The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 113 The so-called authority!

Chapter 113 The so-called authority!

(It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and the tenth watch will break out, scaring you to death!)
"Uncle, I am serious about saying something to you, Uncle." Mao Xiaoyao's eyes turned cold immediately, and said: "I don't care about everything I have today, but I really care about the black cat, which is my life , One hundred thousand souls, one million year souls, those unstable things, it is a risk for you to take them out to test, what if the black cat has a bad life and the fusion fails?"

Mao Xiaoyao is very angry, wants to kill, and is angry about everything. Is it because he trusts people too easily?I couldn't believe that the uncle would do that before, but now that I know everything, I suddenly feel that my brain is really poisonous!
Why, human!

It's always so hard for him to see through.

"Little demon, I..." Tost hesitated to speak, and fell into silence. He never thought that Mao Xiaoyao would know these things so quickly...

However, he also knows that these things must not be hidden for too long, as the status of the little cat is getting higher and higher, he will definitely know...

Mao Xiaoyao clenched his fists, looked at Tost coldly, murderous aura spread all over his body, he wanted to kill someone, his mood also became unstable, some strange things were invading his sanity...

He is trying to restrain himself!

If he could, he would choose to leave directly, take the black cat along without looking back, and choose to quit the Spirit Pagoda.

However, in order to investigate some things.

He must endure!

Must endure!
"Uncle, do you know what it feels like to be deceived? I have paid so much for the Spirit Pagoda, and I have worked hard to research a new method of merging artificial souls, which has changed the previous method of artificial souls..." Mao Xiaoyao said a lot. The contribution you have made to the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda in the past three years, anyway, means that I have done so many things, and now I have been wronged so much, you must come to comfort me, right?

"I'm sorry, little demon." Tost said with an apologetic face, "I didn't think so much at the beginning..."

Mao Xiaoyao knew these things in advance and completely disrupted Tost's steps. He is a little messed up now, so he can only pray for Mao Xiaoyao's forgiveness...

"Give me the information of the [-] souls and the million-year souls. I want to study them. I don't want any problems with the black cat's soul in the future."

Mao Xiaoyao put forward his own conditions and the goal of conquering in the future, the 10-year soul, the million-year soul, these two problems, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda has not solved it for many years.

Mao Xiaoyao wants to try, and wants to study the transformation path of the soul.

"Okay, I will give you all the information of the 10-year soul, and the million-year soul. From now on, all the permissions will be open to you in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and you will not be subject to any restrictions." Tost looked crazy Said his decision, is to give Mao Xiaoyao everything he wants, he knows that Mao Xiaoyao has a strong hatred in his heart, so Mao Xiaoyao must also rely on the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

Tost almost gave his wife and daughter to Mao Xiaoyao, but unfortunately, he didn't...

The cat demon almost yelled: Damn it!

This speed of improvement... In an instant, under one person, above ten thousand people, this speed of climbing... Should it be so fast?Do elevators?

In fact, Mao Xiaoyao murmured about his talent!And, Tost's obsession with the rise of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and Mao Xiaoyao's ignorance, he has exposed some things...

"Now that we've said it, uncle, you trust me so much!" Mao Xiaoyao thought for a while and said, "Then... I have one more condition at the end."

Tost has a happy face, as long as the little cat doesn't leave and believes in himself, then everything is fine.

"I need the permission to enter the restricted area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, the permission to freely enter and exit, and the permission to research some materials."

Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Spirit Transferring Pagoda, in fact, the factory that Mao Xiaoyao once let the spirit beasts rob, is actually the puppet factory of Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The greater the power, the more things the little cat can find. On the surface, it is protecting the soul beast, but it has been secretly hunting and killing the soul beast.

Actually, that was the default of the Spirit Pagoda.

Because, once the soul beasts are all extinct, artificial souls will be the only way to improve the cultivation of soul masters.

Then, at that time, the status of the Spirit Pagoda in the Douluo Continent will be unparalleled.

Therefore, Mao Xiaoyao hated this damn Spirit Transferring Pagoda, a hypocritical organization, Huo Yuhao, must have had a poisonous mind at the beginning, and did not leave any means behind.

This family is poisonous!
Let the soul beast perish!
Tost frowned, the central area of ​​Star Dou Great Forest, there is the Soul Beast Sanctuary, which is handled by the main tower, he doesn't understand what the little cat is doing there.

"Is it difficult? Where to go, study soul beasts, so that you can understand souls better." Mao Xiaoyao began to fool around, one human identity and one soul beast identity, he needs a permission to come and go freely.

If this problem is difficult even for Tost, then blocking the entire Star Dou Forest is like a cage, sending people secretly into the Misty Swamp to check it out from time to time.

Probably, those who are responsible for guarding and protecting the central area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest - the main tower!

Guard, protect?
Mao Xiaoyao resisted the anger of killing people. If this is the so-called protection of the soul beast, then the death of his own people, what is that?
Those humans are damned!
Damn the Spirit Pagoda!
Tost noticed the hateful eyes of Mao Xiaoyao, soul beast, Star Dou Forest?

Is it...

The reason why Mao Xiaoyao hates others so much is related to soul beasts?

He has enmity with the soul beast?

"You are now the deacon of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and no one will stop you anywhere." Tost said with a serious face, "However, little monster, you have to remember that revenge must be sure, and the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda , will always be your solid backing." Tost didn't want to ask too much about other things, the cat demon's eyes contained endless resentment!He can use this to win over the little cat and make him a member of the East Sea Spirit Pagoda!

If revenge!

The Spirit Pagoda can help him!

"Don't worry, I won't be that stupid." Mao Xiaoyao said coldly, Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Spirit Transferring Pagoda, one day, he will destroy this damn organization and destroy all Spirit Transferring Techniques!

Tost nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

Immediately, he brought the cat demon to the 10-year soul research area, where Hao Ren, Lika, and some big bosses were all sitting and experimenting.

The study of the 10-year-old soul has always been done by Tost and the others. Students, naturally, do not have the right to study it.

"Elder!" Those researchers looked at Tost with respect, and looked at Mao Xiaoyao with doubts. What is he doing here?
The researchers wondered what the little cat was doing here, so he also wanted to study it?
"Well, everyone, stop for a moment, and I'll announce something." Tost smiled happily. To him, he was very happy to gain the trust of Mao Xiaoyao.

Hao Ren and the others walked over immediately, they didn't know what it was.

"Starting today, Mao Xiaoyao officially joins the 10-year soul research team." Tost smiled and clapped his hands, "Welcome!"

Hao Ren, Lika, and some people who knew the cat demon's innate abilities were all applauding.

Some people who don't know are puzzled, after all, when they enter into crazy research... some people are blocked by news, and they don't know at all the changes brought about by the cat demon to the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda.

But it doesn't matter. During Lika's frantic explanation, she has been explaining the contribution of Mao Xiaoyao, and those people nod and praise from time to time.

Tost smiled, he believed...

Perhaps in the near future, a stable hundred thousand souls... is not a dream.

"Hello everyone!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, talent, talent, at this moment, he didn't feel that these researchers deserved to die... He just wanted to imprison these people, imprison them forever, and let them study things for the soul beasts...

If you can't research it, it's not too late to kill.

"Heroes make boys!"

"At such a young age, he actually changed the way artificial souls are made..."

"Welcome!" Everyone was clapping their hands. People who didn't know Mao Xiaoyao just now, after being educated by Lika, applauded in admiration.

"Student, become a colleague." Hao Ren smiled wryly, this change is a bit of a thing.

Among these researchers, each one is over 40 years old, and has spent most of his life studying [-] souls. Now, the young, energetic and fresh blood of Mao Xiaoyao...

Maybe, what will change!
Later, Tost brought the little cat to the place where the souls of millions of years are stored...

That gloomy underground!
The last two ferocious cat-like million-year-old souls appeared. Tost brought them in front of the little cat. The two sleeping souls suddenly woke up and looked at the little cat complicatedly, their eyes full of confusion and anxiety.

Looking at the two million-year-old souls, Mao Xiaoyao only realized a problem at this moment!A problem that has never been discovered before.

They seem to be pieced together!
The breath is very chaotic!

 I will start to explain tomorrow, the origin of the million-year soul!

  You said, will the little cat successfully study one hundred thousand souls?
  And the souls of millions of years, is there a way to make them stable?

  Tsk tsk, this is naturally a recommendation ticket suppression!
  Really a week, if you are still reading books, remember to give a few recommended tickets!


(End of this chapter)

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