The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 128 Gu Yue's Suspicion!

Chapter 128 Gu Yue's Suspicion!
That ordinary soul bone was finally bought by that fat man for 5000 million federal currency!
Everyone sighed for a while. Every time the boys and girls competed for items, the price of the items would increase. The key is that they didn't buy anything...

At this time, the fat man looked at the black cat and the cat demon with a vicious look on his face. This couple...

Unfortunately, this is a cat man and woman!

Just when everyone thought that the little cat and the black cat would not compete to buy something...

The latest thing brought up made Mao Xiaoyao almost curse: Douluo Dalucheng, don't bully me!

This hell... Transformation grass?

I have been looking for it for so long, and today I finally saw half of it... The other half seemed to be bitten by something... What a waste, the little cat saw it and wanted to hit someone, who, oh, ba, bitten by an egg ?
Transformation grass, unless some high-level soul beasts eat it, it will not directly transform into form.

However, this grass...

The auctioneer introduced: "Wannian Ghost Grass, taking it can increase the power of the spirit. The starting price is 500 million federal coins!" The auctioneer took a special look at Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao, hoping that these two troublemakers would Wait, I can help them raise the price a little more...

Just think about it!

"What, just run a plant..."

"The effect of the medicine is basically gone!"

"You take pictures yourself, anyway, I don't want it!"

Everyone saw that only half of it was there, and couldn't help complaining, who didn't know that ghost grass can improve spiritual power, the key is that this plant is only half left!
What can half do?
Has the medicinal essence inside been lost?

The point is, which wicked thing took a bite?
The auctioneer is in a hurry, what is half of it?Can't help but look at Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat, big brother, hurry up!
Raise the price!Raise the price!Raise the price!

"Damn, it turned out that the shape-changing grass was called Ghost Grass on Douluo Continent, unexpectedly, it has more abilities that can improve spiritual power, and its appearance has changed a lot, no wonder I couldn't find it no matter how hard I searched." Mao Xiaoyao fell into thought Well, when the auction is over, he is going to inquire about the specific origin of this Ghost Grass.

Half a plant of transformation grass is far from enough... In the future, he will need hundreds of thousands of transformation grass to refine enough transformation pills. Now, not only the soul beasts in the misty swamp need it!
Those soul beasts who are suffering in the human world also need Transformation Pills!

Only in form can it be hidden in the human world!
"Little demon... what is that?" Seeing that Mao Xiaoyao was so excited, the black cat couldn't help asking, it seemed that it was different from what they were looking for before.

"That's what we've been looking for!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and looked at the half of the transformation grass with fanaticism. If luck is good... if this half is successfully refined at one time, at least Get a transformation pill...

Of course, the premise is good luck!
No luck, fryer!Nothing at all!

"Hua..." The black cat was stunned. They searched for so long, but they couldn't find it. They didn't expect that this auction house would have...

Mao Xiaoyao nodded, and then shouted: "500 million!" Mao Xiaoyao's lowly voice is very nice, with a big female voice and a big guy in women's clothes, he seems to like his current identity very much... Unknowingly, he has achieved some kind of achievement.

Ideas are dangerous!
The auctioneer was very happy, almost moved to tears, finally, finally...




No sound, what do you mean?
Where is the fat man?

Damn, where are people?
The auctioneer was stunned, why is there no one bidding, this is something to improve mental power...

Good stuff, people?

Come and buy!
Fatty, who was on the communicator at this time, was crying and calling for his father to send money...

Everyone wants to buy it. After all, things like mental power can't be improved casually. However, they saw Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao, these two guys who raised the price...

Anyway, it's only half, so let's not argue!

Let them scramble!

"One time for 500 million!" The auctioneer was anxious and wanted to curse. Just now, he estimated that more than 1000 million could be auctioned...

But now...


"500 million twice..." The auctioneer really wanted to curse.


"Five million three times..." The auctioneer held up a small hammer, as if waiting for something...I'm looking forward to it, hurry up the auction, hurry up and bid, come on!

"Deal, congratulations to the two of No. 250!" The auctioneer twitched and smiled, looked at Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao, very depressed, why didn't you call 1000 million at the beginning?

"Thank you everyone!" Mao Xiaoyao was very happy, this auction is really easy... Wannian?He thought he wanted to compete, but in the end...

No opponent, very lonely!

The black cat was very happy to get the transformation grass, and he paid 500 million federal coins very readily. For humans, this is called ghost grass, which can improve spiritual power, but, for soul can transform into shape s things.

Very precious!
Because, they don't have to practice for 10 years!
"Hey, little demon, look." The black cat took the transformation grass and came to the side of the cat demon, smiling happily, transformation grass, what they dreamed of.

Mao Xiaoyao also held the Transformation Grass, looked at it, touched it, and kissed it. What the hell, is it almost ten years?Ever since he came to this Douluo Continent, he has been looking for Transformation Pill...

Today finally...

"Eh..." the cat demon.

"Um..." Black Cat.

At this time, a beautiful girl entered the private room where Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao were, and they frightened the two of them for a moment...

However, at this moment, the main event came, the thousand-year-old blue tendon grass that the little cat and the black cat had been looking forward to...

However, Tang Wulin's side has already started bidding... Cautiously starting the auction, looking at Mao Xiaoyao and the others from time to time, it's strange, don't you raise the price?
Can't help being flattered!
"Which one of you... is the little cat demon and which one is the black cat?" Gu Yue frowned and took a look.

Yes, Silver Dragon King Gu Yue is here, this morning.On the morning, she saw the little cat and the black cat sneaking out. She was very puzzled, so she couldn't help but followed.

Suddenly found out, what auction house came in...

What happened just now, Gu Yue, saw with her own eyes how the little cat and the black cat tricked people.

As for how to get into this box...

Gu Yue is also the deacon of the Spirit Pagoda!

The little cat's head is blown up, and Tang Wulin's auction has already started, and the shit is more than 400 million. As long as he shouts, 1000 million, Tang Wulin will definitely cry and want to go home!Stop playing!
(Tang Wulin: Hey, why didn't those two people grab it just now?)
At the critical moment, what is this Gu Yue doing here?
Very angry, all the efforts were destroyed again, the cat demon pointed to the black cat depressedly, and said: "She is a demon, I am a black cat!" The cat demon decided to take revenge on Gu Yue, what about the damn Silver Dragon King Always making trouble?

"Me?" The black cat pointed to himself?

What do you mean?
Gu Yue was puzzled, why did she think that it should be changed!However, this chest...

"Gu Yue, what are you doing here?" The cat demon immediately hugged Gu Yue, rubbing his non-existent big breasts, revenge, revenge, then use the flesh to revenge!

Damn Gu Yue, every time she messes up her plan!
"Wait, wait, why do I feel that you are the cat demon?" Gu Yue was very confused, this cheap look, and this familiar smell...

"Dead cat! It really is you!" Gu Yue was very angry, this guy who hugged his dick and kept mopping up was the real cat demon!
So this is...

Can't help but push the little cat away!
The black cat is very helpless_`, he is himself.

"Why do you dress up like that, and you offend so many people, aren't you afraid of being retaliated?"

Gu Yue was very puzzled, regarding the strange actions of the little cat and the black cat today...why did they offend so many people?

At this time, Gu Yue deliberately touched Mao Xiaoyao's fake breasts...

Puyo puyo elastic...

This camouflage technique...

"If you're touching me, I'll touch it back!" Mao Xiaoyao warned, he was furious.

Gu Yue chuckled, what kind of camouflage is this, it's so powerful...

If she didn't rely on breath...

It is estimated that they will not find out that it is the cat demon and the black cat!

Wait, touch yourself?

Touch yourself, touch where?
 Ah, um, oh, I got a recommendation ticket...and a monthly pass, oh, and a tip.

(End of this chapter)

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