The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 155 Cat Demon's Level 5 Blacksmith Assessment!

Chapter 155 The cat demon's fifth-level blacksmith assessment!

Along the way, Mao Xiaoyao didn't say anything, and the studio staff didn't ask anything...

However, Mao Xiaoyao has been looking at the biubiu shiny metal in the Blacksmith Association, his blue eyes can't stop watching, tsk tsk, those metals are good things, I don't know if I can take them away.

And who provided the metal ore to the Shrek Blacksmith Association?

Where is the metal mine?

Finally, Mao Xiaoyao arrived at the test and forging place, and the staff member suddenly saw someone whom he could not see normally.

"President, he wants to..."




Feng Wuyu and Mao Xiaoyao stared at each other instantly!
"Well, Mao Xiaoyao, what are you doing here, don't you study hard?" Feng Wuyu asked.

He looked at Mao Xiaoyao strangely, what did Mao Xiaoyao come to the testing office, isn't today the time when the soul master is in class?I wasn't ready for the forging class.

After all, Tang Wulin and Mao Xiaoyao had different forging styles, so he had to prepare two different plans.

know?The studio staff breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't make Mao Xiaoyao unhappy. This kid actually knew President Feng Wuyu?

"Teacher, I want to test the fifth-level blacksmith badge, and I don't feel comfortable using the fourth-level blacksmith badge!" Mao Xiaoyao wants to use the fifth-level blacksmith badge to obtain more resources, the shape-changing grass in Shrek Academy, Doesn't seem like much, he's pressed for time...

A lot of contribution points are needed, exchange them!

Now, you can't steal or rob, so you can only do the task honestly.

If you have a fifth-level blacksmith badge, then when you say you can do spiritual forging, someone will believe you and come to you to forge metals, so a monthly income of one million contribution points is not a dream.

"What does it mean not to look comfortable? With your current ability, as a fourth-level blacksmith, that is a proof of a peerless genius. If you become a fifth-level blacksmith, how will you let others live?" Feng Wuyu looked In the competition between Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin, these two terrifying geniuses actually forged spirit exercises, spirit exercises... that is a metal that can only be forged by a fifth-level blacksmith.

How old are they?
No, Feng Wuyu didn't even think about it. Besides stealing people, Tang Wulin and Mao Xiaoyao must join the Blacksmith Association of Shrek Academy.

"Fourth-level blacksmith benefits are too few!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled harmlessly, and said: "Fifth-level blacksmiths can receive more metals for free every month, and the benefits are also more, so naturally they have to change, don't you? Do not believe?"

Welfare, that's for sure!

The little cat now wants to rob the metal mine in Shrek City, but unfortunately, when he first came to the ramp, he didn't know where that place was, so he had to find out first.

Feng Wuyu was speechless!

Immediately, he looked at the staff at the front desk and said, "Take him for a test!" During the assessment, he wasn't there, so this time he just took a look at how strong the so-called spirit exercise of the little cat is!
"Yes, President." The staff brought Mao Xiaoyao to the forging table. It was very high-end, and it looked like a high-tech product, but the temperature seemed not as good as Mao Xiaoyao's own Spark Furnace!

"Meteor Steel, how is your forging task? Is there any difficulty?" Feng Wuyu smiled and said, "As my disciple, the forging metal assessment is naturally the most difficult. Otherwise, others will say that I am partial to myself." Disciple, I told you to put water on you!" As he spoke, Feng Wuyu took out a piece of extremely rare metal that he had treasured for many years.

This is an extraterrestrial meteorite he accidentally discovered when he was out on an adventure. In the past few years, he has not been able to study it thoroughly, and he does not know what it should be used for forging.

However, hardness...

Feng Wuyu had never seen such a hard metal!
Several staff members of the testing office also saw that piece of metal, which can be treasured by the chairman, naturally it is not an ordinary item.

"No problem, as long as you give me the metal!" Mao Xiaoyao's blue eyes are shining, this metal seems to be very... Anyway, it's awesome, Mao Xiaoyao wants this piece of metal!
Weapons that have their own claws!
There are black cats too!

However, some soul guides need these rare metals, especially the sniper soul guide gun bullets that Mao Xiaoyao wants to see. If they are made of some very hard metals, it will be so terrible...

Magic weapon bullet?

Who can stop it?

"Okay!" Feng Wuyu gave Mao Xiaoyao a blank look, why is this Mao Xiaoyao the same, why is it all metal, metal, is it true that only metal is in the eyes of geniuses?
Even if he is the president of the Blacksmith Association of Shrek Academy, he can't keep sending metals...and rare metals...

Ordinary metals, Feng Wuyu can give freely, but rare metals, rare, rare, there are so many rare metals, they are all rare.

Holding this mysterious piece of extraterritorial metal, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly felt very friendly. Could this stone also come from time travel like himself?

The assessment staff was in place, and Feng Wuyu was also sitting beside him. He was not in charge of the assessment test. He happened to pass by today, so he couldn't help but see how good his disciple was!

Spirit training?

When I first forged it, it was not that easy. I don't know how many things failed and how much rare metal was wasted.

The forging table was on fire, and the temperature was very high. Immediately, Mao Xiaoyao put in meteorite steel and heated it slowly... Control the temperature, if it is too hot, or not hot enough, it will affect the metal when it is formed.

So, how to sense whether the temperature is appropriate?
At this time, the magical refining technique can be perfectly displayed!

The cat demon mobilized his soul power, and used the refining technique to slowly heat the meteorite steel until the impurities on the first layer of metal surface fell off...

Then, you can take it out for forging!
The memory metal sledgehammer appears, holding the hammer with one hand, boom, boom, boom, hammering metal.

The other hand is using the refining technique, slowly tempering the metal bit by bit...

Magical forging method...

Several examiners looked at each other, dumbfounded. What kind of magical forging technique is this?
This child is really starting spiritual training...

Holding a hammer in one hand, how terrifying is this child's strength?
The corner of Feng Wuyu's mouth twitched even more. It turned out that this brat had hidden something. Before, when he and Tang Wulin were asked to forge it for himself.

It seems that this magical forging technique has not been used!
"President, your disciple is too scary. Your aura has been released for a long time, and you have a spirit. At this time, the metal has begun to resonate with his blood. If you can last for so long, your physical fitness... "

An examiner looked on in shock, watching the spirit training state that Mao Xiaoyao was entering. According to the information, this child is only 13 years old!
Will there be a fake?
Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?
"I don't know much about soul masters, haha, I just accepted this disciple recently." Feng Wuyu is really happy today, envy and hate!It's useless, this is Lao Tzu's apprentice!Happy.

Several examiners are speechless, is that okay?Have you only received it for a few days?
The people outside are also anxiously waiting. Did this little blacksmith succeed in the test?

Ding dong, ding dong!
Mao Xiaoyao was forging along with that beautiful melody, one hammer after another, as if forging his own life force to the metal.

Because, every time the hammer falls, Mao Xiaoyao can always feel that the blood in the body is not calm, this should be the so-called metal resonance...

One last blow of the hammer!A flash of inspiration, and then dispersed!

 Finally, the hammer fell, and a recommendation ticket was thrown out...


(End of this chapter)

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