The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 166 The battle between the dragon and the cat!

Chapter 166 The battle between the dragon and the cat!
"If you don't hurry up to save people, your teammates will lose!" the cat demon said, "Hurry up! Tang Wulin, don't be mother-in-law, a man should do what a man should do."

As soon as the voice fell, the cat demon's blue eyes lit up, lighting up the beginning of the battle. He had waited for a long time for this battle. Ever since he lost to Tang Wulin last time, he had been looking forward to it. When, He had a real fight with Tang Wulin!
Now the opportunity has come, who is stronger, who has awakened his blood and started to absorb the evil energy, and Tang Wulin, who has unlocked the second golden dragon king essence seal?
"Come on! Tang Wulin! Let me see how powerful you are!" The black wings flapped, and the little cat moved quickly, walking like the wind, shadows following the wind, erratic, and countless landing points, making it difficult to see Clearly, where is the cat demon going to attack?

"Come on!" Tang Wulin shouted.

Countless blue silver grass rose from the ground, each blue silver grass was as big as an adult's arm, and it began to grow wildly, and it was as flexible as a spirit snake. The cat demon's body.

He knew that Mao Xiaoyao liked close combat and had a lot of experience in melee combat. In terms of fighting experience, Tang Wulin knew that he was definitely not Mao Xiaoyao's opponent.

He could only keep a distance, maintain his fighting position, and use the harassment control of his martial spirit Blue Silver Grass to slowly look for opportunities. The purple eyes lit up, and the purple magic pupil appeared. Tang Wulin began to look for the cat demon's flaws!
The fight started, the fight started, the two of them fought crazily, and they didn't even know what it means to show mercy.

Tang Sect Kungfu!

At this time, its power was demonstrated. There were a few fatal attacks by the little cat, which could have injured Tang Wulin.

However, Tang Wulin was always able to dodge it, and then he used the Golden Dragon Claw of Thinking to slap it away, using offense as defense to defuse the attack, so that the cat demon did not dare to resist directly...

The two boys started fighting, but what about the girls?

At this moment, they were all looking at each other, Gu Yue wanted to stop this childish battle, and the black cat wanted to stop Gu Yue from disrupting the battle.

"Black cat, why are you so stupid? Now is not the time to fight. We should unite at this time. There are so many opponents, we can't fight among ourselves." Just now, a student of the four-ringed soul sect was so strong that their scalps went numb. To eliminate a person with one move, he is already a strong soul sect at a young age. If they don't unite, then only that person will be given a chance.

Who knows, where is that person secretly watching them now!

If they had a civil war at this time, they would only give anyone a chance.

"All I know is that it was the little demon's choice. I can't let anyone sabotage the battle, not anyone else! Gu Yue, you can't either."

The black cat stopped Gu Yue and looked closely at it. If Gu Yue took a step forward, then she would strike. Whether it's the boss or Gu Yue, the Silver Dragon King is not afraid.

"Okay, okay, let's fight!" Gu Yue was furious. Since they were all fighting, she would join in too. If they fight, they will fight. Squad leader, let's go to hell!It's just a job, it's better to get a job. She also wants to know how powerful this black cat is.

Black cats fight!The two girls also start fighting!
The explosion just now naturally attracted the attention of many people. At this time, there are many people in the dark watching, watching, the battle between Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wu...


The cat demon with bleeding from the corner of his mouth bumped into a big tree, the tree was broken in the middle, he was scratched by the Golden Dragon Claw of Thinking, and his whole body was churning with energy and blood.

Powerful, terrifying power of the Golden Dragon King, it seems that he can't be too confident to take over the Golden Dragon Claw, which is Tang Wulin's unique skill!

But at this time, Tang Wulin didn't feel very well either. The Nether Ghost Claw left a very shallow claw mark on his chest. If he hadn't just activated the Tang Sect's unique Xuantian Kungfu to block it, then at this moment, his heart has been beaten by the cat. The demon is playing with it in his hands!


Mao Xiaoyao wants to kill herself, this is no longer a simple battle.

The cat demon's purpose is very clear, that is to kill Tang Wulin here and eliminate him!

"Forging committee member? Tang Wulin, you can do it. You can become a forging committee member without knowing it. Do you think you are strong enough? You are defeated!" Mao Xiaoyao put away the black wings behind her back, and the way of speed fighting has passed. Next , they should compare whose blood is stronger.

In the virtual world, everyone is thinking about how to kill and eliminate each other... This kind of environment also produces the most evil thoughts.

Closing his eyes, Mao Xiaoyao slowly sensed a trace of evil thoughts, which were flowing into his body, his whole body began to become joyful, his blood vessels began to surge, fighting, fighting from desire!

Under the strange cry of tearing tinnitus, it was like an evil ghost entangled and gnawed on the body, swooshing, teleporting, the weird and terrifying ghost claws of the little cat came.

This time, it was attacking Tang Wulin's head, scratching, scratching, and the cat demon thought of a crazy voice in his heart!Grab that head!

Come with a wicked smile!

"Stop, collect, gather!" Tang Wulin did not change his face, and used the blue silver grass to attack. It may be difficult to resist group attacks, but the cat demon has a lot of single-target attacks, so he will not be afraid of cats. The little demon's attack, facing an even more terrifying attack, he had to fight back with an even more terrifying attack.

Similar to the defense of the vine armor, three layers inside and three layers outside, under the terrifying defense of the blue silver grass, the ghost claws of the cat demon began to crush them...

However, that also gave Tang Wulin time to fight back. The phantom fan followed the steps, swish, swish, and the speed of the movement, Tang Wulin would not lose to the little cat at this moment!

"Tsk tsk, Tangmen skills, it seems that you have already learned Xuantian Kungfu, so after learning some other skills, your Golden Dragon Claw of Thinking has also evolved, no wonder the attack distance has become so long." Mao Xiaoyao smiled , Then the death serial claws, grab, grab, grab, grab, a crazy voice surged in his heart, he was frantically tearing up the blue silver grass, but the blue silver grass seemed to be endless, it was broken, and it was growing!

"Xiao Yao, why do you always know me so well?"

Strength is not just what Mao Xiaoyao is good at. Tang Wulin started to counterattack, Xuan Tian resisted Mao Xiaoyao's claws, punched, punched, punched, hitting Mao Xiaoyao...

Both sides come and go, you hit me in the face, I hit you in the face, you hit me, I hit you, they completely forget the surrounding situation...

Yang Nianxia and the others were beaten to the ground by Hong Ling'er and the others. Lan Siyi's terrifying defense prevented Yang Nianxia from attacking closely, and the tentacle monster's octopus frantically harassed and controlled them. If they were accidentally controlled, they would be waiting for Hong Ling'er's rocket attack.

"Are you convinced? Ha ha!" Hong Ling'er was very proud, and finally caught this hateful guy, and now, she is waiting for the cat demon to deal with it.

Yang Nianxia's life was bitter, but he didn't say, three hits two, how could he fight this?Isn't it in groups of four?How to become five people?Can everyone regroup?

At this time, they were all attracted by the battle between Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin. What kind of hatred do these two people have, and how did they fight... so terrible?
Similarly, the battle between the black cat and Gu Yue was also fierce. During the battle, these non-human guys became crazier one by one...

"I'll help!" Hong Ling'er held a flaming bow and aimed at Tang Wulin. She wanted to help Mao Xiaoyao. This was her master and she couldn't be bullied.

"You'd better not do that!" Lan Siyi put his hand on his glasses, looked at the situation with his blue eyes, and analyzed: "The two of them are fighting, a duel, and they will not allow any I went to destroy it alone.!" Otherwise, you can fight five against four, without the trouble of fighting separately.

Hehe, man, Lan Siyi looked at the two people who were fighting at this time, and suddenly felt that boys like them were really naive sometimes.

"Okay!" Hong Ling'er gave up the attack, put away her Martial Soul Flame Bow, if you don't help, then let's watch the show!

Just when everyone is watching the fight!
suddenly! ! !

 咕噜 咕噜

(End of this chapter)

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