The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 141 Test the bloodline!

Chapter 141 Test the bloodline!

In the process of delaying time, the black cat was very successful, beating student No. [-], just like beating a dog...


In the end, Shen Yi announced that No. [-] would admit defeat directly, and the battle was over...

Otherwise you have to keep fighting!

No. [-] is not satisfied, very much, very much, he obviously has not been brutally beaten... he can fight, he can fight, he doesn't want to lose to someone who just took the assessment and is not a student, it's too embarrassing to be like that, he himself You will definitely be ridiculed by other students.

However, when it was announced that it was over, the black cat killed him instantly with the last blow. If it wasn't for the fear that the killing would affect the assessment, No. [-] would probably have the black cat caught and blown his head.

A look of fear!Number nine was trembling!

"Little black cat!" The happy Xu Xiaoyan hugged the cute black cat and kissed it ^3^, finally, finally, her strong period, the night will come slowly, there are no dark clouds tonight, so the stars... …

Definitely a lot!

After delaying for such a long time, Xu Xiaoyan really admired the black cat. In the end, the lore was also very handsome, Phantom Spirit Claw, a bunch of free clones appeared. It's all physical attacks, if you don't defend, you will hit!
In the middle, it will hurt!
Just now, student No. [-] naturally broke out all his cultivation bases for defense, but the black cat doesn't just know one kind of claw technique.

Except for the bloodline skills of the evil cat, the little cat demon didn't teach the black cat the skills of other races, he naturally taught the black cat the skills every night.

After all, when he was patrolling the mountains back then, Mao Xiaoyao saw many skills of beasts of the same kind, including leopards, foxes, tigers, bears...

All kinds of claws!

Bull B!

Naturally, the little cat will not let it go!
Especially the Tiger King's trick, the white tiger broke his heart!
Now of course it's the black cat digging out his heart! !

Touching his head, the black cat said: "Take me to eat fish!"

Human beings, human beings, the black cat smiled and looked at Xu Xiaoyan, and suddenly felt, human beings, if everyone is as cute as Xu Xiaoyan, then soul beasts...

Unfortunately, this is just an individual human being!

Humans are still human after all!

"The assessment is over, I'll take you to eat!" Xu Xiaoyan chuckled, her family is rich, and she is rich, as long as she passes the assessment and joins Shrek Academy, she has to help Black Cat get whatever fish she wants to eat.

"Add me, add me!" Xie Xie raised his hand and smiled, smiling, he was suddenly unhappy.

Losing, his opponent is a bit perverted, his score is a bit dangerous now, and he has to work hard in the next assessment. !
Tang Wulin also smiled, and Gu Yue nodded slightly.

The cat demon is silent!
"No problem!" Xu Xiaoyan chuckled, night, no matter what, she must win the next battle, so that she can be worthy of Mao Xiaoyao's help.

Now, it's the cat demon's turn to play!

"It won't be too long!" Mao Xiaoyao walked out slowly to face his opponent, No. [-]!
That one looks at the strongest student, hoping not to let himself down.

At this time, it was late and night fell.

After delaying the completion of the task, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have to delay for any time. Fighting is what he wants to do now.

How powerful is the bloodline of Jiluxie Mao? Mao Xiaoyao really wants to try it. Compared with the Golden Dragon King, how is it different, or is it better?

The Desire Evil Cat is a race that can compete with the Dragon Clan. Facing the real five-clawed golden dragon, the Desire Evil Cat doesn't have to be afraid of anything, let alone this Golden Dragon King belonging to the Western Lizard!
Of course I won't be afraid!
There was a trace of fanatical desire in Mao Xiaoyao's eyes. Looking at Tang Wulin, it seemed that he had to find a time to fight Tang Wulin and see which bloodline was the stronger bloodline!
A question mark? ? ?

Tang Wulin was at a loss. He is not the opponent of Mao Xiaoyao, is he?Mao Xiaoyao's opponent is in front, why does that Mao Xiaoyao keep looking at him, besides, his eyes are so fierce...

very scary!
"Oh, little demon, I'm looking at the squad leader again." Xu Xiaoyan suddenly smiled strangely, and everyone was looking at her.


What do you mean?
"Uh, what I mean is that Xiao Yao's attention has always been on the monitor..." Wait, it seems wrong, Xu Xiaoyan quickly covered her mouth, her focus seems to be different from others, how could she There is a feeling of excitement...

The black cat was naturally very upset with Tang Wulin.

Xie Xie was stunned.

Gu Yue was stunned.

"Where are you looking?" At this moment, number one on the stage was impatient and wanted to curse.

Number one, a boy, about 15 years old, looks a little handsome, his face seems very unhappy, he feels that the little cat in front of him doesn't seem to have looked at him directly, what does this mean, is he looking down on him?
"Where am I looking? It's none of your business. Shrek Academy, is there no three-ring soul master? Why did you send someone like you out?" Mao Xiaoyao likes this kind of guy who bickers with him as soon as he comes up. , because, when the next explosive hit, it will feel very cool.

"You're crazy!" No. [-] was furious, and was sent to assess the freshmen. He was very unhappy at first, but in the end, this little cat...

The two sides were full of gunpowder immediately, Shen Yi glanced at it, and then asked the two to start preparing, but they refused to accept it?Then let's have a fight!

The boss in the dark... has been watching.

Mao Xiaoyao's talent naturally deserves to be treated like a boss. The key point is that none of them joined Shrek Academy, and the teachers have all started to choose their own students.

Looking at the picture on the screen of the crystal soul guide, Cai Lao said with a smile: "This little cat has a very hot temper, haha, I like it very much, but unfortunately, I want to keep the black cat away from him, and I can't let him be my student .” (Don’t overthink it!)
Chaotic times despise_`: "The key is, is he willing to be your student?"

Cai Lao was anxious, "Why don't you want to do it?"

The two big guys started to fight again, you don't accept me, I don't accept you, it seems that this mode is their daily life mode.

The screen returns to the battle! (TV broadcast?)
Let me introduce you a fart, the little cat made a dark night poisonous claw, turned into a purple ghost blade, and grabbed the No. [-] student fiercely, like a gust of wind blowing, the purple claws came with venom, and the venom dripped on the ground At that time, the sizzling sound was like dripping concentrated sulfuric acid, sizzling, this is the soul skill of the night cat demon clan.

Venom, with the power of corrosion and paralysis, is a very powerful attack, suitable for this kind of turtle shell!
turtle shell?Naturally, he is talking about student No. [-], Martial Soul, Beiming Xuanwu. It sounds very domineering, a real bastard, with a very hard turtle shell. The cat demon does have a headache.

Mao Xiaoyao is not afraid that someone will face him face to face, and chooses to fight head-on. After all, now that he wants to awaken the blood of the evil cat, he doesn't have to be afraid of anything!
Physical defense is naturally not afraid!
However, facing this turtle shell defense...

When the extremely lustful evil cat sees a completely defensive Xuanwu, it probably has no way to speak, claws...

"If you have the ability, break through the defense of my Wuhun Beiming Xuanwu!" Student No. [-] smiled confidently. His Wuhun Beiming Xuanwu is a very powerful beast Wuhun, and his defense is among the students of Shrek Academy. It is also an existence that is one of the best, but not the third.

It's hard to break through the defense!

Defense, a bunch of energy shields, layer upon layer, layer upon layer, this defense, the air is difficult to enter, fortunately, I can't suffocate myself...

"Why am I so weak if I don't use soul power?" Mao Xiaoyao ignored student No. [-] and kept looking at his slender and fair hands. weak……

Student No. [-] was silent, his face twitching...

crowd? ? ?

Why not use soul power?
For what?
 The daily contract exclamation point is the reward of the young lady, the young lady is mighty and domineering, and she still didn't give me a photo today.

  And, name, 999 book currency, 1888 book currency, etc... a lot of rewards, name?What's going on?

  And, time has erased the memories of the past, a lot of rewards!

  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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