The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 157: The little cat also set up a stall!

Chapter 157: The little cat also set up a stall!

"Pervert! What are you looking at!" Ye Xinglan was very angry, the little cat seemed to be looking at her... the little face was flushed, and she couldn't help but slap her backhand, screaming at the little cat, this damned guy!

"A pervert? Where is it?" The little cat leaned back slightly, dodging Ye Xinglan's attack. At the same time, he was also looking for some pervert, but how could there be a pervert?
"You!" Ye Xinglan gritted her teeth angrily. Was this person trying to anger her on purpose?Damn it!
"You what you! This is the Blacksmith Association of Shrek Academy, you can't fight here, you know, who are you beating?" Mao Xiaoyao rolled his eyes.

He was having a headache, how could he meet this violent chick, she is the one who fights at every turn, I can't afford it!

As he said that, Mao Xiaoyao deliberately showed off the shiny fifth-level blacksmith badge on his shoulder, "Being a blacksmith, don't you want to make battle armors?"

The reason why blacksmiths have a high status is because they have too many functions, soul guides, battle armors, mechs, etc... all cannot do without blacksmiths.

What's more, if you beat a blacksmith in the Blacksmith Association, this person is probably on the blacklist!

Ye Xinglan glanced at the people around him, as if they were all looking at him!After discussing, I couldn't help but bear it, "Little Mao, before you were in Donghai Academy, I couldn't teach you a lesson. Now, you're here at Shrek Academy, hehe, just wait!" Patted him, then looked at him angrily, and left!

"Is it poisonous?" Mao Xiaoyao couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief seeing Ye Xinglan leave. He was threatened as a fifth-level blacksmith. If word got out, how could he hang around in Shrek Academy in the future?
Forget it!
Mao Xiaoyao didn't care, and then continued to show off her status as a fifth-level blacksmith...

The little cat is fooling people, so naturally the willing ones will take the bait!
He suddenly discovered that Tang Wulin's approach was good!


A few days later!

"Thousand training mission, spiritual training mission!"

There are still many people in the task management office. Those people are not here to submit contribution point tasks, or to obtain some tasks.

No, Mao Xiaoyao has completed ten second grades of Qianduan. Now, he is thinking about doing a few spiritual training tasks to go back and try. !
However, something that makes the cat demon depressed is coming!
"I'm sorry, your missions for this month have reached the upper limit. At present, you cannot receive any missions with more than [-] contribution points." The upper limit has been reached, and he can no longer receive so many tasks of contribution points.

Of course, small ones can!
Such as weeding, sweeping, etc...

"That's only a few? I haven't even received the spiritual training mission, how can I get the upper limit?" Mao Xiaoyao was completely blown up. What the hell, the sudden news disrupted his plan, and he agreed to do the mission to make a fortune?Why the sudden task limit?

"The college has regulations. Each student has a monthly contribution point limit." The girl explained, "Otherwise, there are so many task-crazed people in the college, they will definitely collect contribution points like crazy."

For example, Mao Xiaoyao naturally thinks the same way, frantically swiping contribution points, swiping, swiping, probably can make a fortune.

It's a pity, now give him a blow to the head!
A basin of cold water drenched him through!
Cool through the heart, the heart is flying!
I woke up in an instant. It seems that it is impossible to make a fortune by relying on missions. I have to find a new way...

Poor, Mao Xiaoyao sighed, "Oh, this month's income has not exceeded one million contribution points, which is too little! It has not exceeded one million..." Is million contribution points a lot?Ever since Mao Xiaoyao saw the Transformation Grass, he suddenly felt that his contributions were not enough.

There are too many good things in Shrek Academy. After taking a look, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly realized that he really has a long way to go, but he doesn't know where the treasure house of Shrek Academy is.




When the people around heard Mao Xiaoyao's words, they immediately fell silent. What kind of boss is someone who is not satisfied with a monthly income of hundreds of thousands of contribution points?
They looked at Mao Xiaoyao, oh, blacksmith...

No wonder I have to be satisfied, no wonder I can earn more than [-] contribution points per month... After all, the task of a blacksmith has a lot of contribution points.

This is the envy of others.

"Is it really gone?" Mao Xiaoyao asked the young lady again, he didn't believe it...

The young lady shook her head, "No..." She was ashamed, and there were not many people in the outer courtyard who could complete the task.

Unless someone like Mao Xiaoyao has the identity of a blacksmith, after all, the task of a blacksmith has a lot of contribution points.

"Alright!" said the cat demon.

The young lady also looked embarrassed.

However, Mao Xiaoyao did not leave, but went out to the door, he took out a sign, and took out a chair table, a small book!

Start yelling!
The content of the brand is as follows↓


"I, a fifth-level blacksmith, am poor now. I can design battle armors, forge mechs, soul guides, and hundred-forged metals, thousand-forged metals, and spirit-forged metals. The success rate is [-]%. Failed, I will compensate for the material cost. The price is lower than that of the Blacksmith Association and the Task Management Office, if you are a cute girl, you can get a discount! Forging is at the peak, if there is a problem with the quality, eat fish upside down! This card is proof!"




A level five blacksmith?

The people at the door didn't believe it, so who would you lie to a young fifth-level blacksmith?

What the hell!

On the wooden sign, there is a fifth-level blacksmith badge!Mao Xiaoyao specially added some colorful lights, which makes it more clear and domineering!Level [-] blacksmith badge...

The crowd of onlookers began to increase!More and more, more and more, everyone is looking at Mao Xiaoyao, puzzled, strange, unbelieving...

However, the badge of the fifth-level blacksmith does not seem to be fake...

So the question is coming?

So the young fifth-level blacksmith, is it real or not?
"Fuck, I know him. A few days ago, he went to the blacksmith association to test and assess the fifth-level blacksmith!"

"Yeah, I've also heard that there is a very young student from the outer courtyard who won the fifth-level blacksmith badge and passed the assessment."

"Could it be..."

The onlookers became suspicious, and some even recognized the identity of the little cat. They had seen the little cat holding a piece of spiritual training metal in the blacksmith association that day.

"Let's stay for ten, what are you afraid of? The five-level blacksmith badge is here. If you don't believe me, go check it out. If I don't have a little strength, do you think the blacksmith association will just give me a badge?" Putting his feet on the table in the chair, if he was not afraid that the people from the mission management office would drive him away, he would have played some of the not-so-nice music from Douluo Continent to attract more people.

Compared to Tang Wulin, who was unprepared and squatted at the entrance of the canteen very poorly, Mao Xiaoyao naturally chose the task management office. Although there were not as many people here as the canteen, people in need came here.

The mission of the entire Shrek Academy!

Posting missions, receiving missions, and handing in missions are all handled here. There are naturally many people who need them!
(End of this chapter)

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