The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 177 Spiritual Object!

Chapter 177 Spiritual Object!

The next day, Tang Wulin, the class monitor, became the second absentee in the class. The first one was naturally Mao Xiaoyao. When everyone else was laughing, only Mao Xiaoyao knew what Tang Wulin was doing—— Three Rings Soul Venerable.

After all, Feng Wuyu helped Tang Wulin!Help him improve his strength, soul master strength.

Didi, a few days later, in the Blacksmith Association of Shrek Academy, as usual, at this time of every month, Mao Xiaoyao will come to receive the rare metal benefits he deserves every month.

That's the benefit of a level [-] blacksmith!

"Little demon! You brat, why haven't you come to the blacksmith association recently? You know how to forge?" Feng Wuyu asked in confusion. Tang Wulin was Mu Chen's disciple, and he snatched it by himself, and he was also his own disciple. However, Mao Xiaoyao is also his disciple...

A more terrifying disciple, a disciple with his own forging technique...

Anyway, no matter how much Feng Wuyu studies, no matter how much she studies, she won't know the forging technique of the little cat...

The exclusive forging technique doesn't seem like a lie!

"Is there anything to learn, the strength is not enough, next time the alloy soul forging will be done! I'm very busy, let's go!" Mao Xiaoyao said indifferently, with a face of indifference.

Teach your Tang Wulin slowly!See how I abuse him in the future, hot chicken, about forging, Mao Xiaoyao has his own understanding, and also has his own forging method, apprenticeship, he just wants to get a higher authority...

For permissions!

For example, the disciple of the president of the Blacksmith Association of Shrek Academy!As a fifth-level blacksmith, this status has benefited him a lot, and his purpose has always been only this purpose.

Seeing that the cat demon left indifferently!Feng Wuyu was puzzled. Compared to Tang Wulin, Mao Xiaoyao was very strange. He seemed to be...

Forget it, forget it, today he wants to teach Tang Wulin something, he thought he could teach two apprentices...

The cat demon is back!

Learning, the knowledge of soul masters, Mao Xiaoyao is improving every day, and the cultivation of soul power is also improving little by little, but he has never entered the inner courtyard!
He had never seen Silver Dragon King Na'er either!He had never seen Na'er who was said to have a human soul, so how could he be inclined to humans?

As for Gu Yue, Mao Xiaoyao still couldn't figure it out. If he only experienced human life, he shouldn't experience everything, right?

Mao Xiaoyao is now studying things every day. During the actual combat training, he was abused by Shen Yi because of lack of concentration. It is like this every day...

The life of Shrek Academy is gradually passing through smoothly, as if nothing happened.

However, when Mao Xiaoyao found out that Tang Wulin also had a fifth-level blacksmith badge, he knew that this protagonist was a bit of a bully...

Especially the way Gu Yue looked at him seemed to be different!A little hot!
"Lezheng Yu, you bastard, do you want to learn Xie Xie's peeping too?" At the door of the work-student dormitory, the cat demon just opened the door of his own dormitory when he found Le Zhengyu who was sneaking around not far away. Waiting for someone, anyway, not waiting for yourself.

Startled, Lezheng Yu rolled his eyes, patted his chest, and said, "You're just peeping. I don't lack girlfriends. Where's Tang Wulin? I've been waiting for him for a long time. Where is he?" Lezheng Yu despised Looking at the cat demon, evil is evil, he stays in the room with his beautiful apprentice all day long, and he doesn't know what strange things he is doing, forging?Only ghosts believe it!

There is no place for forging in that room!

"He's in the Blacksmith Association, what do you want him for?" Mao Xiaoyao asked indifferently, he was studying with Muchen!Learning the knowledge of forging, two good teachers are teaching him, and he is making rapid progress every day.

"Eh..." My own person told me that there should be nothing wrong, Le Zhengyu was stunned for a moment, glanced at Mao Xiaoyao, and said: "I have already found several spiritual objects that he asked me to help find, and I am going to hand them over to you." He, made, it's very bad to do business with him, by the way, Xiao Yao, you are a fifth-level blacksmith, don't you have any metals to sell? I can sell them for you, and the price is absolutely fair!" Lezheng Yu has money in his family He belongs to the rich second generation.

He buys metal, can manufacture it into something, and then sell it!

Do business things!
"No, not enough!" Forged metal?The little cats and demons stayed because the soul beasts would need a lot of metal in the future, and besides, they didn't have enough metal for their mechs, what a fart!

Recently, he has taken a fancy to several metal mining factories outside Shrek City, and is planning a great plan with Black Cat, he wants to evacuate those metal mining factories.

"That's it." Lezheng Yu looked regretful.

The blue eyes turned, and the cat demon said: "Tang Wulin is so fierce, what kind of medicine does he need, made, show me."

Spiritual thing?

interesting!The little cat smiled.

Believe me, Lezheng Yu didn't refuse anything, and then took out a spiritual object and said, "No, that's it, I don't know what he needs to do." Tang Wulin entrusted himself to find something, which was theirs. Lezheng Yu didn't ask much about the purpose of the secret transaction between the two.

Suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao's eyes lit up, and he kept touching the spiritual object, as if... his eyes flashed a gloomy coldness, and then said: "Oh, this is not the kind of elixir I need!" He took the spiritual object very casually. Throwing it to Lezheng Yu, he couldn't help but sigh with disappointment.

Lezheng Yu put away the spiritual objects, and asked, "What elixir do you need? Maybe, I can find it for you. Of course, as a price, you must sell all the metals you forged to me in the future!" Businessman, do business Lezheng Yu began to plan for the business, two promising fifth-level blacksmiths to forge metal for himself, tsk tsk, after thinking about it, they are very rich!
"Ghost Grass!" The cat demon directly said the name of the metamorphosis grass in this world, ghost grass. Humans don't know the function of the metamorphosis grass, and it is used as a medicine to improve mental power, but the cat demon knows .

Previously, Mao Xiaoyao had successfully refined two Transformation Pills, real Transformation Pills, using the two Transformation Grass that was exchanged for contribution points.

During the holidays, the little cat and the black cat will go back to the Star Dou Great Forest. At that time, he can help some soul beasts transform into forms. At that time, he and the black cat will no longer be fighting alone.

Will have their own faithful friends!
"Damn! You are more ruthless than Tang Wulin, made, Ghost Grass is so expensive, such a scarce resource, how do you tell me to find it, the key is, what do you exchange for it?" Lezheng Yu gave Mao Xiaoyao a white look, Why are these two senior brothers, one more wonderful than the other, and the spiritual objects they need are so precious...

The Ghost Grass is not a Chinese cabbage. Of course, the Chinese cabbage cat demon will not look for him, but that kind of medicine that enhances mental power is really hard to come by...

Anyway, he doesn't do business at a loss, unless Mao Xiaoyao comes up with something that can tempt him, otherwise, he won't agree to Mao Xiaoyao.

"How about this? Spiritual training metal!" The cat demon smiled slightly, then took out a piece of spiritual training metal that he had forged, dangled it in front of Lezheng Yu, and said, "I will use as much ghost grass as I have. The spirit training metal is exchanged with you, in the future it may be battle armor, mecha, soul guide, soul training, everything will not let you suffer, the key is that you can find ghost grass!"

Businessmen like businessmen, Lezhengyu likes to make money, and Mao Xiaoyao likes Ghost Grass, so both parties can benefit from each other.

Being fooled by the little cat, Lezheng Yu couldn't help but look frenzied. Is this a promise from a talented blacksmith? made, Ghost Grass...

"Deal!" Lezheng Yu kept shaking hands with Mao Xiaoyao, and Mao Xiaoyao kept shaking hands with him, and they reached a definite deal.

Suddenly, the door of Mao Xiaoyao's dormitory opened.

Hong Ling'er was arranging her clothes, her little face was covered with sweat, and her face was slightly red, as if she was very tired!
"Master, I'm going back, that... let's do it tonight!" Hong Ling'er looked tired and relaxed her shoulders. It was her first time making a soul guide, and she almost blew herself up just now.

"Go back, pay attention to your body and rest more." Mao Xiaoyao nodded.

and many more?

What are you so tired of doing?


What are you doing tonight?

Lezheng Yu looked at Hong Ling'er who left exhausted, and then at Mao Xiaoyao, hey, let go quickly...

Is there something wrong with your mind?

How can you cooperate with such an evil person?
Then he slipped away and looked for Tang Wulin!
The cat demon scratched his head!




 Thanks, Zhaozhou! ! ! , Time to erase the memory of the past 100 book coins reward
(End of this chapter)

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