The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 165 Proper and villain?

Chapter 165 Proper and villain?
Accepted an unlucky apprentice!

An apprentice who is not even a first-level blacksmith, an apprentice who seems to have no blacksmith talent...

Mao Xiaoyao said that she was very tired, what about a peerless genius?

Unreliable, unreliable...

However, although Hong Ling'er is unreliable in forging, she is very good at soul master, basically she can shoot every arrow, and the arrow and arrow sneak attack is successful!
"Master, why are we going to sneak attack, can't we eliminate them head-on?" On a century-old tree, the branches are very thick, there is no problem with a few people standing on it, and the cat demon and the others are all on it.


sneak attack?

Just now, Mao Xiaoyao asked Hong Ling'er to use the flaming rocket feather to sneak attack a student. The student didn't respond, and was eliminated by an arrow explosion. From the beginning to the end, he didn't see clearly who was attacking him!

For the hot-tempered Hong Ling'er, she disdains this kind of wretched sneak attack, she doesn't like this kind of attack!
Obviously it can be crushed head-on, why not crush it head-on?
She is strange and doesn't understand, why?
"Quiet, today, I will teach you what it means to wait patiently. The art of forging is to be calm and not to rush, understand?" Can this stupid and rubbish apprentice return the goods?The little cat turned white and Hong Linger sighed. Forging is a very boring thing. Sometimes, forging metals is where it is all day long. Ding dong ding dong, forging all day long .

Except for the sound of metal rubbing against a hammer, there are no other sounds, which is boring.

For example, the power of a thousand forgings does not mean that when you forge metal, you hit the metal with a hammer a thousand times, that is called the power of a thousand forgings.

Thousand forging, that is a state, the state of metal forming, metal has not become thousand forging, even if you hit it tens of thousands of times, it will have no effect.

Thousand forging is thousand forging, that is a kind of realm!
"Did you see that person? Wait patiently for him to come, then aim, shoot him, and eliminate him." Mao Xiaoyao pointed to a person who suddenly appeared, and kept shouting to the surroundings, looking for teammates?

Could it be that all teammates are eliminated?

What are you shouting for?
He seemed to be calling something that the cat demon hates very much!
"I..." Hong Ling'er was very angry, but she couldn't refute it, what she said seemed to make sense!

Taking a quick glance, she started aiming at the yelling guy, piercing the heart with an arrow, blazing fire spirit, aiming, launching, exploding!

The flaming rocket hits with precision, explodes, and incinerates everything.

However, at this time, a water polo appeared to protect the yelling guy!The power of the flame rocket explosion was extinguished by the water polo!

The man was saved, he was not harmed by the flaming rocket.

"Damn it!" On the tree, Hong Ling'er was very angry and stomped her feet. The whole tree shook, and then a pile of leaves fell.

Hong Ling'er saw that her attack was blocked so easily, she was so violent, she directly launched the first soul skill - Explosive Arrow!

Phew, a fiery red arrow feather, emitting its beautiful melody, streaked across a perfect solitude in the air, and when it was about to attack, it split into dozens of hundreds of arrow feathers, all of which were accurately shot at that person's face !

Just when Hong Ling'er felt complacently, how should this person hide?
Suddenly, blue silver grass appeared all over the ground, forming a huge shield!
Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

As if being bombarded, the place where each arrow feather landed was in the process of exploding, constantly exploding, and each flaming arrow feather was like a rocket, exploding when it hit the ground...

"See if you're not eliminated?" Hong Ling'er was very excited and happy, that person would definitely be eliminated!
"Start preparing for the battle, this is our biggest competitor!" Mao Xiaoyao frowned and looked at the blue silver grass everywhere. When he saw the blue silver grass and the water element, he knew that the opposite side Who is it!
Tang Wulin, Gu Yue!

The person who was attacked by Hong Ling'er was probably Yang Nianxia!Ssangyong, the combination of these two people will definitely not fail and be eliminated so quickly.

Hong Ling'er was stunned!

"How is that possible!" The explosion was full of smoke, giving people a sense of illusion. When it slowly dissipated, Hong Linger was surprised to find that the person in the center of the explosion was fine...

Very angry!
"Remember what I said, our combination is the strongest, don't be afraid!" The little cat rushed out first, and the black cat also rushed out. The two of them approached Tang Wulin and Gu Yue respectively, and started Fate duel!
As for Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, and the tentacle monster, they would naturally fight Yang Nianxia and the others!
Especially Hong Ling'er, she has to beat this damn Yang Nianxia!

"Junior Brother, it really is you!" Tang Wulin frowned as he looked at the cat demon slowly falling from the sky, his expression was ugly.

When he met a Sihuan Soul Sect just now, he wasn't that afraid. The only thing he was afraid of was the little cat...

Here, no better than outside, the cat demon will definitely find him...

"Shall we unite? You can be the squad leader. Anyway, I'm already a forging committee member."

We are united and want to unite with the outside world.

Tang Wulin saw Mao Xiaoyao's new teammates, they seemed to be different from the first teammates, where were the first teammates?
Why did you change teammates?

where it goes?

With bright eyes, Gu Yue also looked at Mao Xiaoyao, and said, "You will be the deputy squad leader, and I will be the squad leader!" She also smiled, can we finally unite?


Hong Ling'er and the others had already started fighting, surrounding Tang Wulin and Gu Yue's two teammates, and started a three-on-two plan.

"Mao Xiaoyao, what are you doing? We are together, what are you doing beating them?" Gu Yue was very unhappy. Mao Xiaoyao actually asked someone to attack their teammates. What does this mean?
Isn't it united?
"Why junior brother?" Tang Wulin wondered. Could it be that this battle is really unavoidable?

"Why?" The cat demon smiled, glanced at Gu Yue lightly, and then said to Tang Wulin, "Why, you should know Tang Wulin, if you are afraid, then you admit defeat, you admit it , your strength is not as good as my cat demon!"

Outside, you have countless life-saving means, but what about inside?The cat demon doesn’t believe it, do you also have it in the virtual world?

Tang Wulin was right, the fault was that he was Tang Wulin, the fault was that the Silver Dragon King would like him.

However, the Silver Dragon King is the god of soul beasts!

The cat demon must be stopped. He wants to defeat Tang Wulin from the front and show Gu Yue who is the strongest!
"Childish!" Gu Yue scolded, then she glanced at the black cat and said, "Black cat, what about you? You think so too?"

"I have to stop you!" the black cat said, flapping its white and flawless wings a few times, and then made an attacking posture. She couldn't let Gu Yue support Tang Wulin. She didn't understand the battle between men!

However, she also had to stop Gu Yue!
The king of their soul beasts cannot fall in love with humans, just like the little cat... He also cannot fall in love with humans.

"You..." Gu Yue was helpless, looking at the black cat, it didn't seem like the black cat was joking, she had never seen such a serious black cat.

"I won't admit defeat!" Tang Wulin glanced at Gu Yue and found that she was also looking at him. He couldn't help but clenched his fists, looked at Mao Xiaoyao and said, "I will really defeat you, I won't let you Those who care about me are disappointed, little junior brother, you must be too, right?"

The cat demon has a black cat, so what about himself?Tang Wulin looked at Gu Yue, and couldn't help but strengthen his heart. He wanted to defeat Mao Xiaoyao with dignity!
"You, all of you!" Gu Yue went crazy, how could one have a stronger temper than the other?

Good luck, what are you playing?
Now is the time to run for squad leader, why can't we unite together and go out and fight again?
Outside, Wuchangkong and Shen Yi were drinking small tea, slowly watching the battle that was about to begin!

 grateful! ! ! , Time erased the memories of the past, thank you for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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