The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 156 "Young" Level 5 Blacksmith!

Chapter 156 "Young" Level [-] Blacksmith!

Then, Mao Xiaoyao dropped the hammer for the last time, and the memory metal big hammer shook, boom, sparks splashed on the wall, after a little bit of dimming, the metal spirit training was completed, and everything returned to calm.

"Master is exhausted, Lingduan, I really can't play around, two or three times a day is probably okay, and a dozen times a day is probably useless." Very tired, very tired, the cat demon was gasping for breath... merging the two This kind of forging method seems to be more tiring than one kind of forging method. He happily looked at the spiritual forging meteorite steel in front of him, and fell into thinking, what can this piece of metal do?

Or, get a magic weapon another day?
Magic weapon!

Thinking, thinking, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly stared at the spirit training metal in a daze. At present, there seems to be only a broken bell left on his body, and it is something that inexplicably appeared in his demon core after the awakening of blood.

The cat demon studied for a long time, but couldn't find anything, so he could only jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell!

At that time, Mao Xiaoyao was curious and put it on her neck.


I can't take it off, it's embarrassing!

As for the other magic weapons, they were already smashed to pieces by the Tiger King at that time, baby, they were picked up when I was patrolling the mountains...

The cat demon sighed, very angry!

However, these examiners were not calm. They all gathered around to look at the spirit training metal, knocking and looking at it non-stop, and praised from time to time, this bull coin, this is good...

"What a fuss!" Hehe, human beings, cat demons look contemptuous, haven't you seen spirit training metals?What catches your eyes.

Feng Wuyu also came over, patted Mao Xiaoyao on the shoulder, and laughed loudly: "Haha, good apprentice, good job, your teacher, I was a third-level blacksmith when I was as young as you... "This is really true, I can't accept it, Feng Wuyu is completely convinced, this magical forging technique...

Cow coins!

Want to study……

"That, little demon..." Feng Wuyu frowned, hinting obscenely, after all, it seems that it is not good to let his disciple teach him the forging technique of a teacher, and this kind of thing can only be hinted at.

"You are too old, the forging technique has already been formed, and it is useless to teach you. The key is, this is my unique forging technique, and you can't learn it." Mao Xiaoyao laughed. Yaolidi, this is not an ordinary forging method of the Yaozu, this is the mysterious art of refining weapons in "Yaoxinjue".

Now, Mao Xiaoyao is also a beginner. There is no teacher to teach him, so he can only explore slowly by himself!
Otherwise, use the refining technique...

It is estimated that a big baby can be refined!

Feng Wuyu really wanted to slap Mao Xiaoyao's cat's head, how did this unlucky child talk, is he very old?

"Why hit me?" The cat demon was very angry.

"Otherwise, bet, if you learn it, I will learn it for you. If you can't learn it, you will give me 30 rare metals every month." Flickering, getting into the trap, the cat demon smiled sinisterly, and said, "Don't you dare? It's not that I look down on you , Teacher, you really can’t do it, you can’t learn it.”

Feng Wuyu doesn't have the special technique in "Yao Xin Jue", which converts soul power into demon power, so he can practice ass.

Soul beasts can't learn it, they use their own soul power, if the body of the soul beast is not similar to that of the monster race, it is impossible for them to learn the skills of the monster race.

Be looked down upon by disciples?Feng Wuyu was in a hurry, rolled up his sleeves, stared in disbelief and said: "Learn now, made, I won't believe it today, can I learn the exercises you tinkered with? Are you kidding me!"

"You guys get out!" Feng Wuyu scolded the examiners.

Several examiners held the Lingduan Meteorite Steel, and then slipped away, slipped away, and went outside to study.

At this time, Mao Xiaoyao and Feng Wuyu were in the assessment office.

The fiery red hair also represents Feng Wuyu's violent temper, aggressive methods, and seduction every minute.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, evil smiles are not scary, but I am afraid of this kind of weird smile, because I don't know what tricks will be hidden in this meeting smile.

Feng Wuyu suddenly had an ominous premonition!

Outside, several examiners came out, and so did the studio staff.

A student waiting outside asked, "Teacher, did the person just now pass the assessment? What about the others?" If Mao Xiaoyao was here at this moment, he would have discovered that his number one enemy in Shrek Academy, the girl Ye Xinglan, Seems to have spotted his coming.

The staff in the studio pointed to the spirit forging meteorite steel held by several examiners, and he couldn't say anything about other things.

The others took a look, Lingduan! ! !

Ye Xinglan was stunned, and took a look, that seemed to be... Spiritual training?If she was not mistaken, that was Lingduan...

Rubbing her eyes vigorously, Ye Xinglan couldn't believe it, "This is Lingduan..." She was very unconvinced at first, who let the little cat make a fool of herself at that time, surrendering made herself very embarrassed, now, she knows Mao Xiaoyao came to Shrek Academy, she must be going to teach Mao Xiaoyao a lesson.

Take a breath!
The Appearance of Spiritual Forging Metal!
Maybe not very surprised, but for such a young fifth-level blacksmith, this is very shocking!

The onlookers couldn't help discussing, who is this fifth-level blacksmith?


The cat demon came out leisurely, closed the door, and smiled obscenely happily, as if he had done some bad things secretly.

"My metal, bring it, and my badge!" As soon as the little cat came out, he began to ask several examiners for something, but he didn't notice at all that the onlookers were all looking at him.


"..." Mao Xiaoyao noticed the crowd and seemed to be looking at him...

Several assessors glanced behind and couldn't find Mr. Chairman, so they couldn't help being puzzled, but they still took Mao Xiaoyao to go through the formalities, and the assessment was successful.

Receive the Level [-] Blacksmith Badge!

(Feng Wuyu: Made, why did it fail again?)
"La la!"

After a while,!

The cat demon wearing the badge of the fifth-level blacksmith appeared in the Blacksmith Association, seemingly casually strolling, but in fact, he was afraid that others would not know his current identity...

The effect is good. On the way to show off, people who find the little cat will always ask a few questions...

It's not...

"Stop!" A voice called Mao Xiaoyao from behind. Others respect Mao Xiaoyao very much, because at such a young age, Mao Xiaoyao is already a fifth-level blacksmith, so what happens next?

If you build a good relationship, you will get some discounts when you need to help forging later. After all, each of them wants to become a battle armor master.

Could it be that it's about business?

Mao Xiaoyao is very happy. Just now, several humans also expressed their willingness to let him help forging. The price must be as favorable as possible, which is cheaper than Tang Wulin!

(Tang Wulin: Where are my customers?)
Looking back, I was silent and didn't even look at it!
Slip away, slip away!
"Mao Xiaoyao!" Ye Xinglan strode like flying, like a gust of spiritual wind, instantly blocked Mao Xiaoyao's path, stood in front of him, opened his arms, raised his head and chest to look at Mao Xiaoyao angrily.

Summer is hot and clothes are tight!
Very good figure!

Mao Xiaoyao looked up from the bottom, stayed on his chest, licked his lips, and said helplessly: "Don't shake it, I'm dizzy..."

Mao Xiaoyao finally found a girl who was better developed than Gu Yue. Three years ago, he was bumped into... He really wanted to catch this "murderer".

 I'm a bit busy today.

(End of this chapter)

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