The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 115 That's Hatred! !

Chapter 115 That's Hatred! !
"What's wrong with me_?"

(Too much!)
The head hurts, Mao Xiaoyao slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly found that his face was lying on two strange flesh-colored objects, very fragrant, very white, very soft, very comfortable...

Mao Xiaoyao took a deep breath of the aroma, this "is" good medicine for headaches!
What the hell!

Wait!This is……

The cat demon stretched out his evil hands and rubbed them!

"Hmm..." A low voice...

"Black cat, you, you, you, why are you here, us, us, why don't you wear clothes?" The cat demon looked like a pitiful victim, hugging his chest. Cats are nervous.

Cough cough, can't see, cover it, cover it.

The little cat took a look, and covered the black cat with two rags and quilts, blocking Naman's wonderful figure, and replacing the white beauty of the holy light.

"Hey, hit me." The black cat who woke up cried out for the first time about the bad behavior of the little cat. At that time, he changed back to his original body, like a crazy cat.

"I..." Mao Xiaoyao rubbed his temples and thought for a while. It seemed that there was such a thing. At that time, he was in a state of confusion and was always thinking about how to kill humans.

When he saw the human-like black cat, the violent and chaotic thoughts of killing surged in his body instantly, and there was only one thought: kill!

Fortunately, the black cat's cry at the end woke up the confused self, otherwise, the two of them would be finished.

Thinking, thinking, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly burst into tears!

"What happened?" The black cat wiped the tears from the corners of Mao Xiaoyao's eyes, and hugged him with a distressed expression. Facing his sad and sad partner, the black cat hugged him without reservation, giving him the greatest warmth with concern.

"Dead, they are all dead, they are all dead." Mao Xiaoyao was weeping... The horror and despair of those soul beasts before their death had always appeared in his mind.

One knife, one sword, one shot, one cannon!
Soul beasts died, one by one, a bunch, a bunch!
Like a weak and helpless child!
Mao Xiaoyao cried T﹏T, crying stupidly, as a monster clan, he should not be so sad, monster clan, soul beast...

But why is he in so much pain?
"I'm here, I'm here!" The black cat hugged the cat demon.

Calm down and hold the black cat!

Afterwards, the cat demon explained to the black cat the origin of the million-year soul...

"But, why does Xiaobai have nothing to do, and I don't have anything to do?" Inappropriate, explosive body?The black cat doesn't understand why he has nothing to do!
Knowing what happened, the black cat was very strange and angry, but she found nothing.

"Monster power!" Mao Xiaoyao explained: "Because, I fused the two-winged white tiger with demon power, and reincarnation...yin and yang...everything is balanced."

It is difficult to explain exactly how to integrate and balance. It is the skill of the monster clan. This, the cat demon thinks, I will teach the black cat how to use it in the future!
After all, black cats have no demonic power...

When the soul beasts in "Yao Xin Jue" cultivate, they can only cultivate soul power, and they can only cultivate soul power. To cultivate demon power, you must have the demon clan of Mao Xiaoyao.

"Those people from the Spirit Pagoda should be damned, little monster, let's go! This place is too dangerous..." The people from the Spirit Pagoda actually secretly hunted and killed soul beasts, extracted their souls, and used them as experimental materials to forcibly fuse hundreds of souls. The soul of ten thousand years.

What about protection?

Isn't the Spirit Pagoda protecting the soul beast?
Are you kidding yourself?
The black cat is afraid, afraid that he will lose the cat demon.

"No, we can't leave." Mao Xiaoyao clenched his teeth and clenched his fists, his eyes were full of hatred, they couldn't leave.

The higher they climbed, the more things they came into contact with. They really couldn't leave the Spirit Pagoda now.

Mao Xiaoyao said: "The Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Federation have eighteen existences that are the same as the East China Sea Spirit Pagodas. Think about it, will those Spirit Pagodas be like this?" The people from the Spirit Pagoda organization , all over the Douluo Continent, even overseas continents, they also go to develop their forces.

Mao Xiaoyao looked murderous, and said: "Remember, the so-called Soul Beast Garden?"

The Soul Beast Garden, as the name suggests, is a place similar to a zoo. There are no wild animals in it, and some poor soul beasts...

They are enslaved by humans!
In order to satisfy their own curiosity and pleasure, human beings began to enslave soul beasts, and enslaved soul beasts that were about to become extinct. However, there were not as many soul beasts that were about to become extinct, so they naturally became hot items.

After all, today's human children don't even know what a soul beast is...

Then the profit of Soul Beast Garden can be imagined!

"Remember!" Black Cat nodded, she will not forget these things.

That time, after the cat demon and the black cat came back, they wanted to blow up the soul beast garden...

But, even if the soul beasts are saved, so what?Can the soul beasts return to the Star Dou Forest?Go back, will the humans there let them go?

How to go back?

On the way, I am afraid that I will face the pursuit of the human army!

"The soul beasts there are from the Spirit Pagoda!" Mao Xiaoyao's eyes were full of anger, those soul beasts were all experimental soul beasts!They were used for experiments, and some soul beasts would be killed directly. If they were lucky, if they survived the experiment, they would linger in the soul beast garden.

"How could it be..." The black cat's face suddenly turned ugly, and his hands trembled slightly...

Isn't the Spirit Pagoda responsible for protecting their soul beasts?

Isn't the Spirit Pagoda responsible for guarding the Star Forest?
The black cat shed tears, so many soul beasts, did they all die under the so-called guardians?

Well, my own mother...

"That day, when humans invaded our homeland, guess what was recorded at the Spirit Pagoda?"

Mao Xiaoyao took advantage of his relationship to investigate some things, but Tost noticed something in what he thought was a seamless investigation.

"Poachers, intrusion." The cat demon smiled, and said with a cold smile: "Hehe, the file only has such a simple description!" , and the mother will not die!
Damn Spirit Pagoda!

Thinking, thinking, very angry, suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao started to fall into chaos again...

"Little demon!" The black cat hugged the cat demon.

The moment he was hugged, the little cat's eyes, which were supposed to turn red, returned to normal blue, and he returned to normal.



Falling down without disappointment...

"Little demon, you are tired, rest!" The black cat comforted the cat demon.

Mao Xiaoyao has always been so desperate. Since her mother died, she rarely sees a happy and smiling Mao Xiaoyao.

She would always see that little cat who sneaked up to practice in the middle of the night and studied things desperately.

He did everything for the soul beasts, for the future, and for everyone.

He is so tired!
But he is not a soul beast!

Soul beasts, will they understand what he has done?

"Black cat..." Wen Yu fell into his arms, and the little cat shed tears, smelling the fragrance of the black cat's hair.

No matter how scary, how strong, and how indifferent he pretends to be in front of humans, he will still be tired.

The burden on his shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, pressing him all the time, he dare not relax, once he relaxes, humans will not give him any chance.

"One day, we will rescue those suffering soul beasts, the Spirit Pagoda, humans, and enemies. They will also pay the price." , her own tears fell down without disappointment.

Now, they are too weak to fight against the entire human race.


Mao Xiaoyao breathes the black cat's exclusive body fragrance, which smells very good. He must remember this smell, and always remember it.


The little cat fell asleep...

At this time, the soul in the black cat's body, the two-winged white tiger is also undergoing transformation, and those remaining evil thoughts and resentments...

Little by little, it merged into the little cat's body...

Just now, Mao Xiaoyao used his monster power to fuse with the two-winged white tiger, making it more stable and ensuring that the black cat would not be hurt by the two-winged white tiger.

Mao Xiaoyao wants to bear these bad things and unstable things by himself, no matter what the ending is!
Even die!

Even if he loses one in the end, he won't regret it!

Didi, the time passed bit by bit, and the little cat and the black cat fell asleep very peacefully like this. They finally had a short, warm and beautiful moment.

Their identities are special, whether they are spirits or spirit beasts, they are willing to get close to them.

Just like...

It's the same when a black cat fuses with a two-winged white tiger. Other people's fusion will definitely explode and die.

However, the black cat is a soul beast...

 Thank you, (perfunctory) Brother Zhaozhou's reward, thank you very much, do you have a monthly pass?Push my ass up! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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