The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 114 The Secret of the Thousand Year Soul!

Chapter 114 The Secret of the Million Year Soul! (Brothers and sisters, push my ass to subscribe!)
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"There are no more than five million-year-old souls in the Douluo Continent, and in our Spirit Transferring Pagoda organization. There are probably only that many in the entire Douluo Continent."

There are definitely no other sub-towers, but there are two even more terrifying million-year-old souls on the main tower. They have three million-year-old souls in the East Sea Spirit Pagoda, and a two-winged white tiger was successfully fused by a black cat!

Tost quietly looked at these two million-year-old feline souls, his eyes were full of fanaticism. This is something left by the predecessors of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, and now it is in his hands, "This is a 1-year-old soul. Since then...the million-year-old souls that have been passed down from generation to generation in the Spirit Pagoda." Generation after generation, starting from the first generation!
When Tost looked at these two million-year-old souls, he always had the urge to merge and absorb them, but he was afraid of death...

That million-year-old soul double-winged white tiger was fused by the black cat, the gamble, he won, won, then seeing others is okay, then he also wants to...

However, after seeing another [-] souls die in the main tower due to fusion instability, Tost completely dismissed this idea!

Life is important!

Before, he thought that the success of the black cat's fusion was due to its strong mental power or the stability of the million-year-old soul!Suitable for fusion...

He tried it and nearly died!

Steady ass!

Made a chicken!
"What do you mean?" Besides being shocked, the cat demon was also shocked...and puzzled, could a million-year soul give birth to a child?

Can this thing be inherited?

In the past, when watching a million-year-old soul, Mao Xiaoyao didn't feel anything. After all, at that time, he didn't understand artificial souls.

Take a look now...

It is indeed not stable. The virtual body of the two million-year-old souls feels like it will burst at any time, but it hasn't burst...

The eyes are also fierce!Sometimes, it can be cute, but when people take a closer look, they will be shocked again.

Seeing that Mao Xiaoyao was interested, Tost seemed to have found a breakthrough, and he couldn't help explaining: "The so-called million-year-old soul is actually... a million-year-old soul that was forcibly fused with the souls of countless soul beasts... , In the process, some souls will disappear directly, the fusion is successful, and the state of the spirit body is also very unstable... After so many years, in fact, we are all trying to stabilize the million-year-old soul..."

"However, every time people think they are stable, they will fail if they fuse a million-year soul. No matter who they are, as long as they fuse a million-year soul... they will explode and die." Thinking of the tragic experiences of the seniors, Tost looked helpless. He himself almost died. This is a million-year-old soul... In fact, he also thought about it, but he almost died...

For this, one wasted...

Now, dare not...

I can only envy the black cat!

Moreover, the same is true for 10-year-old souls, merging and exploding, very scary.

"Soul?" Mao Xiaoyao frowned, as if thinking of something bad, "Soul, soul, soul..." He stroked the soul guide container with his small hand, slowly feeling the breath of these two million-year-old souls... …

Suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao felt a severe headache, that painful feeling, as if his head was about to explode...

"Ah!" Mao Xiaoyao cried out in pain, holding his head, and kept patting his own head, trying to communicate with the million-year-old soul, only to realize that the million-year-old soul is actually so painful...

Resentment, hatred, endless pain!As if to tear the cat demon!A strange breath is also being absorbed by him...

"Xiao Yao, what's wrong with you?" Tost wanted to support the cat, Xiao Yao, how could he become like this.

Mao Xiaoyao's eyes turned cold, "Don't come near me!" As he said, his eyes began to turn red, and he could hardly see everything in front of him...

This strange power seems to have appeared when he was fighting Tang Wulin...

Seeing that cold look, it was terrifying. For a moment, Tost was frightened. He frowned, and instantly separated the distance from the little cat, keeping him away from the million-year soul. , he must be ready to rescue him at any time!
And this time...

The beast martial spirit in Mao Xiaoyao's body wanted evil cats, and suddenly appeared, it appeared automatically, Mao Xiaoyao didn't summon it, it spread the huge black wings on its back, and looked closely at the two with dark purple eyes. Only a million-year-old soul.

Instantly absorb those grievances, hatred...

"Little demon, you..." Tost was shocked. He really wanted to stop it...but he was afraid that this was the transformation of the cat demon. If he tried to stop it, it would destroy something.

Moreover, Mao Xiaoyao didn't let him get close. With that sense of distance, Mao Xiaoyao didn't seem to trust him...

No, he doesn't seem to trust anyone!
Moreover, this lustful evil cat...

Afterwards, Tost never tried to stop the cat demon again, but watched quietly, his eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"This is..." The cat demon in pain fell into confusion, knelt on the ground and beat his hands on the ground, biting his lips with drops of blood dripping from his lips.

Back then, when he fought Tang Wulin, the huge power of resentment and chaotic emotions in his body seemed to be purified by the power of Tang Wulin's Golden Dragon King essence!

What's the situation now?
Why are there so many...

At this moment, the Extreme Desire Evil Cat frantically absorbs the endless resentment from the bodies of the two million-year-old souls...

No, you can't be controlled like this!
Mao Xiaoyao gritted his teeth, and scratched his arm fiercely, leaving a bloodstain, the blood dripped down, he had to keep himself awake...

Compulsory execution, take back the lustful evil cat!

Mao Xiaoyao was covered in cold sweat, his face suddenly turned pale and ugly, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he fell to the ground in an instant, gasping for breath...

"Little demon, how are you?" Tost looked worried, and injected a trace of soft soul power into Mao Xiaoyao. Tost was an auxiliary soul master, and his skills also had the ability to rescue teammates.

"It's okay, I tried to understand the million-year-old soul, but in the end, I was almost killed by it." Seeing that the wound on his arm was healing bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye, the little cat was stunned. Uncle Tost's Ability, it seems a bit perverted...

Surprised, Mao Xiaoyao quickly returned to normal, he acted too weird just now, he had to divert Tost's attention, and he couldn't make him doubt himself...

"It's fine, don't worry about the research, here, you can come anytime in the future, but, don't go to fusion..." Tost was really scared!He had never seen the strange thing just now.

If the black cat was really lucky and succeeded in merging the million-year-old soul, then what if the cat and demon were unlucky when merging?
Tost felt that it was necessary to remind Mao Xiaoyao that he should integrate the ten thousand year soul, and then slowly upgrade the soul...

Million-year soul, don't think about it!
"Well, well! Then I'll go first, the black cat is probably looking for me." The cat demon nodded, then glanced at the two million-year-old souls, and walked out of the mysterious warehouse without knowing what he was thinking.

"Hmm!" Tost looked at the back of the cat demon leaving, and didn't know what he was thinking. The two of them seemed to have some secrets.

Tost didn't come out, but has been observing the two million-year-old souls...and thinking about the weird things that happened just now.

Strange, it seems different?Could it be his own illusion?

Tost seemed to feel that these two million-year-old souls were different from before, and he couldn't tell exactly why they were different, so he couldn't help but slowly approach and observe carefully.

All right!The two million-year-old souls began to attack him. It seemed that it was really his illusion!Unstable is unstable!

"Elder!" Lika suddenly appeared, elusive like a shadow. Just now, the little cat didn't notice, but in fact, Lika was also here.

"How is it, what is the cat demon looking for?" Tost suddenly changed his face, a very scary face, different from when he was facing the cat demon, at this time, it seemed to be his original appearance .

The entire Spirit Pagoda was under his nose, and he naturally knew about the secret investigation of the cat demon.

But, Gu Yue, he couldn't monitor the cat demon's room, which was very strange.

(Mao Xiaoyao: Block interference, understand?)
"This!" Lika took out a blueprint from her ring space soul guide, handed it to Tost, and then stood aside, keeping quiet.

Holding the drawing, Tost saw a pattern and couldn't help frowning.

"Hatred is sometimes a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it can become a sharp sword. If you use it poorly, you may be crushed to pieces."

Tost had a smirk on his face, and the blueprint in his hand instantly turned into ashes, and he left.

Lika looked puzzled, it was just a pattern, but she didn't dare to ask more, after all, people who know too much will not live long!

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao returned to her residence, ran to the bathroom, and used cold water to wake herself up...

Resentment, hatred, blood devouring, greed, desire...

A bunch of negativity!It is devouring the last sobriety of the little cat little by little!

"I can't study, Daddy!"

Don't explode at this time, otherwise, you will break all your plans, and the little cat is suppressing in pain and collapse!
"Xiao Yao, are you back?" The black cat looked strange, and the door didn't even close?What does this do...

Rustle, bathroom, sound of running water.

"Little demon? Are you inside?" The black cat knocked on the door and listened with his ears. Could it be that he is not there? Otherwise, why didn't the little cat answer?
Is it...

Is the enemy?
The black cat was vigilant, possessed by a martial spirit, and then looked at the door of the bathroom with vigilance.

"Little demon, are you there?" The black cat looked vigilant, with a trace of fear showing on her face, she was going to use her soul power to destroy the door lock, ready to fight at any time.


Suddenly open the door!

With a meow, a big black cat appeared!
Didn't wait for the black cat to open the door!
The big black cat jumped on the black cat in an instant... Its paws scratched at her pretty little face!Being caught, the little black cat's face must be disfigured!
"Little demon, what's wrong with you, I'm a black cat." The black cat was very anxious, not knowing what to do, its body moved sideways, avoiding the claws of the cat demon, the claws scratched deeply at the ground, and instantly, the ground burst!

This big black cat is exactly the cat demon that has turned back into its original body, evil, angry, resentful, painful, desperate...

All the negative emotions are eroding his sanity.

Just now, the Extreme Desire Cat absorbed all the negative emotional power of those two million-year-old souls...Because the unlucky boy Mao Xiaoyao didn't awaken his own blood, he couldn't absorb these things correctly...

No, start backlash!
In fact, Tost didn't know that now, those two million-year-old souls have nothing to do now. They are very stable and can be fused at will. Naturally, they will not explode and die. His feeling is not wrong!

Those unstable factors are all here with Mao Xiaoyao!

"Revenge, I will avenge you." Mao Xiaoyao yelled frantically. In his original state, he was very weird and terrifying. He looked very painful...

When the Extreme Desire Evil Cat absorbs those negative emotions, it is equivalent to that the little cat is also absorbing...

Those memories, those memories of when the soul beast was hunted, and the memory of the fusion of souls, appeared in Mao Xiaoyao's mind bit by bit!

A million-year-old soul was successfully fused. In the secret of the Spirit Pagoda, it is unknown how many soul beasts were killed and how many souls were fused before the fusion was successful.

After the fusion, due to the resentment of the soul beasts...all kinds of hatred...negative emotions, the souls of millions of years are unstable. After all, things that are put together will definitely not be stable.

If anyone's mental power is not strong enough, they will be backlashed and finally exploded to death.

Moreover, even if the million-year-old soul that was forcibly fused is successful, it's hard to say whether there will be any impact behind it.

"Little demon!" The black cat wanted to appease the cat demon, and touched it with her little hand, but she didn't finish her sentence!

The little cat slapped his paw!She was sent flying by the little cat and hit the wall.

"It hurts!" Black Cat said depressedly, rubbing his buttocks, the buttocks fell to the ground first!It hurts!
At this time, the cat demon with red eyes in chaos, regards her as the murderer human beings who killed the soul beasts, with murderous intent!
The black cat doesn't know what to do, but she always believes in the little cat...



She has it too!
The black cat transformed into its main body in an instant, a black night cat demon, even more domineering, isn't she an ordinary little house cat like a cat demon?
The black cat fights directly with the little cat!
House demolition battle!Cats fighting, two naughty cats are destroying the room crazily...

In order to wake up the cat demon...

All right!Can't wake up!

Meow, the black cat can't beat...

"Hey, you hit me!" At this time, the bed was full of torn quilt pieces and various pieces of furniture... The floor was in a mess.

The black cat sat on the ground and cried bitterly. At this moment, she was just a poor kitten with big purple eyes and tears...


Cry, black cat!
"Ah!" Mao Xiaoyao slammed his head against the wall fiercely, screamed in pain, turned into a human appearance, and then quickly tapped the acupuncture points on his body, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, plopped, and passed out.

The black cat looked strange, is this okay?
"If I had known, I would have cried, T﹏T."

The black cat also turned into a human form, looking at the cat demon who was peacefully sleeping, he couldn't help but think of what happened just now, his nose sore, and the two of them embraced each other honestly...

 Subscriber, where are you? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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