The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 170 Life committee member cat demon!

Chapter 170 Life committee member cat demon!
I'm hungry, find a life committee member!

If you have no money to use, find a life committee member!

No clothes to wear, find a life committee member!
If you don't have a girlfriend, find a life committee member!
Auntie is here, looking for...

Find Nima!
Is the life committee member your mother?

As a result of the assessment, the appointment is as follows!
Squad leader: Tang Wulin, also a forging committee member!
Vice monitor: Gu Yue, also a design committee member!

Vice monitor: Wusiduo, also a maintenance committee member!
Forging Committee: Luo Guixing

Life Committee Member: Little Cat...

There were seven shifts agreed upon, but now there are only five of them!

Forging committee member Luo Guixing?

Made, Mao Xiaoyao wished to shoot Luo Guixing to death, and Tang Wulin snatched his forging committee, so forget it!

What is this Luo Guixing?
Life committee member, life Nimabi, believe it or not, I beat you, you can't take care of yourself!

Facing Teacher Wu's arrangement, Tang Wulin also expressed his puzzlement. Forging committee member, shouldn't Mao Xiaoyao be given one?

Just when he was about to say something, Wu Changkong looked at him coldly...

It means, nonsense, neither your forging committee nor the squad leader.

Cai Lao arranged, do you dare to talk nonsense?

However, Hong Ling'er was not convinced, she wanted to say something, Lan Siyi held her back, her eyes hinted that there must be a reason for the teacher's arrangement.

No, the cat demon is not angry, what are they angry about?

Hong Ling'er give up!
Anyway, her master is the strongest!

Level [-] Blacksmith!

Shen Yi looked at Mao Xiaoyao helplessly, and said that he couldn't offend Mr. Cai, if he was disobedient, how could he be targeted?

The class meeting is over, and the class leader is Mao Xiaoyao and the others. The situation in class [-] is like this, and the other classes are probably the same.

Basically, some powerful students serve as class leaders!

At noon, eat in the dining hall!
In the team of Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat, Hong Ling'er and Lan Siyi were added.

"Master, why didn't you smash the fifth-level blacksmith badge on the heads of those two teachers just now, that Luo Guixing is only a third-level blacksmith, so trash, he can also be a blacksmith committee member?" As an apprentice, Hong Ling'er naturally It's with the cat demon, she hopes to learn about forging.

As a good friend, Lan Siyi naturally followed Hong Ling'er, coming and going, no, she also followed Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao.

"Made!" Very angry, very angry, very angry, Mao Xiaoyao angrily glanced at Tang Wulin and his table, Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyun, Wusiduo, Luo Guixing!
Among them, there were a few members of the Shrek Seven Monsters. Made, Tang Wulin was trying to win over his future teammates.

On the other hand, there are only four of us, and our strength seems a bit weak...

"You guys are depressed about me, but I'm actually even more depressed about the black cat." The little cat squinted at the black cat, who was eating fish, and then shook his head, helping her wipe the greasy things from the corners of her mouth. Black cat, can we please? A lady eats once?We are noble and elegant cats...

Can you, don't just grab it with your hands?

"What's none of my business?" While the black cat was eating fish, she happily enjoyed the cat demon's mouth-wiping service. Every time she ate, the cat demon would do that. She was very happy and satisfied.

Hong Ling'er and Lan Siyi ignored the dog abuse for the time being. When they looked at the black cat, they also sighed, and they were indeed a little depressed.

Mao Xiaoyao said: "Why did you give up the position of deputy squad leader? I wanted to be one, but they didn't give it to me. Made, they even gave me a shitty life committee member."

The very angry cat demon is clutching a knife and fork, thinking of his position, he is very angry, what's the use of a life committee?He was so angry that he grabbed the knife and fork so hard that the metal was bent!
Hong Ling'er and Lan Siyi also nodded, why didn't the deputy monitor do it?
However, the black cat's cute answer left them speechless...

"What's the use of the deputy squad leader?" The black cat happily ate fish, can the deputy squad leader eat it?Have fish to eat?

The petrification of the cat goblin...

At this time, Tang Wulin came, proud of the spring breeze, he came with a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Why don't you guys come over to chat, what are you doing here?" As the squad leader today, he is very happy, and even happier The most important thing is that Mao Xiaoyao and Gu Yue also became class leaders, so they can manage the class together in the future.

Isn't it beautiful?

It's all my own!
"Don't you think it's crowded?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Tang Wulin in displeasure. You guys have a meeting, what's the matter with me, the life committee member?
Are you having a hard time?


"Eh..." Tang Wulin took a look. There were indeed a lot of people there. He couldn't help but sit next to Mao Xiaoyao, wanting to chat with Hong Ling'er and Lan Siyi...

As the squad leader, I naturally want to get in touch with each other...

It's a pity that Hong Ling'er doesn't like that!
"Master squad leader, do you have any relationship with the two teachers?" Hong Ling'er smiled contemptuously at Tang Wulin, not paying attention to him as the squad leader at all.

"How to say?" Tang Wulin was puzzled. He did know Mr. Wuchangkong, and Mr. Shen Yi was his uncle... and Mao Xiaoyao's uncle. Of course, Mao Xiaoyao had never called him that.

Lan Siyi glanced at Hong Ling'er, she knew what Hong Ling'er wanted to say, so she couldn't help but look at Mao Xiaoyao, wanting to see his reaction...

The cat demon is calm!

"My master is a fifth-level blacksmith, you are only a fourth-level blacksmith, and Luo Guixing is a three-star blacksmith. If you didn't use some connections, then how did you become a blacksmith committee?" I despise Tang Wulin, who is so weak, and is also a member of the forging committee. It's really uncomfortable.

For this monitor, she will naturally not be convinced!

"This..." Tang Wulin looked at Mao Xiaoyao in surprise, and said, "Little brother, have you gone to the fifth-level blacksmith assessment?" He didn't even go to the assessment, and always wanted to keep a low profile...

"Of course! The fifth-level blacksmith badge!" Mao Xiaoyao threw Tang Wulin's own fifth-level blacksmith badge naturally and casually, meaning to take it for a look. level blacksmith.

He suddenly discovered that this apprentice is really useful.

Taunting Tang Wulin is really awesome!

"Yes, you are amazing. It seems that I also have to get a fifth-level blacksmith badge. Otherwise, no one will believe me as the monitor." Xiao Yao really wants to compete with herself...

Every time he wins against himself, the next day when they meet, Mao Xiaoyao smiles openly, doesn't scold him, and immediately hooks his shoulders to show off.

Why, Mao Xiaoyao wants to win herself so much?
Tang Wulin was a little confused.

"Are you also a fifth-level blacksmith? How could you be? My master is." Hong Ling'er was stunned, and looked at Tang Wulin in disbelief. Isn't the fifth-level blacksmith only his own master, Mao Xiaoyao? ?

Why is this unlucky squad leader too?

"Master?" Tang Wulin looked at Mao Xiaoyao and said, "Little Junior Brother, have you accepted an apprentice?"

This girl in red, Tang Wulin remembered, seemed to be called Hong Ling'er.

Martial Soul, Raging Flame Bow!It is very powerful, as long as the soul power is enough, it can launch unlimited flaming rocket attacks. The rocket has the ability to explode, and its strength is very terrifying!
Fire attribute, beat your own Blue Silver Grass!
"Why, don't you agree?" Hong Ling'er snorted coldly, anyway, my master is more handsome and prettier than you, and he also has his own girlfriend.

But, next, Hong Linger petrified...

"I'm your senior uncle, and your teacher is my little junior brother." Tang Wulin put his arm around Mao Xiaoyao's shoulder and said with a smile, "Right? Little junior brother..."

Gay is gay, the air froze instantly...

 According to the lunar calendar, July 7th is the Hungry Ghost Festival, and July 14th is the time to kill ducks. It's a festival, these two days are relatively busy.

  Recommended tickets, rewards, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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