The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 164 One more apprentice!

Chapter 164 Another Apprentice!
"Fake, how could you be a fifth-level blacksmith? Who do you think you are, a genius?" Hong Ling'er didn't believe it, and looked at the fifth-level blacksmith badge in Mao Xiaoyao's hand with a look of disdain. This must be a fake.

So a young fifth-level blacksmith, unless it is...

The tentacle monster and Lan Siyi were also stunned. A fifth-level blacksmith alone wouldn't make them so stunned, but such a young fifth-level blacksmith...

Now, among those fifth-level blacksmiths, which one is not an old man in his thirties and 40s?
so young...

Up to three levels!Level three is already a genius!
"Tsk tsk, your eyesight is really bad, no wonder you chose such a rubbish teammate." Mao Xiaoyao smiled and said: "Black Cat, let her go, she won't do anything to us." Mao Xiaoyao suddenly felt, This red silk is very cute, so let her be convinced first, and let her look at the badge of the fifth-level blacksmith seriously.

He patted his head, "Keep a low profile, otherwise, I will hit you later." The black cat let go of Hong Ling'er, if she can suppress Hong Ling'er once, then she can suppress Hong Ling'er many times, Hong Ling'er belongs to That kind of long-range shooter, close combat, really can't do it, it's too useless!
Hong Ling'er really wanted to scold the black cat, but after looking at it, she found that the smiling black cat was terrifying, and she was afraid that the black cat would beat her up, so she couldn't help but took the five-level black cat in the hands of the little cat angrily. Master badge, research non-stop.

She is also a "blacksmith"!
Lan Siyi and the tentacle monsters also looked around.

"As long as you join my team, in the future, when you come to me for forging, I will not charge a single federation coin or a single contribution point. You will provide the materials yourself, and the forging quality will definitely be guaranteed." Mao Xiaoyao smiled. Well, not every student in Shrek Academy is rich, otherwise, when setting up a stall, there wouldn't be so many people who would choose to find themselves instead of going to the quest office to issue quests.

After all, it's very cheap here, and there are no complicated handling fees!The quality is also ok!

"How is it?" Lan Siyi asked.

The tentacle monster also said: "Really?" In terms of forging, the two of them don't know anything, the only one who understands is Hong Ling'er, she is also an excellent blacksmith...

Forging grade...

Hong Ling'er glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, then at the fifth-level blacksmith badge... I'm envious, this badge seems to be real, then...

"Who the hell are you?" Hong Ling'er looked at Mao Xiaoyao. If the fifth-level blacksmith is definitely not some unknown person, then it is probably...

"Mao Xiaoyao!" Mao Xiaoyao took back his fifth-level blacksmith badge, changing his name or surname if he wanted to.

Lan Siyi: "I don't know!"

Tentacle monster: "I don't know!"

Neither of them knew Mao Xiaoyao, and they really didn't know much about blacksmiths. However, Mao Xiaoyao's status as a fifth-level blacksmith should not be fake.


"Don't know?" Mao Xiaoyao was very embarrassed. After laying the groundwork for so long, why didn't she know anyone?

With embarrassment!
Lan Siyi and the tentacle monster shook their heads, they didn't know each other, no, they should have just met, after all, they didn't know each other without fighting.

The black cat secretly smiled, this is indeed very embarrassing.

"Cat demon!"

"What, are you a cat demon?"

"Mission office, the stall?"

Just when Mao Xiaoyao was very embarrassed, Hong Ling'er suddenly grabbed his hand, with a look of adoration and excitement, as if she was going to eat Mao Xiaoyao.

The black cat wants to suppress Hong Ling'er!

He actually touched the little cat's hand?Which hand, cut it, cut it!You can't even touch the virtual world!
"Uh, it's me!" Someone finally recognizes me, worthy of my recent high-profile, Mao Xiaoyao is very moved, pretending to be b will eventually pay off.

"Accept me as an apprentice!" Hong Ling'er begged, very sincerely and seriously, her eyes were full of the desire to study...

The black cat can't bear to suppress it, accept disciples?
"What?" Mao Xiaoyao was also taken aback, such a big apprentice, what do you take it for?Warm the bed, wash your feet?What can he teach?
Lan Siyi and the tentacle monster were equally strange, they didn't know what Hong Ling'er was doing!
"Ling'er, what are you doing?" Lan Siyi asked, apprentice?What teacher do you worship?

Mao Xiaoyao didn't understand, "I don't have anything to teach you, but I can help you forge..." Looking for a teammate is to fight against Tang Wulin. He is not looking for some unlucky apprentice, the key is trouble.

"I want to learn forging!" Just when Mao Xiaoyao and the others were puzzled, Hong Ling'er said suddenly.

She hugged Mao Xiaoyao's thigh, and didn't care about the difference between men and women, as if she wouldn't let go if she didn't accept disciples...

"Let go!" The black cat grabbed Hong Ling'er by the collar and lifted her up, as easy as lifting a chick, but Hong Ling'er firmly grabbed the cat's thigh, and it would not kill her Ken let go...

"I won't let go, I want to learn forging!" Mao Xiaoyao, a fifth-level blacksmith!
A few days ago, when she just came out of the assessment office of the Blacksmith Association, she saw that others were talking about a 13-year-old genius fifth-level blacksmith, who seemed to be called a little cat...

Later, when Mao Xiaoyao set up a stall, because there were too many people, she didn't see Mao Xiaoyao at all.

"You, you!" The black cat was so angry that it wanted to hit someone...

Shame, shame!
Lan Siyi and the tentacle monster touched her face, it was really embarrassing, she looked like she hated iron but not steel, Hong Ling'er was like this every time... frantically looking for someone to apprentice, but, others saw her talent...

Slip away, slip away, I can't afford to teach!
"The black cat let her go!" said the cat demon.

The black cat snorted coldly, threw Hong Ling'er on the ground casually, and gave her a hard look, as if warning Hong Ling'er, the little cat is mine, so be careful.

Hong Ling'er patted the dirt on her body, she didn't care at all, it's important to be a teacher, her behavior is different from that fiery girl just now!
Now, she is completely a young girl eager for knowledge, diligent and eager to learn!She is a good girl, she doesn't make troubles, she doesn't make troubles, and she learns with an open mind.

"Eh..." Mao Xiaoyao thought for a while, it might not be impossible for his apprentice, maybe, this apprentice will give him many surprises in the future?

If possible, instigate a few humans...

If you can't, just prescribe drugs to control it!Soul control!

If you don't listen, you will die!
After thinking about it, you can have apprentices or something!

"Don't, don't, don't hug your thighs. You first talk about why you learned forging. I'm thinking about it. Otherwise, you don't have any talent, so it is impossible to become a blacksmith!" Mao Xiaoyao glanced at Hong Ling'er. Small arms and legs are so good, are you sure you can hold a hammer?

"Me? The blacksmith is very handsome. I can forge whatever I want. I don't have to think about it. I like the feeling of forging. Every time I see the finished product, I am very excited." Hong Linger began to talk about it. My own miraculous experience...

Every time I ask for a teacher, I am rejected!
The reason is that she is weak and can't hold the hammer. Even if she holds the hammer, she can't hold on for long. She is not patient enough, and she will get tired after a few strokes...

"You try this! You can't use your soul power." The little cat strengthened a clay sledgehammer, which weighed about one hundred catties. This is the hammer of the forging foundation, and the lightest is one hundred catties.

Mao Xiaoyao's memory metal hammer weighs more than 600 kilograms. With the improvement of his strength, the weight of the memory metal has also been increased by him little by little...

Hong Ling'er glanced at the big clay hammer, could it be that this is her own test?I couldn't help rubbing my hands, ready to try it!
Lan Siyi and the tentacle monster are working hard!
The black cat looked at it lightly!

The cat demon is also looking forward to it...

"Hey, hey!" Hong Ling'er started to exert her strength!
It moved, it moved, the hammer moved, Lan Siyi and the tentacle monster were very happy...

"Master, look..." Hong Ling'er struggled to pick up the hammer, her little face was covered with sweat, and her face was flushed with effort...

However, the hammer was only a few centimeters away from the ground!

"Pick it up!" Mao Xiaoyao said, her strength seems to be good, it should be able to be cultivated...

"Yeah!" Hong Ling'er was very happy, she lifted it up vigorously, her face flushed, finally, finally...

Lan Siyi and the tentacle monster are looking forward to cheering!
"Master, save me..." With a splash, the mud hammer suddenly pressed hard on Hong Ling'er...

She was so pressed that she couldn't move, and she didn't have that much strength if she didn't use her soul power.

...=_=, Mao Xiaoyao is speechless, this apprentice is no longer, no more, it's too bad...

 Do you want this apprentice?
  Take three recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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