The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 167 Chapter 172 Totoro cooperation!

Chapter 167 Chapter 170 Two Totoro cooperation!


Someone sneaked up, sneaking up on Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin!

The cat demon was even sent flying far away!It hit the poor big tree again. Just now, it was hit by the little cat and broke in the middle. Now, it was smashed to pieces again.

The tree is miserable.

Suddenly, a seven-member team appeared, headed by a three-ring soul master named Luo Guixing, with a control system and a space system, which is very rare.

He just reaped the benefits of being a fisherman, but after all, he couldn't help but come out to kill and eliminate Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin. The first time, he activated his martial soul to imprison Mao Xiaoyao, and then, with his soul skills, knocked Mao Xiaoyao into the air !

He wants to deal with the scariest cat demon!
"You!" Tang Wulin's eyes were full of anger. The battle between him and Mao Xiaoyao was tied, and these people who suddenly appeared made trouble. What does this mean?
To attack his little junior brother?
"Are you looking for death?" Tang Wulin exploded in anger, thinking about the appearance of the golden dragon claw, the huge golden dragon claw slapped, and the golden power surged, and it shot at Luo Guixing. No matter who the cat demon is in front of him, no matter who this person is, he must be eliminated today!

The moment Tang Wulin attacked him, Luo Guixing imprisoned Tang Wulin at the same time, and then the others did too!

"Ghost Soul Claw!"

"Elemental tide!" The black cat and Gu Yue came, and there was no deep hatred between them. When they reacted, they naturally blocked the attacks of those people.

Luo Guixing saw the terrifying power coming, his expression changed, he took a few steps back, and returned to the front of his teammates!
What kind of claw is that?
Psychic attack?
His mental power was so strong, for a moment, Luo Guixing was in a trance, his soul was attacked, and that attack came from that giant claw.

"Little demon!" The black cat flapped its wings behind and flew directly to the side of the cat demon!
"Something happened, something happened, let me go, that person is terrible, we must unite!" The seven-person team is too scary... Yang Nianxia looked back at his teammates, and he seemed to be four people...

four, four...

"Fuck, where's the person?" Yang Nianxia looked back and found that her teammates were gone...

Suddenly, his eyes widened!
At this time, Yang Nianxia passed by a bunch of terrifying attacks!The target was him, but now he couldn't move at all, he was caught by Hong Ling'er and the others.

At this moment, Lan Siyi appeared in time, blocked by the five-pointed shield, any attack was nothingness, under her shield, she couldn't attack them.

The tentacle monster also let Yang Nianxia go, and the other party seemed to be targeting them.

"Flying feathers all over the sky!" Hong Ling'er counterattacked instantly, and Yang Nianxia's teammates were naturally eliminated by the sneak attackers.

Arrows rained down all over the sky, counterattacking those who attacked them.

Where is my master?
Strange, where did he go?
At this time, the little cat is there.

The black cat found the cat demon from a piece of wood!

"Little demon!" The black cat's eye circles were red. Although she knew that this was a virtual world, no matter what, nothing would happen to her body, but seeing the seriously injured cat demon, she couldn't help her anger.

There was a huge wound on Mao Xiaoyao's arm. He was revenged by the wood. He hit the wood twice, and the wood naturally counterattacked him. The sharp wood was directly inserted into Mao Xiaoyao's arm.

The arm is just not covered by the green snakeskin inner armor. The short-sleeved green snakeskin inner armor is very embarrassing. The arm has no defense, so stab the arm!
"It's okay, I can't die! Even if I die, nothing will happen to me in reality, don't cry, are you stupid." The cat demon used his soul power to shatter the sharp wood, made, what kind of wood is this, Is it that hard?He desires the evil cat's body so much, if he says to puncture it, he punctures it. Doesn't he want to lose face?

The point is, which bastard attacked him?
Just now, he was beating Tang Wulin hard. Damn, Tang Wulin was about to lose...

All right!The game is tied!
Which sneak attack?

Mao Xiaoyao used the power of blood, the soft power of blood, accompanied by a little bit of evil, and began to recover from his injuries. He was ready to take revenge!

Only he, the little cat, attacked others. Today, he was unexpectedly attacked by someone?
No wonder!
His attention was all on Tang Wulin, he didn't pay attention to the surroundings, and he didn't pay attention for a while. The place like the safe zone was shrinking all the time, and there would be more and more people.

Think, heads-up?

It is estimated that it is impossible!

"Let's go, I'll avenge you!" Clenching his fists, the black cat had a murderous look on his face, and those people actually sneaked up on his cat demon, those people must die, they must die!

"Don't expose yourself..." Before the words fell, the black cat had already joined the battle...

"Alas..." Mao Xiaoyao had a headache on his face, his arm was almost crippled, he needed a little time to recover, not much, only about 13 minutes...


The cat demon secretly looked at Tang Wulin, made, don't get killed by someone before reaching the final battle, then he won't have much fun!

And this guy who sneaked up on him...


Just as he was about to recover, suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao felt his scalp go numb...

sneak attack?

Someone wanted to sneak attack him again, the little cat counterattacked with a paw backhand, and the opponent also had huge paws!
The claws are chaotic, glowing with lightning and flint, the opponent is a girl, the four-ring soul sect...

The cat demon's expression changed, the Nether White Tiger?This girl is Wusiduo?

"You are Wusiduo?" Mao Xiaoyao asked coldly, facing this girl who sneaked up on her, Mao Xiaoyao was really angry. With that speed, if it was someone else, they would probably be eliminated on the spot!
This girl is really ruthless!

Right now, the whole area is fighting in chaos, in the dark, and I don't know how many people are staring at it. The little cat remembers, there is such a Luo Guixing, Xu Yucheng...

They are all ruthless characters!
and this...

"You know me?" Wu Siduo frowned, and glanced at the little cat, but she didn't know the little cat in front of her.

Just now, she was also watching the battle between the little cat and Tang Wulin. She just knew that the little cat was strong enough to be assassinated by herself!

In the end, the cat demon blocked his own attack!

I am a four-ring soul sect with a high level of soul power, so how did this person avoid his own attack?

She is so curious!

"Of course, I will pay attention to pretty and lovely girls." Actually, ghosts know you.

Mao Xiaoyao glanced around, Tang Wulin's side, he probably didn't have to worry about anything, because when he saw Xu Xiaoyan, Yang Nianxia also went to help, Gu Yue was also there, and the black cat also went!
Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, and tentacle monsters also joined the battle. In terms of numbers, they won't suffer too much. Who would dare to provoke the double dragon attack?

On the other hand...

There was no expression on Wusiduo's face. Hearing Mao Xiaoyao's words, her heart didn't fluctuate. She even wanted to beat Mao Xiaoyao up.

Sihuan Hunzong, Wusiduo, Wuhun Youming White Tiger, nickname, Youming.

The opponent is terrible, even more terrifying than Tang Wulin, not bad in strength, not bad in martial arts, should you fight with the head?
On the list of young geniuses ranked by the Spirit Pagoda Organization, Wusiduo ranked very high...

As for the cat demon, Gu Yue, and the black cat, the Spirit Pagoda does not rank them...

 Mao Xiaoyao wrestled with Wusiduo, and I voted for Wusiduo with five recommended votes.


(End of this chapter)

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