The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 140 Trust and Procrastination!

Chapter 140 Trust and Procrastination!
"My name is……"

Bang, bang, bang, who is it?

what's your name?
The black cat didn't bother to know these questions, and with a punch, it instantly transformed into a big purple paw, and violently grabbed the number nine student.

In the past, it was a blast!
Everyone was shocked, and then announced the start. What is this amazing speed, and the attack started in the blink of an eye?
No. [-] was knocked into the air, he protected his body with martial spirit, and managed to stabilize his figure after being knocked back a long way. The terrible attack just now scared him into a cold sweat. When the purple sharp claw approached his head, , so frightened that his legs were weak...

If the location changes a bit...

Number nine dare not imagine what will happen to him...

However, everyone is a soul master, why is there such a big gap... He couldn't help but light up his three thousand-year soul rings, shining brightly, especially eye-catching, after all, those are three thousand-year soul rings.

Ten thousand years out, who will fight?
Well, it has been ten thousand years. To be precise, it is two million-year soul rings and one ten-year soul ring under the guise. This ten-year soul ring is particularly dazzling because it is really very weak. In comparison...

Extremely dazzling!

The bosses were shocked, the person with the three thousand-year soul rings seemed to have nothing to be curious about, but with the two ten-thousand-year soul rings, this person was very worthy of attention, and this ten-thousand-year soul...

Mr. Cai and Zhuoshi, the two big bosses, started to scold each other again, this is mine, this is yours...

However, what happened to the ten-year spirit ring?
Everyone is puzzled!

Only Gu Yue frowned!
And Mao Xiaoyao is always laughing!

"Junior Brother, you have been going to the Spirit Pagoda for so long, why don't you give the black cat a ten-year soul ring?" Tang Wulin was very puzzled. The status of the black cat in the Spirit Pagoda should not be lower than that of Mao Xiao. Yao and Gu Yue, but why is the soul ring so weak in this decade?

Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan also nodded, they were also very curious, what is going on, ten years and two ten thousand years, the gap is too big, the difference is huge!
Shen Yi also looked at Mao Xiaoyao!
"Eh..." Sighing and looking at it, the black cat with poor acting skills is obviously equal to that No. [-] [-]-[-], but that No. [-] can't stand the black cat's attack at all.

"Ten-year soul ring?" Mao Xiaoyao saw everyone looking at him so strangely again!

He couldn't help but said: "That soul ring must be broken! Before, a ten-year soul was fused, and later, the soul died, and then, this soul ring improved very slowly."

The cat demon is talking nonsense seriously, the soul is dead?That can't be, the black cat soul is only a white tiger with two wings.

Only, Mao Xiaoyao has only two souls, two ten years...

So how to explain the ten-year soul ring?

Naturally, that has to be explained...

That ten-year soul ring is the black cat's natal soul ring. This one can't be improved if you want to improve it. This one depends on how much the black cat has cultivated...

If the cultivation age exceeds 100 years, then it is a century-old soul ring; if it exceeds 1000 years, then it is a thousand-year soul ring...and so on.

In the Spirit Pagoda, that kind of strange power cannot improve the black cat's natal soul ring!
Then, there was the unrealistic lie of the cat demon, but everyone had to believe it...

Ten-year soul rings, indeed only ten-year souls have them!

Or, kill the soul beast!

"Um, so that's how it is." Tang Wulin also looked at the black cat in battle. If he didn't know the identities of the cat demon and the black cat, he would probably believe it...


"Do you seem to have any doubts?" The cat demon came over, and looked at Tang Wulin with his shoulders crossed for a moment. His blue eyes looked at him fiercely. In the eyes of others, he was very passionate and gay, but, From Tang Wulin's point of view, the cat demon seemed to be warning him not to talk too much.

Otherwise, kill yourself...

"No, no." Tang Wulin smiled convincingly. Their relationship has just improved... He doesn't want his relationship with Mao Xiaoyao to become as rigid as before. In fact, he is the same as Mao Xiaoyao...

Secrets are also unknown!
"Be low-key!" The little cat let go of Tang Wulin, with a warning face, very upset, how can this Tang Wulin say, sometimes the little cat really wants to beat him up, especially at his own blood pressure After awakening, this idea began to sprout in my heart.

There is an uncontrollable situation!
The point is, Tang Wulin put himself in the most critical position, which is basically testing whether he will consider everyone!
Hehe, Mao Xiaoyao laughed, Tang Wulin underestimated himself, Xu Xiaoyan would not be so important, you, the protagonist, is the key.

His enemies, clearly!

Everyone was speechless =_=, the two senior brothers were fighting each other every day, they seemed to be a little gay, and they were not used to it, they continued to watch, the battle between the black cat and the number nine student.

Mao Xiaoyao went back to the side and slowly watched the game. Very well, the black cat did not disappoint him. She really has been torturing that number nine student all the time, but she just can't beat...

I always thought that student number nine had a chance, but student number nine never attacked the black cat...

This is very embarrassing!
"Ten-year soul ring?" Gu Yue, who was half a beat behind, slowly came to Mao Xiaoyao, and whispered to him: "When I was in the Spirit Pagoda, is there such an explanation for the death of a soul?" Gu Yue's eyes sparkled Looking at the little cat with a god, she seems to want to see through everything about the little cat. Since last night, she has been very curious about that familiar aura... But why didn't she notice it before? ?

"What do you want to know?" The cat demon is not as fierce as Tang Wulin, he looked at Gu Yue with gentle eyes, and said with a smile: "Or, what identity do you want to use to talk to me now?" .”

Suspicion from Silver Dragon King Gu Yue, Mao Xiaoyao thought that last night, as the boss, Silver Dragon King must have sensed something to do such a strange thing this morning.

"Then what identity do you want me to use to tell you!" Dazed for a moment, Gu Yue also smiled, her eyes became more charming, and there was a faint mature temperament that didn't seem to exist at her age.

"Eh..." The cat demon looked at Gu Yue who was hiding deeply at this moment, and couldn't see through it, she couldn't understand, she was very beautiful, really beautiful, this big boss of the Silver Dragon King fell in love with Tang Wulin ,what a pity.


Are you not handsome enough?
"We are people from the same way! But we are not people from the same way." People from the same way, not people, Mao Xiaoyao didn't know how to say it, and suddenly said a word, the rest, he doesn't want to say too much now, Silver Dragon King and the others have their own plan, how to exterminate human beings.

This cat demon naturally wants to do it too, but now the cat demon has a more important task, which is to protect those weak soul beasts and learn.

After all, the soul beast kings, because of the relationship with the Silver Dragon King, have successfully transformed one by one. They are all hidden in the human world at this moment, and they are probably in an important position, which will play a key role in future wars.

However, in the Star Dou Great Forest, those poor and weak soul beasts and those poor soul beasts captured by humans are not so lucky, they need redemption.

Of course, Mao Xiaoyao also hopes that the Silver Dragon King can redeem them...

At this moment, Mao Xiaoyao was showing his identity. He and Gu Yue were fellow travelers, not human beings.

Gu Yue was stunned for a moment, people all the way, people all the way, then nodded and smiled at the little cat, not knowing if he understood, then watched the black cat fight.

Meow meow?Mao Xiaoyao is very anxious, why not find a time and tell Gu Yue seriously?Seriously reveal your identity?
Oh, forget it, forget it, let's talk about entering Shrek Academy!
 A new week, I hope you will support us as always!

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  【Lyrics and cover theme song preview】↓
  The song "Three Kingdoms" is written and sung by my wife's virtual singer Luo Tianyi. It is under production. In the next three days, Bilibili will contribute!
  expect no!
(End of this chapter)

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