The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 149 Treatment of work-study students!

Chapter 149 Treatment of work-study students!


"Why does the black cat live in a normal dormitory, and the few of us have to live in such a dilapidated house? It's so small, how can the five of us live in it? The problem is, Gu Yue and I are girls!" Xu Xiaoyan was protesting seriously... what kind of broken house Work-study students, this is simply bullying... Men and women live together, this is too scary!Are men and women bad?Why do men and women live together?

The house is not big, about [-] square meters, five people, living in a chicken, it's like a dilapidated old city... the kind of dilapidated houses that are about to be demolished.

The key is that the black cat can live in a comfortable dormitory!
"Ah! What should I do?" Xie Xie also had a broken face, what if he snores at night and gets beaten up by Gu Yue?
Men and women together?
How does this sleep?
They are still young, is it too early?
"Eh..." Tang Wulin fell into deep thought. The environment of work-student students was indeed a little worse, but they finally joined Shrek Academy.

It doesn't matter...

No problem!

However, I feel a little wronged, girls!
"I don't care, I can sleep anywhere, as long as I don't sleep with the two of them."

Mao Xiaoyao looked at Tang Wulin and Xie Xie with disgust. These two people are very scary when they sleep. One loves to snore and the other loves to grind their teeth. Sleeping together is simply a kind of torture...

The key is to hug and hug!
"Damn it! Little cat, the girls didn't despise us_`What, why do you despise us? What do you mean?"

Xie Xie is very unconvinced, men and women can't kiss each other, girls don't have any opinions, why do boys have opinions?
Tang Wulin said that it is good to get used to the strange cleanliness of the little cat, but the room is only so big, what should I do?
Gu Yue smiled wryly, buried her head in the black cat's arms, and said, "I'm envious that the black cat can live in the dormitory!" Also as a work-study student, the black cat is treated very well, and Mr. Cai cares about her from time to time...

The black cat also scolds Mr. Cai from time to time!
Compared to myself!She had attacked that old Cai, and after being educated, she was also thinking about how to apologize!
But, apologies...

Gu Yue was very angry, don't go!

Touching the head of the boss, looking at the unlucky guy, the black cat suddenly cursed: "It must be that damn old woman! She said, if I don't live in the dormitory, then she will make it difficult for you... Actually, My dormitory is only that big, and it’s boring to be alone.”

Being threatened, Black Cat had no choice but to agree, but she was the only one living in the dormitory, and she really felt very bored, because there was no cat demon there.

When the black cat scolded Mr. Cai, everyone knew the reason, and couldn't help feeling a little bit careful about the black cat.

However, after hearing the sentence behind the black cat, she lives in such a big dormitory by herself, the key is to be alone...

Everyone is speechless (='_'=), this cannot be compared.

Soon, Tang Wulin suggested that men and women should be on the same side. He and Xie Xie found a lot of broken boards, and the two boys began to work ding ding dong dong to make a wall.

So what about cat demons?

On the roof, Mao Xiaoyao was also dealing with his own tent just now. He would rather sleep on the roof than sleep with Tang Wulin and the others. Tent, this is something that Mao Xiaoyao has kept in the space soul guide for a long time.

There are two!
In the past at Donghai Academy, it was used by the black cat at that time, and there was originally one for each person, but the black cat always sneaked into the cat demon's tent to sleep in the middle of the night, and in the end, only one person was used.

So, now that Mao Xiaoyao has an extra tent, it is natural to give it to Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, girls.

Get your own tent!
In order to prevent Tang Wulin from having any bad intentions against Gu Yue, and Xie Xie, a voyeur, from his horrible and wretched behavior!
When the planks are finished!
Then the cat demon went down and reprocessed it again, using a kind of mucus fruit, mashed it, and then asked Tang Wulin to take out his own blue silver grass, and the cat demon chopped up a bunch of them, and then fused them into a viscous fruit. like liquid.

Mao Xiaoyao also started to work as a painter...

"Little brother, do you want to be so exaggerated? One house, let you make it like this, turned into two houses." Tang Wulin didn't know what expression he had now, anyway, he was very that...

Isn't it good to live with girls?Why is the separation so severe?
"What do you know! I'm doing this for the good of Gu Yue and Xiaoyan. You two are more terrifying than the other. I'm also doing this to protect their reputation and their personal safety."

One last coat of paint, done!

Mao Xiaoyao used her soul power to strengthen the newly painted wall, knocked on it, tried the sound insulation effect, it was perfect, and couldn't hear anything at all.

Do whatever you want!
"I understand the truth! But why is it that only the girl's side is painted, but our side is still rotten? Look, some of the wood is moldy!"

There are two sides of the wall, and the cat demon only paints the girls' walls, which makes Xie Xian very puzzled... Is it so serious to treat men and women differently?

The point is...the little cat actually has a tent, and he gave one to the girls, but not one to the boys.

very angry!

"Pfft..." Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Heimao, the three girls finally couldn't help laughing, this is indeed a problem...

"Don't talk too much nonsense!" The little cat gave Xie Xie a hard look, and said, "Tang Wulin, you are giving me some blue silver grass."

Xie Xie looked helpless_`!

What?Tang Wulin was very happy. Could it be that the younger brother wants to help them paint it?
give give give!
Didi, Tang Wulin gave a bunch of...

Plop shut!
There is a door in the middle of the wall with locks on both sides. The little cat chased away Tang Wulin and Xie Xie in an instant, locked the door, and let them cry by themselves!

Mao Xiaoyao went up to the roof by himself, holding fresh blue silver grass, just harvested blue silver grass, he also began to consolidate his small tent, making it a real small grass house, so that it is not afraid of wind and rain.

After busy!

Mao Xiaoyao and the others ushered in their first must-do task for work-study students.

Clean up Lingbing Plaza!

Cleaning, of course, requires water, and then slowly sweeping, mopping, and wiping...

Water, Gu Yue with the water element, was naturally the number one main force.

Mao Xiaoyao almost came to a demon worker to make rain, but seeing how awesome Gu Yue is, naturally he just let it go!
But, cleaning the statue for Huo Yuhao?
"Made, quit, damn Huo Yuhao." The cat demon kicked Huo Yuhao's statue, threw away the towel, wiped Nima, went on strike, and cleaned the statue for Huo Yuhao. Wulin should clean up his brother-in-law himself!
Fortunately, no one noticed the cat demon's disrespectful behavior, otherwise, he would have been beaten up and kicked the statue of Ling Bingdouluo?

"Little brother, if you feel tired, then take a rest, let's come!" Tang Wulin picked up the towel that Mao Xiaoyao threw away, put it in the bucket, washed it, continued to clean, wipe...

Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan were also very tired. Fortunately, Gu Yue was there and the water element kept helping, so the cleaning was very fast.

However, the black cat is very serious, but because she is too serious, she only wipes in one place...

She always felt that the place was not clean enough, it seemed that she had some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, it was always there...

"Tsk!" The cat demon dismissively, the damned Spirit Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao, he thought of the Emperor Auspicious Beast before, since the Emperor Auspicious Beast died, the road to extinction of the soul beasts also began...

"Made, blow up this statue!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the little cat murmured softly, this Huo Yuhao is really hateful, anyway, the statue is not himself, made.


The cat demon is starting to plan...

However, if you execute it yourself, you will definitely be exposed!After all, there is monitoring here!
Damn, what bit yourself?Mao Xiaoyao touched his neck, took out a small thing, and couldn't help but look at it in shock. It seemed to be an ant, a terrible building destroyer - a fire ant!
Mao Xiaoyao thought for a while, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she had thought of something, there was something to be said!

 Recently, I heard about a thing called momo. People with a little brain would not believe it. I hope everyone can report it casually. Don’t believe it, and don’t click on websites, QR codes, etc. to prevent personal information from being leaked and used by others.

  After all, I lied to you to give a reward, but you don't give a reward, right?
  Surely you are not that stupid!
(End of this chapter)

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