The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 150 No Contribution Points!

Chapter 150 No Contribution Points!
If you want to hang around in Shrek Academy!
Contribution points are naturally essential!

As work-study students, besides doing some work for the college, Mao Xiaoyao and the others can also accept tasks, complete tasks, and get contribution points!

for example!

The person in charge, I saw Mao Xiaoyao and the others cleaning the Lingbing Square very clean yesterday, so, for the next few days, they will be cleaning by Mao Xiaoyao!
Very angry and very happy, of course, Mao Xiaoyao is lazy every time, doing other things, great things.


Task Management Office!
"Too poor, too poor." Mao Xiaoyao glanced at the tasks on the list and asked, "This teacher, when will I be able to do tasks to make money? Why are some tasks with so few contribution points?"

Task Management Office!
The cat demon came here and handed in the task. Tang Wulin and the others went out to play, as if to drink some milk tea.

Mao Xiaoyao is very tired, he can't go out to play... Made, he really discovered the transformation grass in Shrek Academy...

That is ghost grass!

Last time the clue was broken, which made him very distressed. He has never dared to refine the Transformation Pill for the half plant of Transformation Grass. He is afraid of failure. Once he fails, he will have nothing...

After all, with one more Transformation Pill, the soul beast would have one more hope of surviving.

However, Transformation Grass is not an ordinary elixir in Shrek Academy, and the lowest grade requires more than hundreds of thousands of contribution points...

Mao Xiaoyao looked at the messy tasks in front of him, all of which were worth more than ten or twenty contribution points. He was so tired that he was so tired that he was so tired that the contribution points were so pitifully small that he might not be able to see the transformation Grass.

This will not work!
He also needs contribution points to practice with the black cat and live in Shrek Academy...

it's painful!
The teacher in the task management department gave Mao Xiaoyao a blank look, what does it mean to get rich with contribution points by completing tasks?

Young people, ideas are dangerous.

"See for yourself, there are missions with more rewards, it depends on whether you can complete them." The teacher gave Mao Xiaoyao another mission list and asked him to see for himself what mission he wanted to complete.

Mao Xiaoyao took a single look at the tasks, there are all kinds of tasks, such as killing chickens and catching cats, they are all trivial contribution points!
Don't do it!

Resolutely don't do it!

Don't starve to death!
Without even thinking about it, Mao Xiaoyao directly looked at the tasks that the blacksmith could complete!
One hundred forging means more than one hundred contribution points!

A thousand refinements means more than a thousand contribution points!

Lingduan is more than [-] contribution points!

Soul forging means more than [-] contribution points!

They are all approximate prices. The specifics depend on the handover of tasks. These are just forging fees.

In addition to forging, there are also tasks related to blacksmiths, such as helping to forge battle armor parts, repairing mechs, repairing soul guides, etc.

"Haha!" Get rich, get rich, looking at the task of the blacksmith, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly laughed, Qian Duan, for him.There is basically no problem now, but the spiritual training is a bit difficult, if failure is not ruled out, there is no problem.

Wait, "Teacher, why, the task requires us to buy metal forging ourselves?"

Mao Xiaoyao looked at the task, it was very strange, they don't directly provide the metal, but only provide the name of the metal, let the blacksmith buy it himself, after the forging is successful, get contribution points and the cost of buying metal materials.

"Forging may not be successful! If someone buys metal and you scrap it, and the forging fails, then whose loss is to be counted?" The teacher smiled, which is why, the forging task never provides metal, after all, Blacksmithing has a high chance of failing and students can't afford to...

Then the person who takes the task...

Mao Xiaoyao twitched, "That means, after I accept the task, I still have to buy metal to forge, and then complete the delivery task, and the other party will give me the metal cost and contribution points?"

This is very embarrassing, what if the forging fails?The loss is your own?

That teacher nodded!

"Of course, if you have a lot of federation coins, you can also use them to exchange contribution points with others." The teacher frowned, and then told Mao Xiaoyao the exchange rate between federation coins and contribution points.

Quiet, very quiet.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao chose to remain silent, Picasso pondered, and fell into deep thought...

One word, poor, three words, very poor!

Spirit training, it is best not to try it yet, because it is very likely to fail, and the little cat can't afford to lose...

He is very poor now!
Shrek Academy, everything needs contribution points!Buying a steamed stuffed bun, hot strips, etc. requires contribution points. If there is no contribution point, then only Federation currency is available.

It's a pity that Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have many federal coins!If it is converted into contribution points, it will be even less!
"Give me ten thousand training tasks!"

Qianduan has a spirit, the minimum requirement for a one-word combat armor.

Spiritual training is the minimum requirement for two-word combat armor.

Mao Xiaoyao thought about it, he should be able to come to ten thousand training tasks first, if completed, then it will be about 1 contribution points, then, it can be exchanged for a leaf of the transformation grass.

Very poor, during the three years of embezzlement in the Spirit Pagoda, Mao Xiaoyao also consumed a lot, and the current funds are only enough for ten tasks of metal materials.

Just take your time!
"Pfft!!!" Drinking water, the teacher suddenly vomited water all over his face, ten?Did he hear correctly?How old is this kid who needs ten first-grade thousand training tasks?It shows on the ID card that he is only 13 years old!

A 13-year-old fourth-level blacksmith?

Now, is it all Chinese cabbage?
Yesterday, a kid in the same grade as him also came to take on such a task...

This child actually wants ten?
Are you kidding me?
Mao Xiaoyao was speechless, if he was so shocked, wouldn't it be ten thousand training tasks?If it wasn't for the lack of money, I'll show you a hundred in minutes!scare you to death!

Low key?

That's impossible to keep a low profile!
The little cat needs a lot of resources, and needs powerful resources, so he must stand out from the crowd and let the bosses see his talent and strength.

Tang Wulin has troubled times to help.

He has no one to help him!

For myself, this martial spirit similar to an evil spirit master, it seems that not many teachers are willing to accept me as a disciple, and they are all waiting and watching!

So what Mao Xiaoyao has to do now is to make a high-profile name in the entire Shrek Outer Court, slap that big boss in the face, and look down on him?

What the hell, I look down on you too!

"Ahem!" The teacher wiped the corners of his mouth and the water on his clothes, and said, "Ahem, kid, don't make trouble, are you sure? If you don't complete it, you will be deducted your contribution points. If you don't have a contribution point, you will be expelled from school. As work-study students, you have to pay a certain contribution every month..." Similar to utility bills, this is something that work-study students have to do every month, and other people's tuition fees can be exempted from discounts!

Work-study students do not have this treatment!
"Teacher, don't worry, I know what I'm doing, and I'll hand in the task soon!" Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile on his face, "You have to leave some of the task of Thousand Training, you can't give it all to others." Isn't it Qianduan?That was three years ago. Mao Xiaoyao is now a fifth-level blacksmith. It's a trivial matter for Qianduan. He only wants to do spiritual training now, but he is afraid of losing money.

We can only wait for the bloodline to stabilize before considering the issue of spiritual training.

Seeing Mao Xiaoyao's persistence, the teacher was helpless, and said: "Then... okay! If you have any difficulties, you can tell the teacher, and the teacher will try to help you!" The teacher smiled wryly, and he suddenly felt that this Mao Xiaoyao is very interesting , and then gave Mao Xiaoyao ten forging tasks of one thousand forgings.

"Wait for me to hand in the task!" Mao Xiaoyao took the task, took the task blueprint and ran away, time is not waiting for the demon, forging, forging, he wants to start forging.

The teacher smiled, this little cat is very interesting, but does he have a forging platform?
Didi, Mao Xiaoyao returned to the roof, only to find, made, he seems to have nowhere to forge.

Could it be that he wants to forge on the roof?
After taking a look, there seemed to be no one in the work-study student dormitory. Feeling helpless, Mao Xiaoyao decided to build an illegal structure on the roof...

 Thank you for the sea sometimes, time erases the memories you once had! ! ! , a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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