The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 161 Chapter 166 Battle for squad leader!

Chapter 161 Chapter 160 Battle for the Sixth Squad Leader!
In the virtual world, everything is so real, but it is not real...

It can be said that this is an Ascension to Lingtai!

Group of four?
Angry and depressed cat demon, the first thing he does when he enters the virtual space is to kill the teammates who are in the way of two things. One is eliminated. Anyway, the strongest one can be the squad leader, and he has to eliminate more people...

Be the strongest!
Outside, two teammates were complaining about Mao Xiaoyao's bad behavior and seriously reported it to Shen Yi and Wu Changkong!

Shen Yi and Wu Changkong expressed their helplessness. This was really a bit of a thing, it was too much, but only a cat demon could do this kind of thing.

At this time, in the virtual world...

"Xiao Yao, what are we going to do? Do you want to be the squad leader?" Black Cat asked.

Primitive forest, imitating Star Dou Forest, everything is the same.

There is nothing around, a freshman class of more than 100 people, so the venue will certainly not be too big, but what about the people?The black cat who wanted to fight couldn't see a few people, except for the two teammates who were killed.

"Naturally, I want to manage a group of foolish humans, and I have to take good care of them." The cat demon smiled. When the Silver Dragon King and the others invaded the human world, they also climbed up step by step. Every important position was assigned a soul beast. Then naturally I can't fall behind...

Simple, start from the monitor...

Forging committee?
Made, Mao Xiaoyao won't be convinced. If he has time, he will set up a stall in the class, get the fifth-level blacksmith badge, and be mad at Tang Wulin, the damn blacksmith committee member. Of course, the most important thing now is to be the first to go to work long!

Using the authority of the monitor...

A certain benefit!
The little cat is in YY!
"If you are the squad leader, then I will be the squad leader's girlfriend! Hehe." The black cat smiled happily, the world in his happy eyes was only cat demons, he lived a simple life and thought very simple.

Scratching the cute little nose of the black cat, the cat demon smiled, when can he be like the black cat without thinking about anything?

It's a pity that the two of them didn't have much time to spend together, rustling, there seemed to be some movement in the surrounding grass.

The cat demon and the black cat began to be vigilant about their surroundings. The cats were very sensitive to some faint movements around them. The opponents did not approach, and they already knew where the opponents were basically.

"Four people!" Black Cat wasn't scared because they lost two teammates. Facing the opponent who was about to appear, she was very excited. She didn't know if it was an opponent who could really fight.

Better be strong!
"Here we come!" Mao Xiaoyao looked in one direction, her blue eyes staring closely!

The opponent appears!

"Student, where are your teammates? Why are there only two of you?" The person who came seemed very polite, and couldn't help but care about the situation of Mao Xiaoyao and their teammates.

A combination of two men and two women, all four of them are soul masters with three rings, Mao Xiaoyao frowned, this is a bit tricky without knowing each other's martial soul...

After all, the students of Shrek Academy are definitely not comparable to those ordinary soul masters outside. After all, Shrek Academy only accepts monsters, and the four monster soul masters seem a bit powerful.

Twisting his neck, the little cat loosened his joints and made a crackling sound. Looking at these four people, he wondered, what kind of monsters are these people?
"My name is Zhang San. What's your name?" Zhang San introduced himself very politely. He is about 15 years old. His name sounds like a dragon, and the dragon is naturally average-looking.

The other three people didn't express anything. After all, there are only a few positions in the class, and if one is eliminated, there will be one less competitor.

"Don't talk nonsense, let the four of you go up together!" The little cat hooked his hands and said disdainfully, did he look down on them for being few?Introduce yourself Nima, hurry up to fight, Tang Wulin snatched the position of the forging committee, he is very angry now, when he sees Tang Wulin later, he must beat Tang Wulin.

The outside world can't afford to mess with it, so can't you mess with yourself here?

Zhang San's face was embarrassed, then changed into a gloomy face, and said: "Don't be ashamed, I just feel sorry for the two of you, I want to pull you into the team to cooperate, I didn't expect that you are so arrogant, two dozen Four? Thinking too much!" Zhang San was also very dissatisfied with Mao Xiaoyao. Before, when he was in class, Mao Xiaoyao was very crazy and looked arrogant.

Is it great to have a girlfriend?
What do you do every day to show your affection?
He is very jealous of Mao Xiaoyao, jealous of Mao Xiaoyao's beautiful and lovely girlfriend as Black Cat...

He also has a girlfriend, left hand and right hand, compared to each other, he is very envious and jealous.

Phew, bang...

Zhang San felt a gust of breeze coming slowly, and found that it was chaotic, the breeze was blowing...

etc!what is that?White wings, is that an angel?So white and flawless wings...

His eyes widened in disbelief.

Zhang San was knocked down by the black cat!
This is the method Mao Xiaoyao taught her. When the enemy's attention is elsewhere, it means that the enemy is distracted and not very focused...

Then, at this time, you can make a surprise attack!

It doesn't matter whether he is a sneak attack or not, and whether he is a gentleman, the key is that they are not human, and the black cat is a girl again!


Ha ha!

Zhang San's defense is also very fast. When he saw the black cat approaching him, he started to use the soul skill defense. His own martial soul is an iron rhinoceros, and he is very good at defense...

For example, now, even if you push it far away and break a few big trees, you can still get up strong, and nothing seems to happen.

At this moment, Zhang San stabilized his legs, his strength was so terrifying, he could not tremble, he clamped his legs tightly, "You guys did it first, so don't blame us for being rude." What are the teammates doing?

It is very useful at this time. Zhang San was hit by the black cat. The powerful force made Zhang San unable to fight directly for a while, and his legs were weak.

Zhang San is afraid...

Just now, I almost died...

At this time, the three teammates began to surround Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat!
"Black cat, do you want to change your name to White Cat? Your little wings are getting whiter."

The cat demon looked at the white and flawless wings on the back of the black cat, and couldn't help complaining, with such white wings, is the black cat really an angel?

So is his black wings a demon?

Demons and Angels?
However, regarding the fact that black cats also have white wings, Mao Xiaoyao once studied the black cat's body, thoroughly researched it, and didn't seem to find any problems...

The Wuhun mutation brought by the two-winged white tiger is the reason why the black cat has the same white and flawless wings as the two-winged white tiger, so it can fly freely...

The key is……

This wing is not just for flying!The huge wings have a very powerful defense, which is more useful than any shield. Once the wings are blocked, any strange attacks are useless.

"No, I'm your black cat!" The black cat blushed shyly, completely ignoring the siege of the three opponents.

The cat demon smiled!
However, he couldn't ignore the opponent, because the opponent seemed very angry at this time, eight huge tentacles with suction cups came, as if devouring everything, there was a boy's spirit, an eight-legged octopus.

Short name: Tentacle Monster!
This terrifying Martial Soul can only appear in this book. Naturally, Mao Xiaoyao would not want the black cat to do it. After all, it is really disgusting...

His black cat continued to abuse Zhang San...

Hit three by yourself, and hit the tentacle monster!
 It's a new week, and I heard that if you vote for recommendations and give rewards, you can read the booklets of Cat Goblin and Tentacle Monster.

(End of this chapter)

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