The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 163 The Abilities of the Cat Demon!

Chapter 163 The Abilities of the Cat Demon!


The big purple claws of the cat demon grabbed the shield, sputtering sparks, and the strange and creepy sound of the ghost claws, as if surrounded by evil spirits, made Hong Ling'er's scalp go numb, and they didn't want to be caught by this Claws, grabbing on his own head.

Fight back!

Hong Ling'er started to move and attack frantically!
There was nothing wrong with her attack, and the endless flaming rockets began to burn everything around!
Boom boom boom!


The cat demon and the black cat don't want to face the power of the flaming rockets head-on. The explosive flaming rockets are very powerful. If they block an arrow, many flaming rockets will appear...

The point is, the damned tentacle monsters have been harassing them all the time, trying to entangle them to give Hong Ling'er a chance to attack, and Lan Siyi keeps protecting them. Where does the attack of the little cat and the black cat fall? Then her shield where will appear...

The opponent is more difficult than imagined!

"Black cat, mental attack, remember, don't hurt them, it's useful to keep it." The cat demon smiled. He needs to cultivate his own strength to fight against the future Shrek Seven Monsters. As for how to control them in the future...

Bewitching the world, who knows!
Control method only!

The black cat nodded, facing an attack of this intensity, a normal attack would definitely not work!

"Come on!" Mao Xiaoyao took out the memory metal big hammer, the shield, right?Break open your shield!
If it wasn't for the bosses outside watching all the time, Mao Xiaoyao would definitely use the Yaozu skills!

A hammer!
Boom boom boom!
How many hammers!

At the same time, the black cat closed its purple eyes, and a two-winged white tiger appeared, spread its huge white wings, flapped them a few times, and roared in the forest!
Ow! ! !
The Roar of the Beastmaster!
Suddenly, the black cat also opened its purple eyes, and under the cover of the roar of the white tiger with two wings, an invisible spiritual storm swept away...

Then, boom!

The memory metal sledgehammer fell, lighting up the melody of this attack!

Lan Siyi, who controlled the shield, was the first to be affected. When the memory metal hammer hit the shield hard, she was concentrating her soul power on defense...

The roar of the tiger is terrible!
However, the accompanying spiritual storm was even more terrifying!
Having a headache and suddenly being in a trance, Lan Siyi hugged her head in pain!The Eight Shield Formation showed its flaws!
The resulting chain reaction is that the tentacle monster's tentacles suddenly become soft and can't be hardened!

Hong Ling'er couldn't concentrate on condensing the flaming rocket attack...

The three purple void claws fell, and the cat demon grabbed the three of them, each of them was strangled by the neck, suspended in the air in pain, the power of elimination, at this time, was in the hands of the cat demon.

"Let go of me, you bastard!" Hong Ling'er glared at the cat demon with dissatisfaction on her face, what kind of weird attack was this, she had never seen it before!She didn't lose!
The tentacle monster sighed, and glanced at the claws on his body. It seemed that they were going to be eliminated. He wanted to see if he could be a class leader!

Lan Siyi didn't say a word, and kept looking at the black cat with puzzled eyes. It seems that the attack from the soul just now came from this girl!

With such a powerful attack, what is so terrible about this girl's mental power?
"Don't be so angry, I won't eliminate you, I just want to form a team with you, your teammate just now is too bad, it's not suitable, how about it, do you want to consider us?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, this combination It must be taken, no matter what method is used.

Especially the girl named Lan Siyi, who looks quiet and weak, but actually possesses a terrifying shield array defense, what a perfect defense, it is simply a solid meat shield in a team battle, the level of defense just now, Mao Xiaoyao can see it by herself I find it troublesome.

And Hong Ling'er!
If she was given a safe environment to output, it would be a nightmare for the enemy...

Explosions all over the sky, flames and rockets explode, who can resist it?The point is, this girl is the key to Tang Wulin, the fire attribute, can control grass!

Blue silver grass is afraid of fire!

As well as Xie Xie Guanglong Dagger and Shadow Dragon Dagger, they are fast and invisible, so it is a bit troublesome to solve...

If, with the protection of Lan Siyi's terrifying shield, it would be very difficult for someone like Xie Xie to sneak attack, just like just now, the cat demon was also unable to attack!

As for this tentacle monster, the key is that it is disgusting enough, there are only eight tentacles, but it has the ability to survive infinitely, and the sucker can absorb the opponent's ability, as well as those black corrosive inks...


Very disgusting!

"Get out! I don't..." Without saying a word of not cooperating with you, Hong Ling'er was controlled by the cat demon and grabbed the neck with the Void Claw, struggling in the air, and tears of pain flowed out ...

"Let go of Ling'er, we are not your opponents, we admit defeat, but we are all classmates, don't go too far!" Lan Siyi said angrily, worried about Hong Ling'er.

The tentacle boy also said: "We are all classmates, so talk if you have something to say!"

They lost, there is no way to do this, now the active power cat demon and them are there.

The cat demon put down the red silk!Lan Siyi stepped forward to hug her, lovely child...

"Ahem!" Hong Ling'er coughed violently and touched her neck. The feeling of suffocation was too real. The feeling in the virtual world was the same as outside...

"I'm going to kill you!" Hong Ling'er was very wronged, and suddenly ran away, breaking away from Lan Siyi's embrace, trying to attack the little cat.

In the end, he was slapped on the ground by the black cat's void paw, and held it firmly, "Don't move, or you will be eliminated!" Just now, the black cat has seen the abilities of these three people, once they all run away, then she will not be able to react , So, she has to watch them closely and be vigilant at all times, no, catch a runaway, shoot, suppress!

"You!" Hong Ling'er was very angry, "You think I'm afraid of you if you have the ability to fight one-on-one?" Uh... just now it seemed that four of them fought two of them, but in the end, the captain was eliminated, and they couldn't beat him.

Just don't move, the black cat chooses to ignore it!

"What do you want?" Lan Siyi, who was calm and thoughtful, looked straight at Mao Xiaoyao. Since the other party didn't eliminate them, there must be some purpose...

"Cooperation, I need you to join the team, I want to be the squad leader!" Mao Xiaoyao said bluntly, there is nothing to hide about this, more than 100 people, more than half of them, want to be the squad leader!
"Ridiculous, just you?" Hong Ling'er laughed.

The black cat patted her on the head, "Quiet!"

Hong Ling'er was angry, she bared her teeth and claws, and was suppressed by the black cat in an instant...

The tentacle monster was a little quieter. Anyway, he definitely couldn't be the class leader. After all, there were so many monsters in the class.

"What do you use to convince us?" Lan Siyi asked again, since they cooperated, what benefits would they gain, after all, the former captain had made a lot of contributions to them.

"Take what?"

"Is the status of a fifth-level blacksmith enough?"

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and took out the fifth-level blacksmith badge in his pocket. The virtual world can display the things on his body, but the things in the soul guide can't be taken out at all.

The memory metal sledgehammer just now is fake, it was made by the cat demon who strengthened the virtual clay...

Otherwise, the power cannot be so small!
 I'm coming

(End of this chapter)

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