The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 130 Gu Yue is Very Suspicious!

Chapter 130 Gu Yue is Very Suspicious!
What an ecstatic voice...

After listening to Fatty and the others, they felt very comfortable... After shaking their wits, they felt very refreshed when they heard the sound.

"Come on, my brother will take you to a place, and my brother will show you a very safe place." The fat man smiled wretchedly. Anyway, they are now surrounded by these three people. Doesn't it become theirs?

This can also export bad breath!

"Well, let me give you some gifts!" The cat demon took out a series of soul guide grenades from the space soul guide, and said, "Do you want to eat?" The soul guide grenade looks like a thunderbolt, and its function is Same, throwing an explosion... They are all ruthless guys, in fact, they are similar to grenades.

For three years, the cat demon battle armor mecha didn't forge, and other gadgets, he naturally had to forge more, so he couldn't waste his status as a time traveler, just make more troubles!
At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao took out dozens of soul guide grenades. The power of the explosion is estimated to turn this unmanned alley into a real unmanned alley.

"Thunderbolt!" Fatty and the others were shocked, the thing in the cat demon's hand was really similar, as to whether it was true or not, they didn't want to try these dozens of thunderbolts.

"You, you, what do you want to do?" Fatty was terrified. The soul sect behind him erupted in an instant and activated his soul skills. …Whoever makes it at will and uses it in the downtown area at will is a capital offense.

The giant purple claw fell, and the black cat attacked the soul king first, and Gu Yue also controlled the power of the elements to surround those soul kings.

Seeing that giant purple claw falling down, he was confident that the soul king would be miserable... He thought he could resist head-on, but in the end, he was caught vomiting blood and was rubbing on the ground...


The black cat used all its strength to kill with one blow. This was the power of a million-year soul and a million-year soul ring. Although the appearance of the two-winged white tiger was disguised, its strength was not hidden.

Black Cat's first million-year soul skill: Ghost Soul Claw

An illusory purple claw, designed to slap people's minds. This is an attack of spiritual power. The soul king is already out of his mind at this moment. Even if he is cured, he is probably a fool...

Next, the soul skill of the 200 millionth year: Shadow Blade Assault!
It moved instantly, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and the black cat turned into a flash of light. In a fleeting moment, it attacked the six soul masters. The six soul masters had no chance to react, and they just blinked their eyes. He was instantly killed on the ground, his arms and legs were broken, and he kept screaming in place...

Million-year soul skills are terrifying!
At the same level, the black cat is invincible, and if it crosses the level, the black cat will not lose to the soul sect. After all, she has those monster skills of the cat demon, and the secrets of the skills will not lose to anyone.

Cooperate with soul skills, that is instant kill!

Throughout the whole process, the cat demon didn't do anything!
"Ah..." During the pitiful screams, the six soul masters kept screaming, their arms and legs were broken... The scene was suddenly very unsuitable for children, a mosaic...

Gu Yue frowned, her attack was too ruthless...

People will die!

Looking at those arms and thighs on the ground in fear... The fat man was covered in cold sweat, and begged for mercy on his knees, "Please spare my life, I didn't know you were big shots, X﹏X woohoo, spare my life, I will do anything you want." I can promise you."

Fatty has a strong desire to survive, and in just a few seconds, his life has experienced ups and downs... Just now he was thinking... how to play new tricks with the little cat demon girl at night...

Turn the clouds and rain, charge into battle!
As a result, the little brother Soul Sect was immediately sent to be a fool, and all the helpers he called were wiped out...

"Don't move!" The cat demon smiled evilly, hanging soul guide grenades on Fatty's body, and these soul guide grenades were connected to a soul guide time bomb, a series of...

"Please let me go!" Fatty looked at Mao Xiaoyao in fear. Mao Xiaoyao seemed to be tying something to his body. When he saw it, what, what, Thunderbolt... What is this going to do?
Could it be that you blew yourself up?
The fat man is terrified...

Could it be that this is his own retribution?There are still a few young wives in his family who are as beautiful as flowers... It's only been a few days since he snatched them, he doesn't want to die...

"These things are a little more powerful than thunderbolts. If you move around..."

"Tsk tsk, boom, boom!" The cat demon suddenly smiled, a bit piercing.

The fat man trembled in fright, and almost detonated the bomb, he couldn't help but look horrified...

"Boom!" The little cat frightened Fatty again, and Fatty was startled again...

This time, almost throwing away the soul guide bomb in his hand, the cat demon shoved it directly into his mouth with quick eyes and quick hands! made, if they lose it, they will die...

very dangerous!
"Remember, don't move, and don't pay attention to those people on the ground inside." It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, and the cat demon immediately showed Gu Yue with a confused face.

And the black cat with an angry face, wishing to kill these humans directly, slipped away, slipped away.

Other humans, coming soon!

………The crow flies…………


What about people? ? ?

At this moment, the fat man felt sick for a while, and he didn't dare to move. There was something strange stuffed in his mouth, and he kept screaming, but he didn't dare to take it out...

Fearing that there would be a bang, he himself would be blown to pieces, leaving nothing left...

However, he wasn't the only one, the mouths of those people on the ground were also stuffed with something strange...

Drop drop, drop drop, drop drop...

Soon, the federal guards arrived. As the guards of Shrek City, they were very powerful.

However, coming here has no effect. The fat man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief because he saw someone saving him, and it was because of this breath!

With a bang, the whole group was wiped out!

The entire uninhabited alley was razed to the ground and turned into a truly uninhabited alley. The following incident shocked the entire Shrek City. Who is so cruel...

Of course, the evil soul master came out to take the blame again, and righteous human beings always like to leave all unsolvable shit pot problems to the evil soul master...

On the way back, Mao Xiaoyao and the others changed back to their original appearance, walking as if nothing had happened. They all knew and heard the explosion just now.

It also means that the fat man is cold!
There are no waves in my heart!

"What do you want to ask? I'm in a bad mood today, but I will try my best to help you answer it." Looking at Gu Yue who was thinking about something behind him, the cat demon suddenly stopped. Gu Yue plopped and bumped into him. He seemed to have no problem Pay attention to the front.

The black cat held her up.

Along the way, Gu Yue always frowned, as if something happened.

Rubbing her forehead, Gu Yue asked, "I really don't believe that what I did just now is something two 34-year-old human children can do."

Little cat, what do you say?This person has always given her a very mysterious feeling. After all, a guy who can't even see through herself is definitely not a simple person.

Familiar and unfamiliar, Gu Yue doesn't know, such as what happened just now, if the cat demon, Gu Yue and herself are really normal human children, they will definitely not be able to do such cruel things...

The black cat looked at the cat demon, and she didn't know what to say to Gu Yue. She always thought that Gu Yue was the Silver Dragon King, the boss of the soul beasts, and she had to respect him.

"Haha!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled. Regarding the behavior just now, he can only say that it was a perfect action, and he can kill a few humans casually.And robbed a bunch of good things. Anyway, those humans are not the humans they like, and they will die if they die.

Of course, the person you like will die if you commit cheapness!
"Seeing those human beings die, don't you feel very happy in your heart?" The cat demon looked at Gu Yue very seriously, and his blue eyes looked at her closely.

Human beings are dead when they die. For them, there is nothing particularly important, especially this kind of stupid and damned human beings who want to mess with them, so they will naturally not let it go.

"Er..." Gu Yue was taken aback for a moment, this question was very difficult, very difficult, and suddenly she didn't know how to answer it.

She didn't know why the little cat would say such a thing, but when she saw those human beings die, she really didn't feel any disturbance in her heart.

She was just curious, why the cat demon and the black cat, who are human beings, killed so much...

Especially the cat demon, he hated humans very much before, and the black cat is the same now.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and seeing Gu Yue's complicated expression, he also knew something, "Let's go! Go back, I have to take the assessment tomorrow, I don't want to go back to Donghai Academy, I want to enter Shrek Academy, how about you?"

Gu Yue nodded and said, "Me too!" After saying that, she left too. She will not tell anyone what happened today, and she must always pay attention to the little cat...

This person is very strange!
The cat demon secretly looked at Gu Yue's back, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. It seems that Gu Yue, the Silver Dragon King, really awakened some of her memories. It seems that she also came into contact with the one in Shrek Academy.

"Let's go!" The little cat demon and the black cat also left, killing people and silence, eating and drinking...

Eat fish, eat fish, eat fish...


(End of this chapter)

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