The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 178 Spirit Forging Alloy!

Chapter 178 Spirit Forging Alloy!

Everyday life is learning!
Today, Mao Xiaoyao learned to forge alloys from Feng Wuyu. Alloys, as the name suggests, combined metals are the fusion of two or more metals.

Is it very big!

That was the forging method that started at the sixth level of forging, but it was not a big problem. The little cat gave the damn Tang Wulin a hard blow.

The first one is done!
At this time, Tang Wulin, who refused to admit defeat, was frantically forging alloys at Feng Wuyu's place. He was very unwilling to lose to Mao Xiaoyao...

Youzai Youzai came out cheerfully, the cat demon was holding the alloy, and carried it on his shoulders in a very ungraceful manner, humming a little song, for fear that others would not know him...

No, someone called him to stop!

"Mao Xiaoyao!" A person appeared, this is a boy, not very handsome, and Mao Xiaoyao also knows him, who is not dead Xu Yucheng, seems to be very powerful, but he can be defeated by Tang Wulin, which means he Nor is the cat demon's opponent.

"What's the matter?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Xu Yucheng strangely. Could it be that this person also wants to be like the school girls, has some problems in life, and needs his life committee to help him deal with them?

life committee...

Mao Xiaoyao wanted to scold people very much. This position seems to be some kind of women's friend. There are really some problems in life. Girls all come to Mao Xiaoyao...

"Someone asked me to give you a communicator! I want you to contact him!" Xu Yucheng said softly, with a trace of respect, he gave Mao Xiaoyao a very advanced communicator, and then looked at Mao Xiaoyao in surprise. The spirit training alloy that the demon carried on his shoulders...




Who is looking for themselves?

Puzzled, Mao Xiaoyao took the communicator and dialed the only communication number inside, "Hello, who is it?" Which one is looking for me?Xu Yucheng?Who will he know?

From the communicator, a male voice came, with a trace of curse: "Xiao Yao, are you tired of working and haven't contacted me for so long?" On the communicator, Xu Haoqing was the first to start scolding, directly cursing the cat. The little demon paused, and hadn't contacted him for so long.

Last time, when he was in the Tianhai Alliance, Xu Haoqing found the cat demon, but when he sent someone to look for it, he found that the cat demon was not in Donghai College...

Then, missing for three years...

Recently, Xu Haoqing found out about Mao Xiaoyao's movements again, it seems to be in Shrek Academy, this time he finally got in touch with Mao Xiaoyao.

"Haoqing?" Mao Xiaoyao recognized Xu Haoqing's voice, beside it, there seemed to be two female voices, which seemed to be the voices of Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue.

"It's me!" Xu Haoqing said, and then, there was the sound of the communicator falling, as well as the voices of Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue, "I, I, we..."

"Quiet!" Xu Haoqing said sternly on the communicator, and the voice suddenly stopped...

Mao Xiaoyao smiled wryly, it really was them...

For three years, he didn't seem to have contacted Xu Haoqing, and he almost forgot that there was such a person, and the token in the space soul guide helped him a lot.

This is an identity!

Mao Xiaoyao can't forget this kindness. It was Xu Haoqing who helped him, so he could enter Donghai Academy so smoothly and get in touch with Gu Yue...

and have it all today!
"How are you guys doing lately? I'm in Shrek Academy, how about you?" Mao Xiaoyao asked, are you human friends?It turned out that he also had a few of them.

On the side of the communicator, Xu Haoqing said: "As usual, we are here with the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer, but you are so amazing that you actually joined Shrek Academy. It's okay. Why, are you so busy studying? Three years, you can't do it. Don't contact us?"

Xu Haoqing has always remembered Mao Xiaoyao, and has never forgotten him. The last time he went out to play with his two younger sisters, he was playing and suddenly disappeared...

After searching for a long time, Xu Haoqing found out that Mao Xiaoyao really joined Donghai Academy...

Then, it's the next thing.

"Didn't I get lost at that time? Hehe, I came to Shrek Academy after three years of joining Donghai Academy." Mao Xiaoyao said, in fact, at that time, he lied to Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue, sneaked away, and went back to Star Dou Da Forest, and then something happened, came out to join Donghai Academy.

From the communicator, there suddenly came the angry voices of two girls, both scolding Mao Xiaoyao for being shameless for cheating the two of them and causing them to be so worried.

"Haha, I have the opportunity to invite you to Shrek Academy, I invite you to dinner..." Mao Xiaoyao and Xu Haoqing chatted for a long time, for a long time, for a long time, talking about what they are doing, and some of their current strengths and so on!
The cat demon naturally said that Xu Haoqing is a member of the Sun Moon Federation, and if he has a relationship, then the cat demon will definitely be able to get a good position in the sun and moon in the future.


"Huh, they can really chat." After a few hours, Mao Xiaoyao finally heaved a sigh of relief, and kept talking non-stop, causing him to find a place to sit down and talk slowly. After all, in three years, there were indeed A lot of words.

"Are you... are you still there?" Mao Xiaoyao relaxed his muscles, ah, this talk is more tiring than fighting?

Xu Yucheng said: "You know how to forge alloys?" After waiting for a long time, there was no problem. He asked the question he had always wanted to ask. The thing under the feet of the little cat who kept stepping on it should be the spirit forging alloy, right?
Moreover, the identity of the cat demon seems to be not simple, and he actually knows...

"I just learned it, I'm not very proficient, and the failure rate is very high. Why do you want to try?" The cat demon will naturally not refuse when the business comes. Since he is interested in alloys, it proves that there is a demand for alloys on the other side.

"Indeed, I want you to help forge several kinds of metals into alloys. What is the degree of fusion of your metal?" The degree of fusion is a way to detect whether the alloy is good or bad, that is, to look at the degree of fusion. It shows that the alloy is better.

"For the first time, it's only 90.00% fusion, alas, there is no 100% fusion, and it seems difficult to not reach the sixth-level blacksmith." Mao Xiaoyao waved his hands helplessly_`, it is so miserable, [-]% fusion, This metal alloy is not so perfect.

Xu Yucheng's face twitched. What kind of monster is this? He is a fifth-level blacksmith at such a young age. Now, he is not satisfied with forging an alloy that can only be forged by a sixth-level blacksmith, with a fusion degree of 90.00%.
So those blacksmiths of the same age, can they commit suicide by jumping off the building...

After all, they are not that powerful!
"Forging alloys, wait for me to master it! It's unstable now, and the forging may fail. Of course, if you have metals that you can give me to experiment with, then I can accept it." Mao Xiaoyao smiled, alloys, at present, he is only the first Learn it, it will be useful when making mechas in the future. At that time, there should be no problem in forging alloys. After all, I have the art of refining weapons!

"Alright, let's do it in the future!" Xu Yucheng nodded, he didn't have so much metal for the little cat to experiment with, so he could do it in the future, don't worry about it, the task is completed, then he has to go back, let's go!

"Alloy!" At the same place, Mao Xiaoyao was thinking about Yaosheng, but he couldn't figure it out, so he patted his clothes and went back.



Soul guide?
Hehe, the cat demon naturally refines them as magical weapons!Let them become real magic weapons, not just soul guides.

In the future, it will be even stronger!

Magic weapon armor!

Magic weapon battle armor!

(End of this chapter)

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