The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 162 New teammates?

Chapter 162 New teammates?

"Hey, it's disgusting!"

Mao Xiaoyao has never read any books, and does not know what tentacle monsters are...

Made, let's talk about it after a hard fight!
The opponent's martial spirit is a large octopus with eight claws, which is terrifying, especially the sucker and the sticky and disgusting liquid... The cat demon doesn't want to be wrapped around his body by such disgusting things.

However, the even more terrifying and disgusting Bluesilver Grass has more tentacles, and the cat and demon have seen it before. Made, a little octopus, what is there to be afraid of?
"Eight-claw winding!" The boy directly activated his first soul skill, and the eight huge tentacles, dripping with terrible corrosive crushing, wriggled and spread, and began to surround the cat demon. The two girls also They were all working, and the three of them surrounded Mao Xiaoyao.

The black cat was beating Zhang San violently, and did not come to support Mao Xiaoyao. At this time, Mao Xiaoyao could only rely on himself, one hit three?Obviously a bit impractical.

Only break one by one!

Mao Xiaoyao doesn't have that kind of invincible strength. The three soul masters with three rings can abuse him from the front, but he is not a fool.

Control-type soul masters mainly take on the role of control in battle. For example, this boy's tentacle monster, bah bah, Wuhun eight-clawed octopus, at this moment just wants to restrict and control the movement of the little cat.

Give yourself two teammates and create opportunities to attack!

A girl is a defensive soul master, and a girl is a power soul master. If you add Zhang San's defensive power, then this four-person team, once coordinated, will have defense, strength, and control, perfect!

But, a meat shield?
At this time, the black cat was attacking Zhang San violently, what a powerful defense, under her sharp claws, it was instantly torn to pieces...

However, now, what the little cat has to do is not to fight!Instead, they procrastinated and waited for the black cat to solve Zhang San and break through the defense of this combination. Then, they could slowly kite their opponents and harvest!
About fighting!

The cat demon is smarter than anyone else, killing him in anger?

Hehe, of course, at that time, the cat demon was really very angry. If he cooperates with a human he doesn't know, he might as well kill him and concentrate on winning the battle with his own method!
"You can't run, quit by yourself! Otherwise you will hate us when you get out!" Looking down and seeing that the boy was controlling the eight tentacles, he didn't forget to remind Mao Xiaoyao that they are actually classmates, and competition is competition. After all, they are still classmates after going out.

A girl, Wuhun is a red flaming bow and arrow, matched with her red hair, she is dressed in fiery red, her temper is estimated...

Very cranky?
"Surrender quickly!" La Gong took the arrow, the raging fire was like a song, the burning red arrow feathers, the red girl aimed at the cat demon, and would strike if there was a disagreement.

Another girl with blue hair is standing next to her to protect her. The blue girl's martial spirit is a shield, a classical shield, which can defend and attack!
One is immobile and silent, the other is hot-tempered and irritable. The two girls are in stark contrast. One is a quiet girl with small glasses and the other is an obedient girl.

Soon, Mao Xiaoyao ignored the tentacle monster boy, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, he looked straight at the two girls, what a perfect combination in the world!
Warrior meat shield, rear output, if you add him and the black cat, okay!Then add a tentacle monster, then their combination...

"Come and attack me!" said the cat demon.

"Black cat, speed up, I found three teammates!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled evilly and killed his teammates. In fact, Mao Xiaoyao was not satisfied with the martial souls of those two teammates, they were too rubbish to cooperate !

If they have these three teammates, then when they see Tang Wulin later, they don't have to be afraid of Tang Wulin's Blue Silver Grass, Blazing Rocket, they can completely burn those Blue Silver Grass...

"Okay!" His eyes turned cold, the black cat turned his head, and the ghost claw fell down, Zhang San, suddenly!
It's that simple. After being abused for so long, the black cat can definitely kill Zhang San, but seeing how tough his skin is and how strong his ability to be beaten is, she is actually just testing the limits of her own strength.

Zhang San did not rest in peace, outside, he woke up, vomiting non-stop, the fear of death...

The girl in red, the girl with blue hair, and the tentacle monster looked at in disbelief... Their captain was killed by this cute and beautiful girl in front of him?disuse?

Is she the devil?
The purple claws directly scratched the head...

The three of them have never seen this kind of scene, the scene of the watermelon exploding...

The black cat's wings are white and flawless, and no blood has been spattered...

It seems that those filthy and vulnerable things are not worthy of approaching her at all...

"How is it?" asked the cat demon.

The black cat flapped its wings slightly, and said: "The strength is good, but I am too timid to fight back, I must have been frightened!"

teammate?As he said that, the black cat deliberately looked at the three people in front of him, didn't he want teammates?So what is the use of these three people coming?

"Don't underestimate people!" The girl in red was angry, her eyes were full of anger, just like her flaming rocket. At this time, the flaming rocket drew a perfect arc in the air.

Hey, the flaming rocket came, and halfway through, it disintegrated into several flaming rocket feathers, and instantly flew towards the cat demon.


Arrow feathers will explode!
"Hmph, let you look down on us!" The girl in red smiled triumphantly, who made Mao Xiaoyao and the others look down on themselves?It's fine to eliminate the captain, but why ignore yourself?
"Hong Ling'er, amazing!" The boy smiled flatteringly, obviously they knew each other, the only one they didn't know was that hapless Captain Zhang San...

"Be careful!" The blue-haired girl frowned, glanced at the explosion, and said, "There's nothing wrong with them!"

Hongling'er didn't believe it, but when she saw it, her complexion suddenly changed, "Siyi, be careful!" As she spoke, a few more flaming arrow feathers passed by!The arrow feathers were quickly torn apart by the little cat, and the explosion was blocked by his black wings.

Yes, black wings!The black wings of the cat goblin, the white wings of the black cat.

A demon descends, surrounded by evil spirits...

One is like an angel, shining on the earth and healing everything!Hold each other tight!

The boy's complexion also changed. The speed of the little cat and the black cat was too fast. With the terrifying attack, their thick-skinned hapless captain couldn't stand it. So what can they do?
He immediately controlled the octopus to protect the girl named Lan Siyi!The opponent's target seems to be Lan Siyi!

What the hell is that?
So, the weird attack...

Makes the scalp tingling!

It seems that there is a pair of eyes staring fiercely at their brains, and they don't know when they will fall!

A depression in the ground?

The soil pillar that broke through the ground suddenly slammed into Lan Siyi, who was defending with a copper wall and an iron wall. She was holding a blue five-pointed shield, and she was currently the only defensive force in the entire team.

"Eight shield formation!" Lan Siyi didn't panic, but also used her soul skills, and eight shields appeared, blocking the attack of the little cat and the black cat... It felt like a eight-diagram formation, constantly surrounding...

The eight shields are slowly surrounding them, as long as the little cat and the black cat get close, the shields will block them!

Perfect defense!

 Daily contract! ! !Miss sister's tip!

  And, thanks to Zhaozhou for the reward of 999 book coins, and the many rewards that seem to have erased the memories of time.

  And a reward of 100 book coins from zz.

(End of this chapter)

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