The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 182 One-word battle armor master, Ye Xingchen!

Chapter 182 One-word battle armor master, Ye Xingchen!

Recognize the Lord with blood!

In the Kunlun Demon Realm, every monster cultivator basically knows how to refine his own magic weapon. For example, there are also cat demons. When he was in the Kunlun Demon Realm, he didn’t refine it very much. The key is that he picked it up when he was patrolling the mountains. A bunch of good stuff... (Mountain Patrol has everything!)
It's a pity that, except for the ancestral bell, all the magic weapons of Mao Xiaoyao were broken by the Tiger King, and Mao Xiaoyao was also beaten back to its original form and sent to Douluo Continent.

Now, Ye Xingchen's recognition of the master with a drop of blood is the most critical type of weapon refining technique. Once the master is recognized, then this magic weapon, the blue battle armor, will become her property. Unless she dies, no one can use it .

Of course, except some bigwigs!
The bright red blood dripped slowly, and the blue battle armor emitted a trace of blue power, which began to spread, as if it had been activated by its own life, it began to disintegrate, one by one parts were flying in the air, and then, starting from the feet, Start assembling one by one...

Little by little, when the blue helmet was finally installed, Ye Xingchen's full set of battle armor was completed.

Throughout the whole process, Ye Xingchen was releasing his martial soul!

Generally, when the battle armor is fused with the martial soul, the person who fuses will show a painful expression. After all, the battle armor is a foreign object, and the process of fusing the martial soul will definitely be very difficult. Some people even fail and cannot become Battle armor master.

However, the bug of recognizing the master by dripping blood is like the little cat patrolling the mountain. Recognizing the master by dripping blood itself is a blood contract signed with the blue battle armor.

After recognizing the master with a drop of blood, the blue battle armor had the same aura as Ye Xingchen himself, so when the blue battle armor fused with the martial spirit, the martial spirit did not reject it...

Fusion is successful!

The blue battle armor is also absorbing the power of the water element. The perfect battle armor is perfectly integrated with the martial soul.

"Sister, your aura..." Ye Xinglan was stunned for a moment, this blue battle armor is too beautiful!Those lines, those magical runes...

Is this really, designed by this damn cat demon?
She doesn't believe it!
Do not believe!

Do not believe!

"Mao Xiaoyao, are you cheating on my sister? Doukai don't have any helmets, so seal the Doukai, do you want to suffocate my sister?" Ye Xinglan suddenly found a serious problem, no, no, this blue Doukai, Good-looking is good-looking, and it looks very powerful, but this is too sealed!


what design is this...

So handsome!

"Are you a pig? Didn't I think of this problem when I designed the battle armor?" The cat demon gave Ye Xingchen a blank look, and said, "Sister Xingchen, you should have a good understanding of how to use the helmet by now." Why don't you give it a try?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at her perfect magic weapon, the battle armor. It was called a battle armor, not a armor. Temporarily added a magic helmet.

Terrible helmet!

Versatile helmet!
Night vision, telephoto, anti-virus, waterproof, etc...

As for Mao Xiaoyao's own armor design, it is definitely not just multifunctional, what he wants is to be more powerful and intelligent.

"Let me understand, no problem!" Ye Xingchen nodded slightly, the helmet moved, and then her clear and pleasant voice came out.

How to use the helmet!

When the helmet was put on, the instruction manual appeared in front of Ye Xingchen's eyes, very domineering!She can't do without looking.

"You can talk, you can talk!" Ye Xinglan was as excited as a three-year-old child who got candy, and pointed to her sister's blue battle armor. Unfortunately, it was her sister's candy.

Not yours!A bit disappointed.


strong power!
Very excited, finally became a battle armor master, Ye Xingchen has been waiting for this moment for a long time, before, she wanted to ask a powerful blacksmith to forge it, and today she finally succeeded.

At this time, she felt a powerful force, the power from the increased strength of the battle armor, "Xinglan, let's fight?"

In the past, she was no match for her sister!
However, now that he has the Doukai, Ye Xingchen is confident of defeating his genius sister!
"Come on!" Ye Xinglan smiled. She was not afraid of her elder sister who had a battle armor. She was naturally aggressive and would fight if she refused. She also wanted to see how much strength the cat demon's battle armor gave her sister!

Ye Xinglan's martial soul is a sharp long sword. In terms of attack, it must crush Ye Xingchen. Water and sword, they have the same father and mother. The younger sister inherits the father's martial soul, and the older sister inherits the mother's martial soul.

Since she was a child, Ye Xinglan's talent was better than her sister's, she cultivated faster, and her martial spirit was also stronger.

So now?

Mao Xiaoyao found a place where people could eat melons, took out a pack of dried fish from the soul guide, and watched the battle between the two sisters leisurely.

It's a good time to observe, which aspect of my Doukai technology needs to be strengthened!
At the beginning of the battle, Ye Xingchen moved, without too much nonsense, with the boost of her battle armor, her water elemental power became even stronger.

If it was a small faucet before, it is now an unimpeded water pipe.

(Not dirty!)
The power of the water element gushes out!

"Water Bomb!" Ye Xingchen raised his arm, aimed at his sister who was moving at high speed, and activated the first soul skill. This soul skill is amazing, once it is activated, it can be used all the time, but it also consumes a lot of soul flying.

Water bombs, as the name suggests, are water polo bombs that will explode.

At this time, a blue water polo condensed in the center of Ye Xingchen's palm. It was as big as a fist, but small in size, but about a ton of water elements were compressed inside!
Aim and launch!

In the helmet, it is naturally possible to aim. Ye Xingchen uses a little of her mental power to inject it into the helmet, then she can connect to the inner neural circle of the helmet. When the soul guide device in the helmet starts to track Ye Xinglan.

Under spiritual connection!

It was as if Ye Xingchen was using his spiritual power to completely block Ye Xinglan's movement!

The water polo, like a fast-moving bullet, carries the trajectory of the water element, and after leaving a trace of water element in the air, it evaporates instantly!

"How is it possible, so fast!" The water polo precisely hit Ye Xinglan's body and exploded. In the past, my sister's attacks on the water polo were very slow, so she could dodge whatever she wanted, but now...

Ye Xinglan didn't dare to be careless!
Small water polo?
She knows her sister!

In defense, she slashed with a backhand sword, the domineering sword energy turned into a sharp blade, and slashed on the water polo, the water polo was split in half!

But, water, how do you split it?

Although the power of the water polo is affected by the sword energy, it cannot stop its progress!
The water polo exploded, and all the water elements gushed out in an instant. Ye Xinglan was blown away and almost hit the wall of the abandoned factory. The power of a water explosion must be extraordinary!
She stays in shape!

At this time, a bunch of water bombs came attacking densely like money-free ones, bang, bang, bang, bang!

"Damn it!" There were too many water bombs, so many that Ye Xinglan's scalp tingled, but she also showed her great strength, dodging the water polo, and started to fight back!
A sword fell!
duang! ! !

The powerful defense of the Doukai was fully demonstrated at this time, and some attacks that could determine the outcome seemed optional under the defense of the Doukai.

Ye Xinglan wanted to curse!

How to fight this thing?
Is the battle armor master really that scary?

Sitting and watching sisters fight, Mao Xiaoyao is very leisurely.

Soon, Ye Xinglan was defeated!

A one-word battle armor master, the strength of the boost is too strong, Ye Xingchen is now a three-ringed soul master, and the one-word battle armor directly boosts her to the four-hundred soul sect...

Even stronger!

After all, this is the Refining Armor!
 New week, cuties, how many votes do you want to use to push my ass?

(End of this chapter)

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