The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 148 Terrible Tang Wulin!

Chapter 148 Terrible Tang Wulin!
"If these two gifted children leave Shrek Academy because of you, I will beat you up."

Chaotic Times finally couldn't help cursing, if Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin failed to forge... let Shrek Academy lose these two geniuses, what the hell, it's Shrek Academy's own death.



Go special!

Mr. Li also smiled. Compared with the two big guys who bickered every day, he was a little quieter.

Elder Cai cast a glance and said, "Are you a fool?"

In the five-level forging assessment, no matter what, as long as they say they pass, then they pass, so why not?
The assessment is just to train the children, don't be so crazy one by one.

Especially the little cat, Mr. Cai was so angry that he dared to scold him?Very well, very well, she will let the black cat into the inner courtyard, and as punishment, she will separate them.

Or, make them not in the same class!
"Okay, okay!" Zhuoshi was speechless, too lazy to talk to this unlucky old Cai, and then continued to observe, observing the two perverted geniuses who had started spiritual training.

Elder Cai was not talking anymore, and continued to watch.

Nothing fancy!

Now, it's time for Tang Wulin's performance. The golden dragon shines on the sun, surrounded by soul power all over his body, and pieces of dragon scales appear on his arms. When he picks up the heavy silver double hammers, the resonance sound of the double hammers and the metal , It's like a dragon singing all over the world, shaking the world!
The soul power is also in the shape of a giant dragon, constantly helping the metal shape, the talent of forging, for Tang Wulin, is indeed more powerful than his soul master talent.

The only pity, Wuhun Blue Silver Grass!

But, this is also a great place!

At this time, ding dong ding dong ding dong, under the beautiful and pleasant efficiency, Tang Wulin is maintaining a kind of artistic conception, a kind of artistic conception of listening to the life of metal. The metal has a soul because of resonance. Resonance knows that metal has a soul, so this soul Forging is the time of real success.

And faith!

Tang Wulin didn't want to lose, and he didn't want to fail the assessment. Either the six of them would join Shrek Academy neatly, or the six of them would go back together.

Crazy together if you win, bear together if you lose!

At this moment, he is burdened with too many things!

Faith will make him stronger!

The Chen Yin Double Hammers seemed to have heard his inner voice, and they were also discovering a change. The hammer actually resonated with a piece of metal for spiritual training, and his Heavy Silver Double Hammers also quietly started spiritual training.

The dazzling golden color fell down, and the blood in the body boiled. When the blood was sacrificed to the metal, it was to make the heavy silver hammers more suitable for him!
Unexpectedly, today...

Thousands of forgings have spirits, ten thousand forgings ascend to spirits, and spirits forge for spirits.

"I succeeded!" Tang Wulin was successful, excited, happy, excited, spit out a mouthful of blood, very tired, very tired, he couldn't hold on any longer, the spirit training was a little bit reluctant for him...

Everyone in the audience was worried and vomited blood!

"Little brother, I..." The moment Tang Wulin fell down, he smiled. He didn't forget to look back at Mao Xiaoyao, and then his body slowly tilted, ready to fall. He was too weak...

But it's okay, the cat demon supported him!
Looking at the unconscious Tang Wulin in his arms, Mao Xiaoyao frowned. This man is a respectable opponent, but also a very terrible opponent.

Just now, Tang Wulin turned Chen Yin's double hammers into spiritual training at the same time, and spiritual training of two metals at the same time. What a terrifying strength this is?

Ordinary blacksmiths don't talk about failure. When the key hits the spirit forging, completing a piece of metal is already the limit. This Tang Wulin actually made the metal and the hammer both succeed in the spirit forging.


Everyone was worried and gathered around.

Chaotic Times is also the first time to come to save people!

Elder Cai said with a smile, "Very good, the two geniuses in spiritual training are qualified." She was very satisfied and happy with the ending.

"Wu Lin, is he alright?" Gu Yue frowned and her face was very nervous. Looking at Tang Wulin's pale face, she couldn't help but feel even more worried and distressed, worried that something would happen to him.

"Look, he's awake." Mao Xiaoyao pointed to Tang Wulin.

In troubled times, one should know the terrifying power of blood in Tang Wulin's body. The coma is only temporary, and Tang Wulin will wake up soon.

Before the little cat could say anything, Gu Yue had already gone to Tang Wulin's side...

"..." Mao Xiaoyao helplessly wiped his face with his hands, ah, why doesn't anyone care about how he is?

"Ah, I'm so tired." Seeing Tang Wulin and Gu Yue's loving interaction, their relationship gradually warmed up. Tired, Mao Xiaoyao also leaned on a fragrant shoulder.

"Thank you!" The black cat smiled and patted its head, giving Mao Xiaoyao some comfort and encouragement. In her eyes, Mao Xiaoyao was always the most powerful blacksmith.

Even if other people don't know, then as long as she knows, the cat demon is the most powerful!

"Don't think about those troublesome things, just have you." Mao Xiaoyao smiled, very annoying, he thought that his refining technique + forging technique was already very good, but today Tang Wulin gave him another one. Class, slapped him hard on the face, when a forging technique was practiced to the extreme!
Better than any god-level cheats!
It seems that the future cannot be relaxed!
and Gu Yue...

Alas, it seems that we can only talk about it when we get to the inner court, and listen to the views of the Silver Dragon Kings, the views of the two Silver Dragon Kings.

At this moment, Gu Yue was completely dazzled by the ignorant love!

If it were other soul beasts, it would be so cool to kill the soul beasts so fiercely in Ascension to Lingtai!
The cat demon has already gone over to give him a beating!It's a pity that this Silver Dragon King, an ordinary soul beast, is indeed like an ant in her eyes, without any sense of existence.

If you die, you die!

Not to mention fake, virtual soul beasts...

This is also what Mao Xiaoyao is worried about. What if the Silver Dragon King doesn't care about ordinary weak soul beasts?
How to do?
Hehe, if the Silver Dragon King really had the ability to instigate Tang Wulin, then it would be fine for the little cat to call Tang Wulin his brother-in-law, but is this possible?
Very annoying!

The black cat touched its head and smiled.

"Cat demon?" At this time, Zhuo Shi came over and looked at the cat demon strangely. Tang Wulin had nothing else to do. Now, he was more curious about the cat demon, "Show me your martial spirit."

Next to it, the black cat frowned slightly, looking alert, Xie Chian and Xu Xiaoyan thought there was something wrong, so they couldn't help but come over to watch.

"Okay!" Mao Xiaoyao has nothing to be afraid of. He has never doubted himself, nor is he worried that he will be exposed.

At this time, the extremely lustful evil cat appeared!

Root of all evil!

The blue eyes looked at Zhuoshi coldly, those blue eyes were the blue eyes of the little cat, and the little cat's eyes were also blue.

Surrounded by evil thoughts, slowly, little by little gathered around the little demon Mao, who was born with an evil body, and the evil thoughts nearby began to actively seek him out.


Mr. Cai and Mr. Li glanced at each other, they looked like evil soul masters... However, Mao Xiaoyao's soul power was very pure, not like an evil soul master.

"Okay!" Zhuo Shi asked Mao Xiaoyao to put away his martial soul.

Mao Xiaoyao put away her martial spirit, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that nothing happened.


Seeing the reactions of Chaotic Times, Elder Li, and Elder Cai, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly remembered what Wu Zhangkong said before, that is, the aura on Jiyuxiemao's body is very similar to that of an evil soul master, so let him not use it indiscriminately!

Interrogation, after the episode!

Soon, Mao Xiaoyao and the others were announced very seriously, and a few of them passed the assessment.

However, they are joining the outer court. If they cannot become battle armor masters before the age of 21, they cannot enter the inner court.

Enter the outer courtyard!

Mao Xiaoyao and the others are also work-study students. Work-study students, that is, when they have nothing to do, they help the college with some things and get some pocket money!

Of course, Mr. Cai wanted to pull the black cat into the inner courtyard...

However, the black cat did not agree to kill him!The two sides were deadlocked, the teacher scolded the apprentice, and the apprentice scolded the teacher.

Reluctantly, the black cat finally agreed to live in the girls' dormitory, and Mr. Cai compromised...

Anyway, Mr. Cai just wants to separate the damn cat demon from the black cat!

Soon, Wuchangkong also appeared, bowed his head and admitted his mistake, was forgiven by the troubled times, and stayed in Shrek Academy smoothly.

The ending seems to be so happy.

The six of them joined Shrek Academy together and started a new chapter!
The Shrek Seven Devils?
Sorry, there are seven more monsters this time!
 The cat demon will have his own Shrek Seven Monsters!
  Preview: Little Cat Demon, Black Cat, Hong Linger, Lan Siyi...

  At present, there are still three positions, remember to write ability, martial soul, personality, gender, etc.!
(End of this chapter)

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