The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 143 The so-called, the weakness of human nature!

Chapter 143 The so-called, the weakness of human nature!


Mao Xiaoyao looked at her own purple paw that was surrounded by evil spirits, and fell into deep thought. She won, but she was a little unhappy. For a moment just now, Mao Xiaoyao even wanted to kill student No. [-]...

However, he didn't mean that.

It seems, does not listen to the control...

"I lost, you are very strong, I hope you can pass the next assessment, see you in our academy." Student No. [-] came over, stretched out his hand and said politely: "My name is Lin Yi!" Student No. [-] said his The name, this failure... He had to admit that Shrek Academy, which only accepts monsters, probably accepted several monsters this time. It seems that his monster is not enough to look at!

The contemplative Mao Xiaoyao looked at Lin Yi lightly and said, "You are not suitable for fighting alone!"

Said, Mao Xiaoyao walked back to the black cat, where he was, leaving only the embarrassing Lin Yi who wanted to shake hands but couldn't.

Lin Yi scratched his head: "One weirdo!" Teammate?Lin Yi was also thinking, naturally he should also think in that direction, it is really not suitable for him to fight alone.

"It's amazing!" The black cat hugged Mao Xiaoyao's arm, smiling happily, she knew that Mao Xiaoyao was the one who defeated that person.

"Bull!" Xie Xie also laughed.

"Junior brother, you are really good." Tang Wulin also said, it seemed that there was something, but he stopped talking, and he couldn't help but lower his head...

"That person is not suitable for fighting alone. The students of Shrek Academy are not just as weak as we see. Thank you, you should know this."

Mao Xiaoyao looked at Xie Xie, among several people, Xie Xie was the unlucky one, picked a strong opponent, but he failed.

"That's true!" Xie Xie bowed his head in shame. The students of Shrek Academy are really very powerful. They only accept monsters and not ordinary people. Indeed, no student is simple.

Discuss with a few people!Xu Xiaoyan is on stage!

"Come on!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Xu Xiaoyan who was about to go on stage. The ability of this little human girl was the most amazing ability he had seen...


In fact, it is also the most powerful moment for the Lustful Evil Cat Clan. If in the future...

Xu Xiaoyan nodded and said, "I won't let you down!" She looked at Mao Xiaoyao and the others with determination in their eyes, and she definitely wouldn't give up if everyone had delayed for so long for herself!
"Come on!" Gu Yue and the black cat smiled, as did Tang Wulin and Xie Xie.

At this time, Shen Yi also made Xu Xiaoyan get ready, her opponent also came...

Of course, with the advice of the team leader Tang Wulin, Xu Xiaoyan naturally won, and it was very easy to win. In the evening, I am very happy to invite everyone to drink and eat meat...

(How did Xu Xiaoyan win? Read the original work. I won’t write it here.)
Didi, the next day...

Today, the last assessment is also the assessment that Mao Xiaoyao hates the most, not one of them.

It's called the Survival Trial, but actually...

In a certain virtual space...

"Tost told me to be careful about Shrek Academy, it seems that it is not unreasonable."

Mao Xiaoyao frowned, looking at this magical space, this is basically an Ascension to Lingtai, a virtual world space exactly the same as the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, and the environment is completely imitating the Star Dou Forest.

It seems that Huo Yuhao also handed over the Spirit Transferring Art to Shrek Academy back then, no wonder Shrek Academy can be so buff, it is completely different from being controlled by the Spirit Transferring Pagoda.

The moment he entered the space, the cat demon began to sense all existence, breath, familiarity, and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda seemed to be like this...

Then I don't know, is Shrek Academy studying 10-year souls and million-year souls?

The cat demon is more concerned about this issue...

"Then, we..." The black cat frowned, looking at the familiar Star Dou human beings, the assessment mission didn't say how they survived, and they didn't know what to do about it.

For example, Mao Xiaoyao and the others are hiding in a cave to prevent their encounter with powerful soul beasts, and they are slowly discussing countermeasures.

At the entrance of the cave, there are only the little cat and the black cat, and everyone else is in the cave.

"Look at it!" Actually, Mao Xiaoyao didn't know what to do. He didn't know where he was now. The people from Shrek Academy were probably watching them, so some abilities were not easy to use...

Use, exposure, it is very troublesome.

The point is, to survive is to live. Of course, Shrek Academy does not forbid them to hunt and kill the soul beasts inside, but how does the little cat kill it?

However, Mao Xiaoyao also wants to see what Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, and Xu Xiaoyan think about human nature and attitudes towards soul beasts under that annoying assessment.

At this time, Tang Wulin, who had a headache for Xu Xiaoyan's soul ring, finally made up his mind to come out to talk to Mao Xiaoyao about the soul ring...

"Little brother, shall we talk?" Tang Wulin also came out of the cave and looked at Mao Xiaoyao.

Mao Xiaoyao's identity is very sensitive, and Tang Wulin doesn't want to anger Mao Xiaoyao in some matters.

However, Xu Xiaoyan really needs a soul ring!
The black cat glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, who immediately nodded, and then the black cat gave Tang Wulin a faint look, and went into the cave to be with Gu Yue and the others.

She doesn't understand things between men!
"I know what you want to say!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at a little soul beast in the distance that was pitifully weak and had no attack power, "Xiaoyan, it's not suitable for the Wannian soul ring, her mental strength and body's ability to bear No black cat is better, soul ring, find a millennium one!"

The cat demon is not a pedantic person either. The purpose of the existence of these soul beasts in the virtual space is to be killed by people so as to absorb energy. It can be said that that is their fate.

However, Mao Xiaoyao just doesn't want to see these things, and doesn't want to see these things.

What can he do?
Tang Wulin came to him for nothing more than to kill the soul beast and get the soul ring.

When Mao Xiaoyao was not here, it was impossible for him to prevent the virtual soul beasts in Ascension to Lingtai from being killed, but now that he is here, he can't let these poor soul beasts be killed, and it is still in front of him. was killed.

"Well, I told her this. She is now at the peak of level [-] and needs a soul ring, so..." Tang Wulin hesitated to speak. They wanted to help Xu Xiaoyan kill a soul beast and find a soul ring for her. A suitable soul ring.

However, Tang Wulin, who knew the identities of the little cat and the black cat, also had to think about their views on this matter as soul beasts.

"Xiaoyan's soul ring, I'll help her find it. From now on, don't think about such things. When I'm here, don't try to kill any soul beast."

Said, whether the little cat is domineering or arrogant, he is like this, he can't stop these poor virtual soul beasts from being killed all the time, but the only thing he can stop is now.

"Great," Tang Wulin said with a happy and puzzled look on his face. How could the little cat agree so easily...

He originally thought that Mao Xiaoyao would not agree so easily, and he could only think of other ways.

Mao Xiaoyao patted Tang Wulin's shoulder, and said coldly: "If you test me next time, I will kill you. I won't lose to you this time." Go into the cave to find Xu Xiaoyan, and plan to talk to her about the soul, yes, the soul is not just a simple soul ring.

Help her find her soul now, maybe less things will happen later.

Staying still, Tang Wulin was silent, his face was ugly...

The little cat actually found out about that matter, just now, that look didn't seem like he was joking... He didn't want to be the little monster's enemy...

It seems that I can't do these things indiscriminately in the future...

Need to trust!

 In the driving chapter yesterday, when I was writing about the little black cat researching something, I was warned by the website about pornography...

  Hey, it seems that I have to be careful not to mess with that description.


  The progress of the song is good, it should not be a pigeon!

(End of this chapter)

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