The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 131 The Shrek Academy to be Exploded in the Future!

Chapter 131 The Shrek Academy to be Exploded in the Future!

Didi, time passes quickly.

After returning to the hotel, it was time to sleep and prepare for the assessment.

Between Mao Xiaoyao and Gu Yue, it was as if nothing had happened. They took human death very lightly...

However, the only thing that Mao Xiaoyao was worried about was because of Gu Yue. After all, this 14-year-old Silver Dragon King would be attracted to Tang Wulin without knowing it when he met Tang Wulin, who had the physique of a Golden Dragon King...

Tang Wulin definitely doesn't understand anything now, he's very stupid, hazy, and emotionally idiot. After all, he likes Ouyang Zixin and sister control of the Yujie type.

At the auction house, if Gu Yue told her not because of Tang Wulin, Mao Xiaoyao probably wouldn't believe it. How could such a coincidence happen?
Say it, come!
"Ah!" On the way to Shrek Academy, sitting in the soul guide car, the cat demon sighed all the way.

Sure enough, if you want to reveal your identity, you can't be in a hurry, you can't be in a hurry, the current Gu Yue has no ability to command the soul beasts at all.

After Mao Xiaoyao decided to go to Shrek Academy, she was slowly getting in touch with the real Silver Dragon King, the main body, Na'er.

After all, Gu Yue is just a poor clone!She must also listen to the subject...

But the main body... well, it must be another brother-controller, the brother is called brother, the little cat is very helpless, what is the situation with this family?
Sister control?brother control?Royal sister control?Soul beast control?
"What's wrong, little demon." The black cat sitting next to Mao Xiaoyao squeezed Mao Xiaoyao's face with soft hands, blinked his big purple eyes and said, "What's the matter?" Along the way, Mao Xiaoyao Always frowning, she was a little worried, worried that there was something wrong with Mao Xiaoyao.

Could it be that he is emotionally unstable again?

"It's okay, it's okay, it's fine." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the black cat with a slight smile. The future path of the soul beasts is estimated to be difficult. The soul beasts followed a boss who would fall into human love.

I don't know what will happen!
And Tang Wulin, whose halo exploded. When Tang Wulin released the seal, Mao Xiaoyao wanted to do something, but Wuchangkong was always guarding him, and Gu Yue would play with him from time to time...

The little cat had no way to start, so now they didn't waste any time, Tang Wulin participated in the assessment normally...

Mao Xiaoyao originally thought that if he couldn't kill Tang Wulin, then he wouldn't be able to join Shrek Academy and meet Silver Dragon King Na'er, okay?

It doesn't seem to work!

Unlocking the seal was very successful, Tang Wulin's strength, now even the little cat can't see through it...

The pouting black cat buried its head, lying on Mao Xiaoyao's lap, very quiet, she knew that Mao Xiaoyao was very tired...

Every time she falls asleep, Mao Xiaoyao will always contact the giant python who is far away in the forest of Master Xingdou.

Answering them, questions about cultivation, and asking them to prepare something that can move the entire group, in general, it is very busy and tiring...

The black cat looks very distressed...

She also began to hate those soul beast kings, why didn't they come to protect these poor weak soul beasts.

Could it be that being weak is doomed to fend for itself?

Mao Xiaoyao caressed the black cat's hair, smelled the faint scent of her body, and fell into deep thought. He didn't know what to do about the future of the soul beast, at least they couldn't go anywhere until the transformation was successful.

The point is, the clue of the changeling grass is broken again...

Mao Xiaoyao couldn't find any information about the shape-changing grass, that is, the ghost grass. Now, he only hopes that the so-called Shrek Academy has shape-changing grass.

This place that cultivates human genius monsters, then let it explode!If there is a chance, Mao Xiaoyao wants to blow it up by himself!
Didi, here we are, Shrek Academy.

Mao Xiaoyao finally saw this super college with a foundation of tens of thousands of years. It was really majestic, with huge soul power surrounding the college. If you practice here, the speed of absorbing soul power will definitely be faster than outside. faster?

With a stroke of genius, a domineering scene was outlined.

This is the holy place to learn and practice!
Master uncle, Shen Yi came out to pick them up, but unfortunately, her eyes were always on Wuchangkong.

"Please!" Wu Changkong said, he can't go in now, some things haven't been resolved, and he can't face his teacher.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Shen Yi glanced at Wu Zhangkong and said with a smile, "Go in!"

Wuchangkong nodded slightly, and then let Mao Xiaoyao and the others go in. It was very cold and cool, and he didn't say anything...

For the sake of the students, he would give everything. He asked the teacher, and the teacher gave him a chance to be assessed. He didn't want to give up, and he didn't want the students to give up.

Soon, Mao Xiaoyao and the others passed Lingbing Square. This square was very large and there were many people. Everyone was looking at this lifelike and huge statue, Lingbing Douluo——Huo Yuhao with great respect.

This big shot from Fengyun Shrek Academy 1 years ago, this big shot on Fengyun Douluo Continent, the founding big shot of the great Spirit Pagoda!
Unfortunately, it was Tang Wulin's brother-in-law...

"Spirit Ice Douluo's eyes are terrifying..."

Tang Wulin looked at the statue seriously and respectfully. When he looked, looked, and looked at the eyes, he always felt... Lingbingdouluo's eyes were also looking at him.

Gu Yue also glanced at it, but didn't know what she was thinking.

Xu Xiaoyan and Xie Xie were stunned. Their reactions were more normal. They shouted and felt curious about everything they saw...

Shen Yi smiled, "Lingbing Douluo, the most powerful thing is his eyes, don't keep looking!"

These little guys are so cute. Shen Yi glanced at Mao Xiaoyao and the others, wondering if these students would succeed in the assessment.

Tang Wulin froze for a moment, walked while watching...

The little cat, who had been thinking about things, plopped into him, hating Tang Wulin's smell.

The little cat was so angry that she almost cursed, that's your brother-in-law, look at Nima, don't keep looking at him, otherwise, your sister will be very angry.

Qi returned to Qi, and the cat demon immediately turned to face the curious black cat, and said: "Restrain your breath, wait a minute, if you encounter some dragon-like breath, don't panic, that breath is fake, that's the first time A test."

A golden-eyed black dragon king, the cat demon is naturally not afraid, let alone a drop of blood, which is used to portray coercion, this cat demon is even more fearless!
Back then, when he was patrolling the mountains, hadn't Mao Xiaoyao seen any weird ancient beasts?

The Demon King's family!

The Tiger King and the others are the mythical white tiger clan!
What Qinglong, Xuanwu, Suzaku, and Mao Xiaoyao have naturally seen. Speaking of which, it was when they were patrolling the mountains...

"Well, I see." The black cat was a little nervous. He had been hearing from the little cat that Gu Yue was the Silver Dragon King and the boss of their soul beasts. However, according to the legend...the god of their soul beasts had always been the golden eye. Black Dragon King...

That, is the real king of the Star Dou Great Forest!

Soon, Mao Xiaoyao and the others passed the so-called mural painted with golden-eyed black dragon-like essence and blood. It was lifelike and lifelike, but it was not alive after all.

Dead things, ultimately dead things!
Tang Wulin and the others reacted to varying degrees, but fortunately, there were no major problems, especially Tang Wulin, the coercion of the Golden Dragon King!

No, a drop of blood can suppress it!
Then, Mao Xiaoyao and the others were like this, passing the first assessment inexplicably.

Somewhere in the dark, the bosses of Shrek Academy are all observing through the soul tool.

"That child is not bad!" A woman pointed to Tang Wulin and said, at this time the three big bosses were all observing, with the woman as the leader, it could be seen that she had a high status in Shrek Academy.

"Yeah!" The other two bosses also nodded, really good.

"But...those two children, why are they acting like normal people?" The woman pointed at the little cat and the black cat again, why did she always feel...they were leisurely looking at the scenery?

Could it be that coercion is useless?

 Finally arrived at Shrek Academy!
  Ready to face the Silver Dragon King Na'er, the soul beast kings, will they care about those weak soul beasts without transformation?
  Will Mao Xiaoyao have her own Shrek Seven Monsters?
  Recommendation, subscription, monthly pass, tipping, is there any?
(End of this chapter)

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