The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 127 Women's Clothing Little Demon Pipi Auction!

Chapter 127 Women's Clothing Little Demon Pipi Auction!
One shot, one shot, I took one shot, but Mao Xiaoyao didn't shoot anything.

As an unprofessional barbarian, Mao Xiaoyao is very particular. He specializes in fighting against some local rich people, and he just doesn't get along with those people, whoever has a crush on them.

At this moment, at this moment, a piece of soul bone is being auctioned on the auction house. A soul bone, that is, a kind of ability bone that has a chance to be obtained after killing a soul beast, can be integrated into a human body.

For example, if human beings obtain the hand bones of soul beasts, they can fuse them into their own arms to enhance their strength. They could originally hold a bucket of water with one hand, but after fusion, they can carry a water tank with one hand.

It's so bullish!

Soul bones, now due to the decrease in the number of soul beasts, soul bones are more precious than lingering soul beasts...

The price is naturally high!

"500 million federation currency!"

"510 million federation currency!"

"600 million federation currency!"

A bunch of bigwigs started to fight for it. Since the spirit bone is not too powerful, not many people are willing to auction it back. Even if they are sent to buy it, they will probably use it as a souvenir!collect!

Looking at the freshness, it is estimated that the soul bone was obtained by killing a soul beast just now. It is fresh and smells like blood!

The cat demon's eyes were full of anger, that is to say, a poor soul beast was killed by humans, and the soul bones were ruthlessly auctioned by humans?
"1000 million federal currency, I want this soul bone, don't grab it, your federal currency is definitely not as much as mine." Endure it, damn human beings, the cat demon began to fool around, verbally stimulating the self-esteem of those local tyrants, To put it bluntly, that is me as a child, I am so awesome, you are not convinced that you have the ability to take it back.

Normally, no one would be fooled by this kind of mentally handicapped stimulation and provocative tactics.

As a result, there are really a few fools who can't see Mao Xiaoyao being so arrogant, they couldn't help but glance at Mao Xiaoyao, a kid, so rich?
Tongyan, Tongyan, giant...

They seem to focus on something else!
"Ten thousand and one million!" A big fat man, with fat head and big ears, greasy face, and fat eyes that can only be squinted through a slit. At first glance, he looks like a particularly bad person. He has a little money at home. Niubi boom boom, most of them are the kind of rich second generation, there are people.

The big fat man looked at Mao Xiaoyao, smiled wretchedly, and said, "Little sister, don't make trouble, if you can't afford it, then you have to..." The big fat man smiled wretchedly, and the big fat man looked at the cat very wretchedly. Cat demon, tsk tsk, big-breasted loli, fat people seem to like this type very much.

The other people also laughed, the fat man was right, the "little girl" had raised the price many times just now, and every time she just raised the price instead of buying it.

Everyone seriously doubts whether this "girl" can really afford it?
Looking at that soul bone, the black cat was also angry, "Little demon, you can't take advantage of those humans, this soul bone has a faint bloody smell, and that soul beast should have just died not long ago." This soul bone made her very angry. I'm so upset, that breath is obviously the soul bone obtained after killing the soul beast, and now it is directly auctioned?
Mao Xiaoyao frowned, looked at those people at the auction, and couldn't help thinking, if this auction exploded, wouldn't it be better?

"Hey, little sister, admit defeat! Otherwise, if you can't afford it, you will have to pay with meat."

"Haha, thin skin and tender meat, so young, go home! This is not a place for you to come and play."

"Go back and find the adults!"

Everyone started laughing, they didn't think Mao Xiaoyao had the ability to buy...

The black cat is very angry, these human faces are so ugly, I really want to kill those people!

"I bid such a high price, of course I have my reasons. Don't you have money, don't I?"

"2000 million! Aren't you bragging about how much money you have? Come on, anyway, even if I can't afford it, I can pay with meat, but you let me? You have to shoot, right?"

Mao Xiaoyao smiled very charmingly, and he was full of flair in an instant. He could not help but despise the eyes of the old aunt of the Fox tribe when he was patrolling the mountains.

Do you really think that the past three years have been spent in the Spirit Pagoda for nothing?With such a lucrative position, do you really think he didn't embezzle money?
Everyone discusses!It seems that this girl is not simple, some people are scared!

As for the people at the auction, why is the little cat and the black cat allowed to mess around like that...

Just now, when he came in, Mao Xiaoyao took out his token of the deacon of the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and showed it to the person in charge of the auction. With that status, the auction house will not stop anything at all.

The deacons of the Spirit Pagoda are very popular no matter where they are.

But the fat man refused to accept it, held up the bidding sign, and said: "3000 million!"

The little cat is happy, this damn fat man finally took the bait, if he succeeds in angering this fat man, then when he goes out, that fat man and some criminals will come to take revenge on him, tsk tsk, I get excited just thinking about it... …

I can accept it...

Suddenly, at this time, the angry black cat saw the fat man bidding, and she also said: "Hmph, I'll offer 5000 million, you fat man, you bully your girlfriend, I don't have much else, just a lot of money." Isn't the fat man's arrogant look just a comparison of money?Don't they?
By the way, what money do they have?

Everyone was stunned...

If the two young girls are not really bluffing, then they are really very rich...

Otherwise, the auction would not allow them to make such trouble.

At this time, on the other side, Tang Wulin watched as the bosses were grabbing an ordinary soul bone...

He expressed his panic, and hoped that when he auctioned off the thousand-year-old vine, those two young girls would not compete with him to buy it. His current funds are only 1000 million federal coins...

very poor!

However, how could these two young girls be so familiar?I seem to have seen it somewhere...

Tang Wulin scratched his head, where did he see it?

It seems that I can't remember it again!

"Little demon, little demon, why don't you speak?"

The black cat shook the dazed cat demon, at this time, shouldn't he be proud of those humans?Scold a few words, scold a few words, quickly scold a few words...

"Ah!" I gave the black cat a thumbs up, but, this is very skr, the little cat is very tired... so expensive... only a fool would sell it, why raise the price so high... loss loss...

Black cat, you cat teammate, you cheat...

But, at this idiot... Fatty, he gritted his teeth, glanced at the black cat in displeasure, and at the cat demon, and said, "100 million..."

His voice was a little hoarse. He seemed to have made a very difficult and difficult decision, and he absolutely used 5000 million to buy it...

5000 million federation currency, this figure, he seems to be a bit unbearable...

"Damn it!" The black cat was very angry, its small face was full of anger, and it stamped its feet crazily. This fat man seriously looked down on them... She was going to shout 6000 million!
Damn, auntie...

The cat demon has quick eyes and hands, and covered the black cat's soft mouth to stop her crazy behavior...

5000 million federal currency, that is a loss-making business, soul bones are useless to them, 5000 million federal currency can already make that fat man bleed...

Defraud people, defraud people, don't defraud yourself...

At the auction, there are already many people who know that they have money. At this time, let's see which one will take the bait.

Anyway, this fat man...

"Fatty, leave the soul bone to you!" Mao Xiaoyao mocked: "After all, 5000 million!"

The cat demon then turned into the black cat's ear and said, "Calm down, we are cheating people, not ourselves. We have to save our money to buy thousand-year-old green tendons later." The point is how to prevent Tang Wulin from going smoothly. If you break through the seal, you can't be killed, so you can't die?
The stronger the protagonist is, the more troublesome it will be when dealing with humans. After all, the protagonist, the protagonist, will always be the messenger of justice.

The black cat nodded to understand something.

Everyone is confused...


Just gone?
What the hell?The fat man was even more confused, let him buy this broken soul bone with 5000 million federal currency?

This is so...


 As I said, Xiao Yao can dress up as a woman!
(End of this chapter)

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