The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 169 Double Dragon Club, Double Cat Club!

Chapter 169 Double Dragon Club, Double Cat Club!
"You, you, Lai Pi, twin martial souls!"

The little cat, who was pressed and rubbed on the ground, covered his face, beeping, Wusiduo was hitting him... He kept resisting with his arms, and the body protection spell of "Yaoxinjue" was also activated. At this time, he You can't keep a low profile, the boss is probably looking at Tang Wulin and the others...

Maybe don't mind yourself here!

Twin spirits?You can use the fusion technique by yourself, damn it, what kind of pervert is this?
Ladies up, men down!
Wusiduo really wanted to kill the evil cat demon!
"Go to hell! I'll beat you here too, and I'll beat you outside too. You're dead. I'll bully you every day when I become the squad leader." Bang, bang, bang, Wusiduo hit the cat demon again After a few punches, the sharp claws stabbed fiercely at Mao Xiaoyao. He was handsome, suave and suave, with Yushu Linfeng's face, the key is this face - cheap!

"I admit defeat, admit defeat!" He squatted with his head in his arms to fight against Nima. Just now, when he fought with Tang Wulin, his soul power and demon power had long been exhausted. It was only when he was attacked by Wusiduo that he recovered a little bit... …

Facing Wusiduo who was in a full state, Mao Xiaoyao expressed that he was very tired. The other party was Sihuan Hunzun...

"No, you can't admit defeat, and I won't let you go if you admit defeat, you nasty guy!" Are you the one who fights like that?Obviously knowing that she is a girl, wouldn't she avoid some parts?

The more Wusiduo thought about it, the angrier she became, and she kept beating the cat demon, hateful, hateful, really hateful...

"Don't force me, otherwise, I will use my last strength to electrocute you!" The cat demon threatened viciously, and he also turned over to wrestle Wusiduo... But Wusiduo's strength was even stronger, and he turned over and held the cat down. Little demon, punched him several times...

Everyone else is fighting!
None of them noticed that these two guys kept rolling and wrestling on the ground...

"Ah, hit me in the face again, you forced me..."

Before the words fell, the little cat was slapped in the face again, Wusiduo was very vicious, she just wanted revenge, even if she bit her, she would eliminate the little cat...

However, the cat demon just can't be killed!
Very cheap!

Defense is terrible!
"Sky Thunder Flash, Lightning Strike!" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly said, like a magic stick in the second class.

Monster clan spells, spells, spells, of course, are not ordinary spells, click, bang, with the thunder and lightning falling, the snake-shaped lightning is coming...

"Haha, wait to be struck by lightning, you damn chick!" Mao Xiaoyao was very proud. Seeing this, he instantly shook Wusiduo away, punched her with a punch, bang, hit her on the chest, and instantly hit her. Feiwu Siduo, he doesn't want to be struck by the thunder he summoned...

It's embarrassing to be hacked!

However, an embarrassing situation came...

At this moment, at the moment when she was hit flying, Wusiduo's feet wrapped tightly around the little cat's neck, and a feeling of suffocation enveloped the little cat. This elastic thigh stuck to the little cat's face...

No serious feeling, this wonderful moment of thigh elasticity!

Thunder falls!


Because of the entanglement between two people, both of them were struck by lightning...

sizzle sizzle...


The other people who have been fighting all this time also looked in the direction of the lightning strike. What's the situation?

Where did the thunder come from?
"Little demon!" The black cat suddenly realized something, and quickly flew towards the direction where the sky thunder fell...

At this time, on the side of the little cat...

"Haha, you've been overwhelmed! You unlucky little girl, how could my own sky thunder hurt me?" Mao Xiaoyao kicked Wu Siduo, who was dying from being struck by the sky thunder, lightly kicked, looking Seeing that she was okay, and seeing that she didn't respond, he couldn't help but smile triumphantly. Tianleishan's practice itself was to lead lightning into the body, and if he was struck, he would just lead lightning into the body again. This is just commonplace and trivial.

However, at this moment, Wusiduo suddenly grabbed the little cat's feet and threw him violently...

The cat demon who has lost all his strength naturally has no defense...

fell far...

Very unlucky to be eliminated...




Outside, Mao Xiaoyao woke up and was completely shocked. What kind of way is this to judge the elimination? Will he be so weak?Even if the soul power and monster power are exhausted, they shouldn't be eliminated...

what's the situation?
So bad luck?

At this time, the two teammates who were eliminated by Mao Xiaoyao just now are looking for trouble for him.

At this moment, in the virtual world!

"Damn you!" The black cat was furious, and it clawed down fiercely, and the purple ghost blade flew towards Wusiduo...

She came a step late, and the little cat was eliminated by this damn girl!
"Hmph?" Wusiduo was also ready to counter-elimination, but now she was very weak and could only barely get up, the power of the thunder and lightning was too great, she didn't even have much strength now, let alone fight!
But, this time!
Immortal Xu Yucheng also came, blocked the black cat's attack in an instant, and said, "Recover quickly, let's form a team!" He wanted to cooperate with Wusiduo. The current team Tang Wulin and the others are too many people. If he and Wusiduo If they don't unite together, then there will be no chance in the finals...

At this time, after Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, and the tentacle monsters dealt with Luo Guixing and the others, they came directly to support the black cat!

In the final round, Xu Yucheng also had a few people to compete with Tang Wulin and the others. Everyone will have an opponent, 8v8!

"Black cat, where's my junior brother?" Tang Wulin glanced around, but he didn't seem to find the little cat. The final circle was only a small place, and it was impossible for the little cat to go anywhere!

What about people?

"I was eliminated by this damn guy!" The black cat glared at Wusiduo, she must avenge the cat demon, teleported, and the ghost's soul claw fell, she wanted to use all her strength to eliminate Wusiduo.

However, Xu Yucheng and the others tightly protected Wusiduo, preventing the black cat from approaching.

The terrifying ghost's soul claws fell, and each of them undertook the attack from the soul!
Spiritual attack!

Almost forced to be eliminated by the black cat!
It's a pity that the black cat can't be used all the time!

Mental attack, once the connection to the virtual world is unstable, it will also be eliminated!
"Damn it!" Gu Yue also started to attack, surrounded by six elements, constantly attacking Xu Yucheng and the others, bullying the little cat?

Bully the black cat?

Hong Ling'er is also here, flying feathers all over the sky, bullying her master is weak?She wants to eliminate these people to avenge her master!
"This..." Tang Wulin frowned, so messed up?So who will be the squad leader later?

No matter, fight!

messed up, messed up...

Everyone started fighting again...

Outside, Mao Xiaoyao, Wuchangkong, and Shen Yi watched the battle in the finals very leisurely. It can be said that it was a very chaotic melee...

"Xiao Yao, which one of them do you think is stronger?" Shen Yi asked Mao Xiaoyao. Unexpectedly, Mao Xiaoyao was eliminated... She didn't know what happened.

Wuchangkong watched the game indifferently!

Without even thinking about it, Mao Xiaoyao said, "Tang Wulin! Xu Yucheng won't be his opponent. Immortal Xu Yucheng is not undefeated Xu Yucheng." Want to win the protagonist?Hehe, don't think too much about a supporting role. Unless the realm is suppressed, don't even think about winning. When he was fighting with Tang Wulin just now, he discovered that the golden dragon king's essence is bull coins!
Golden holy dragon body?
Made can actually purify his own evil body. Could it be that Tang Wulin was born to restrain himself?


"Then, what about Wusiduo and the black cat?" Shen Yi asked again.

"I believe in the black cat!" Mao Xiaoyao said, he believes in the strength of the black cat, he has taught her so many exercises, she learns so fast, sometimes the little cat has to be pushed to the ground by the black cat to explode beat.

Shen Yi was puzzled?

Then, Mao Xiaoyao began to analyze and explain...

When the results came out, everything was as analyzed by Mao Xiaoyao!
Shen Yi was very surprised. With such a close observer, she felt that Mao Xiaoyao should be qualified for a position!
What position?

(Friends of women and friends)
(End of this chapter)

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