The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 142 Desire for an Evil Cat!

Chapter 142 Desire for an Evil Cat!


The attack just now was not an attack using soul power?Everyone was shocked!

It's not just number one who is shocked!

This time, Tang Wulin, as a teammate, was also completely shocked. He looked at Mao Xiaoyao, and couldn't help clenching his fists. There was a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart. Is Mao Xiaoyao already so powerful now?

It turns out that I am not the only one making progress!
Well, my own doubts...

"Hey!" Tang Wulin sighed. It seems that if he finds a chance, he has to apologize to the little cat... so he tried to test the little cat... But, the performance of the black cat and the little cat made him I know that by doing that, I distrust my friends.

The screen turns around as it says, just like the author's hydrology, the screen returns to the battle...

"Do you look down on me? You don't have the soul power to hit me, who do you think you are?" No. [-] gritted his teeth angrily, the turtle shell is so hard, naturally it can be used to hit people!Say, just hit!

It looks like an armored car, but it is many times faster than the armored car. It accelerates to move, and with a sound of duang, it instantly hits the cat demon!Let him fly far away...

It hurts just looking at it!

"Haha, I didn't expect me to attack like this, right? Admit defeat! You won't pass the assessment. Your assessment stops here, and it should end." Student No. [-] couldn't stop laughing. , constantly surrounding his body, this tortoise shell, but his soul beast Beiming Xuanwu gave him an additional ability.

He originally had the defense of Beiming Xuanwu, and with the blessing of soul power, he could really be regarded as an indestructible mobile fortress.

"Little demon..." Gu Yue frowned.

Tang Wulin and the others were also watching with concern. They didn't expect that kind of speed, this tortoise shell could have such an astonishing speed...

After looking at it, the black cat smiled and said: "It's okay, now the little demon is starting to use his soul power!" The little cat is about to start serious, and the black cat is like a nympho, she can watch every day, but she just can't watch enough, she thinks , the cat demon in this form is so handsome, so cool...

When everyone saw it, it was true...

Mao Xiaoyao, who had just stabilized his figure, appeared behind him with a huge martial soul, desperate for evil cats, this evil body, at the moment, was staring at student No. [-] fiercely, and that terrifying look belonged to Mao Xiaoyao himself.

At this time, he is the Evil Cat, and the Evil Cat is also him, and his soul is the Evil Cat, and at the same time, he is also the Evil Cat...

"Master, shoot you bastard to death!"

Mao Xiaoyao releases his desperate evil cat martial soul. After his soul merges with the martial soul, he has an extra ability, that is, the martial soul, which can also be released to fight...

Abbreviation: Soul Clone!

The huge evil cat, more than three meters high, flapped its wings on the back, rolled up a thousand layers of soul power storm, and couldn't help roaring, the very angry one, of course it wasn't meowing, it was whispering like a tiger's wailing .

The storm of soul power blows towards student No. [-]. This is a counter-chaotic attack by Mao Xiaoyao concentrating his soul power. There is nothing around and has no influence. As for student No. [-], he is almost blown into a storm. silly money.

Fortunately, Beiming Xuanwu's powerful defense kept him motionless, as stable as Mount Tai.

Not even the wind blows!
"That's all you can do?" Student No. [-] began to mock the cat demon again, what kind of bird style, it's useless, and it doesn't threaten him at all.

threaten?It's just that this strange martial spirit looks scary, but what's the use of being scary, if you have the ability to break through your own defenses, try it?
Student No. [-] is in high spirits!

Mao Xiaoyao ignored the bullshit of student No. [-], he wanted to see how powerful his martial soul was, and what about those geniuses.

Having been possessed by the spirit all the time, Mao Xiaoyao almost forgot that his own spirit can also attack others.

Just when No. [-] was about to taunt, the huge Lustful Evil Cat came and slapped him away with one paw!




Student No. [-] took a few steps back. What kind of terrifying force is this that can knock him into the air?

Student No. [-] was shocked, but he didn't panic. Facing the violent attack of the Desire Evil Cat, he immediately turned his defense into an attack. As long as the Desire Evil Cat stopped, he would start to attack!

It's a pity that the bloodline inherits the memory, and the cat demon also knows how to deal with this shrinking turtle.

The Crazy Evil Cat stepped on the ground, and in an instant, the ground cracked, cracks began to appear near the feet of student No. [-], and then suddenly collapsed, the entire playground was destroyed horribly...

Down-to-earth, this kind of defense is the real strength, then the uneven ground and the like, there are some gaps that can be drilled, that is the weakness.

To put it bluntly, a tortoise with its legs upside down has no attack power, let alone defense!
Suddenly, the center of gravity was unstable, and there was a loophole in the defense of student No. [-]. Mao Xiaoyao saw the timing, rushed in front of him, punched him flying, and threw him to the ground hard.

"You, this opponent doesn't mean anything at all. You just know that being a turtle, if you don't attack with all your strength, then I will explode your shell." When the monster general threw student No. [-] out, he didn't forget to taunt the other side.

Bang, bang, bang, student No. [-] was like a tortoise that was thrown out, rolling and bumping into the building before he stabilized himself. At the same time, he glared at the little cat!
The defense that he was proud of was easily dispelled by the little cat, so there was only one battle left!


the other side!
Looking at the horrible playground, Shen Yi's face twitched, how much maintenance fee would it cost?
Gu Yue's eyes were always on Mao Xiaoyao's martial soul, Extreme Desire Evil Cat. This breath is the breath of that night, and the breath on Mao Xiaoyao's body is also the breath of last night...

Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan began to sweat for Mao Xiaoyao, but when they saw him beating student No. [-], they were not worried for a moment, because Mao Xiaoyao didn't really come to fight.

It's just sending out martial souls to attack!

After all, black cats aren't worried, so what are they worried about?
The screen returns to the battle!

The little cat is possessed with a martial soul. After knowing how to use the power of the spirit beast's attack, the next step is to try the changes brought about by the martial soul possession after the bloodline is awakened!
Facing this kind of opponent who is good at defense, Mao Xiaoyao really doesn't like it, it's so hard to attack, of course, if he can tear up this defense bit by bit, then he will be very happy.

"This claw..." The little cat was startled, did he change his equipment?Why does it look so powerful... If it used to belong to ordinary claws, there is no special feature...

Then the current claw belongs to the inherited weapon after enchanting and strengthening, the bull coin bombards the sky!

One claw!
The tortoise shell of student No. [-] showed traces, claw marks, and cracks began to appear in one claw. The key is to cooperate with the dark night poisonous claw...

The turtle shell started to melt!
"You, you, you..." Student No. [-] had an unbelievable expression on his face. The little cat's speed was too fast, and he couldn't catch any of the little cat's attacks at all.

As for himself, the clumsy attack method of not moving, at this time, he can only be hanged and beaten by the little cat, and his own attack can't hurt the little cat.

If there is any output ranking!
Student No. [-] probably only has one percent output!
After all, student No. [-] can only be used as a meat tank, and it is absolutely perfect if he cooperates with his teammates.

However, once you meet an opponent like Mao Xiaoyao who aims to sneak attack and assassinate with speed!

Then student No. [-] and speed, then they are courting death!
Killer, I hope this kind of silly and big target the most!
Speed, defense, power!

Student No. [-] was finally defeated head-on by the little cat!The so-called Beiming basalt defense shield was completely shattered in front of the powerful purple claws of the cat demon.

Shen Yi announced the result of the competition!

The little cat wins and gets ten points.


(End of this chapter)

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