The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 181 Magical Artifact Battle Armor?

Chapter 181 Magical Artifact Battle Armor?

Been through something!

The relationship between Mao Xiaoyao and Gu Yue also began to undergo a subtle change. Of course, this change was so vulnerable in front of Tang Wulin.

Daily classes, research experiments, forging metals.


The business-minded Mao Xiaoyao began to formally cooperate with Lezheng Yu. Lezheng Yu provided rare metals, and Mao Xiaoyao helped to forge them. Of course, as a price, Lezheng Yu also had to pay the forging fee.

Or give the cat demon the same price of rare metals!
However, Ghost Grass...

There wasn't one, and Lezheng Yu didn't notice it!

Daily cooperation, on this day, the two began to plot something mysteriously again!
"Ling'er, come here, come here." Xie Xie beckoned to Hong Ling'er wretchedly. Hong Ling'er had just come out of Mao Xiaoyao's dormitory. She was sweating profusely, and now she has become an excellent first-class girl. Blacksmith.

Hard work pays off!
It's not easy for a first-level blacksmith!

She can forge simple parts and invent little things too!

"Why?" Hong Ling'er looked at Xie Xie in puzzlement, and heard from her master that this guy called Xie Xie likes to spy on girls taking a bath.

She couldn't help but look wary!
A little embarrassed, Xie Xie hesitated to speak, it seemed embarrassing.

"What kind of perfume do you like?" Xie Xie took out a bunch of perfume, there are all kinds of brands, and it doesn't look like a cheap brand.

"Crazy!" Hong Ling'er gave her a contemptuous look, and then left. This person is really sick, so I have to stay away, it's too dangerous!

I never use it myself!

"Eh? You didn't answer me?" Xie Xie sighed, then looked worried at the perfumes.

If he asked Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue, they would definitely be ridiculed, so he wanted to ask Hong Ling'er, he was going to give Yuan En some gifts, an apology, but he didn't know what to give.

Just now, when passing by a perfume shop, I was tricked by an unscrupulous boss and bought a lot...

Confused, should I send it or not?
At this time, when he came out of Lezheng Yu's dormitory, the cat demon smiled happily. The metal transaction was successful, and the mission metal was delivered to Lezheng Yu. Now, he had to go out again to deliver the next mission.

"What did you say to my apprentice just now?" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly stopped the sneaky Xie Xie from behind, and patted him so hard that his perfume fell off.

Xie Xie looked back and breathed a sigh of relief, "Xiao Yao, what are you doing, what are you scaring me for?" It doesn't matter if it's Yuan En, hey, where's your perfume?Xie Chian touched it, why didn't he see it, where did he go?
"Perfume? Made, you're seducing my little apprentice!" The little cat fell on his back and gave a beating to thank him, "Made, don't earn money and donate some money to compensate, you always want to pick up girls?"

Xie Xie denied it and said: "What nonsense are you talking about, how can I like that kind of little girl."

"Oh, then you like the mature one like Yuan En?" Mao Xiaoyao said.

Xie Xie said: "Of course!" After thinking about it, it didn't seem right, then he shook his head and denied it, he definitely didn't go peeping because he liked Yuan En, explained, explained, the more he smeared, the more he explained, the more messed up he explained!

Yuanen in the dark almost ran away!
Tap, tap, the perfume disappeared, and then, the little cat patted the clothes and slipped away!

"Damn it!" Xie Chian touched his slapped face, why does this cat demon always like to slap his face?Black cat, if others look at it more, he will also beat them. Why, a little apprentice can't get close to him now?
Too possessive?
Xie Chi sighed, "Hey, where is my perfume?"

It was there just now, why, it’s gone now!
"Not good! Little cat!" Xie Xie suddenly remembered something and couldn't help going crazy, the damned little cat stole his perfume...

very expensive!
That was a gift he was going to give!
Shrek Academy, outside the school gate.

"I don't know, do black cats like it?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the bottle of perfume in his hand and smiled, opened the bottle and smelled it, the smell seemed good...

However, none of them smell as good as black cats!
Forget it, give it to those girls who need help in life, after all, I am a life committee member.

Outside the city, in an uninhabited area, an abandoned factory is very suitable for an unknown transaction. The cat demon asked Ye Xingchen to meet here. She has already forged the full set of battle armor she needs!
Of course, such a suitable place for bad cats to haunt, Ye Xingchen would naturally not come alone.

"Choose such a lousy place, Little Cat, don't you want to plot against my sister?" Ye Xinglan also came, and when she heard that her sister was going to trade her battle armor, she shouted that she would go too!

Face protection!

In fact, she also wanted to see what kind of abilities this cat demon had.

"Very punctual!" Looking at his sister, Ye Xingchen shook his head and smiled at the little cat.

"Well! Sister Xingchen's stuff, I haven't forgotten, and I've been forging it seriously." Mao Xiaoyao also smiled at Ye Xingchen.

As for Ye Xinglan!
Mao Xiaoyao chose to ignore Ye Xinglan. If she really had some unreasonable thoughts, how could these two sisters speak so calmly?

The first one is definitely xxoox Ye Xinglan you!

Ha ha!

"You!" Ye Xinglan was very angry, glaring, this damn cat demon ignored him again!

"Quiet!" Ye Xingchen glared at his sister.

Ye Xinglan pouted in a rare way, and looked at her sister with aggrieved eyes, which was quite different from her usual appearance.

The cat demon froze for a moment!
Immediately, from the space soul guide, he took out the first battle armor he made for Ye Xingchen, which was also the first battle armor he made!

A pair of water blue battle armor!It is mainly sea blue steel at the peak of Thousand Forging Power, and other metals, alloys, sea blue steel, which is a very common rare metal. When Mao Xiaoyao designed it, Ye Xingchen's water element martial soul was considered.

Sea blue steel, absorbing water, can be said to be a very poor rare metal, because metal will become heavier after absorbing water, and it will be easily damaged...

However, Mao Xiaoyao just needs to absorb water, because then, the boost of this battle armor will be very powerful, without the boost of water element, the battle armor can actively absorb the power of water element...

At this time, the blue battle armor, under the control of the cat demon's soul power, was suspended in the air, as if waiting for its owner.

Water, Ye Xingchen's martial spirit is very common, that is water, water element, water blue water, Mao Xiaoyao once asked Ye Xingchen, what color does she like?
Ye Xingchen's answer was blue, because that was her favorite color of the ocean, blue!

"Try it! I'll help you protect the law, and I won't let anyone affect you!" Mao Xiaoyao also wanted to see the battle armor he forged, and the core magic circle that he combined with the demon clan's refining technique and forging technique. , will it be stronger.

In fact, this battle armor is a magic weapon!

A magic weapon battle armor!
(Kunlun demon world weapon level: magic weapon, Tao weapon, treasure weapon, holy weapon, immortal weapon, divine weapon, ancestor weapon, small level, divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and best.)
"It will grow with you, two characters, three characters, four characters, you don't need to change the metal of the battle armor, you just need to forge it with other metals." The first magic weapon, the battle armor, is also my first magic weapon. The weapon, the first magic weapon battle armor combined with refining technique and forging technique, Mao Xiaoyao said excitedly: "You put a drop of your own blood into the battle armor and try it, it will be easier to fuse it into the martial spirit! "Come on, don't be afraid!
Ye Xingchen, who had been in shock the whole time, froze for a moment, what would he want his blood for?

Ye Xinglan was also puzzled, could it be that the little cat is a pervert?
However, when Ye Xingchen frowned and endured the pain, he bit his white and tender fingers, and the blood slowly dripped on the blue battle armor...



(End of this chapter)

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