, he has observed enough.

He also knows that in Mao Xiaoyao's current state, if he is merging a soul, there is really no problem: "Look! Take whatever you want, if you are not satisfied, you can also create a soul yourself."

Tost smiled, and Mao Xiaoyao improved the traditional method of artificial soul, which greatly increased the success rate of artificial soul, which made their position in the East China Sea Spirit Transferring Pagoda among the eighteen Spirit Transferring Pagodas gradually rise.

A few days ago, the main tower also sent people down to investigate the matter of the 10-year-old soul. Tost was very casual, and showed the very unstable 10-year-old soul to those in the main tower.

Said, much more stable!
As a result, another person died!

If someone is dead, then naturally there is no doubt!
Mao Xiaoyao waved his hand and said: "But, I like 10-year-old souls and million-year-old souls. Uncle, what about those souls? You won't sell them all, right?" Then, Mao Xiaoyao took a special look at Tost, Into the title.

"Um..." Tost was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "To tell you the truth, a 10-year soul and a million-year soul are very, very unstable, especially a million-year soul. Those who fuse will die. At present, only black cats can fuse with successful examples, and your approach is right, to hide the soul for a million years, and choose to keep a low profile."

Since he chooses to believe it, Tost feels that he should tell Mao Xiaoyao something, maybe Mao Xiaoyao will personally transform a hundred thousand souls, a million-year souls, maybe he can transform successfully.

that way...

"Only the black cat succeeds? Then those who failed..." The little cat clenched his fists, his face suddenly turned ugly, and he was very angry. Was he betting on the life of the black cat?What if the life of the black cat is bad?

Frowning, Tost patted Mao Xiaoyao on the shoulder, and explained: "I know you are angry, but your spiritual power is very strong, stronger than my Contra. At that time, I was also betting, I bet you can merge successfully."

Tost didn't want to be suspected by Mao Xiaoyao. Mao Xiaoyao was the future of their entire East China Sea Spirit Pagoda. He could apologize, even kneel down and admit his mistakes, or give Mao Xiaoyao everything.

However, Mao Xiaoyao must believe him and stay in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda.

The future of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda needs a cat demon!

 Thank you for your youth, for that moment of time, crazy 999 book coins reward, the boss is mighty and domineering! ! !
  Thank you, I'm still too naive, the reward of 588 book coins, the reward is very cute, not naive.

  And thank you ai, yaya, for rewarding 588 book coins, please translate the name, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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